Sunday, September 10, 2017

"Beauty Before Anger"

I finally got a butterfly on a yellow flower. They really like the red and pink ones best. 9-10-2017 Perryton, TXBeauty before anger
I came home from church today feeling so blessed. The pastor delivered a wonderful sermon, and the dinner after church was ever so good. I ate too much, and had to lie down and rest awhile after I got home. After all I have just told you about the blessing I received from church, the enemy still caught me off guard, and tried to make me angry. We were waiting in the dinning room for the line to form for the food, and I suddenly felt snubbed by one of my dear friends. I had thought we were going to sit together, but without a word of anything different, my friend walked away to another person. This friend is one of quick mood changes, but I wasn’t expecting her mood to change this morning. She and I had left the widower, and widow‘s,
meeting last evening agreeing to see each other today at church. I was a little late for church so I had to sit apart from her. I would have had to crawl over another lady to get to my friend. I just took the next open seat. I don’t know If this is what made her act this way toward me, but I really don’t intend to let it anger me. The sermon this morning won’t allow for me to do that. However, the human nature in me wanted to make me say, “kiss my foot.” I ended up sitting with some very nice people at the dinner, that made me proud. They chose to sit by me. I noticed my friend had to change her first, and second, chose of seating because someone else had it taken.

This is not the response one usually gives after hearing a great sermon at church like this morning. I believe that sermon made the demon spirit mad, and he went to work quickly to tear down any good it might have been to the members. The sermon was, “Owe no one nothing but Christian love.” Romans 13: 8-14. The Pastor said we owe God a Christian debt, that can only be paid by loving all Christians. This message was powerful, especially since our church experienced a split a few years ago. Because of disagreement among the members, some decided to leave and start another church. That church has now been dissolved, and some of the members might like to come back to us. I’m not sure, but possible some of the original members may be having a problem with that. I took the message that way.

Well guess what. Satan was in our service today, and he didn’t like the though of our church making restitution, and joining together again to praise God for all of His wonderful blessings. I feel like I was one of the first he attacked, but he can just forget it. I’m on a solid rock, (Christ Jesus,) and I shall not be moved. I had no idea I was going to write this message when I sat down at the computer, but it came out with a fighting spirit against no one, but Satan himself. I am looking forward to great blessings for the Church I have attended for over 35 years.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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