Thursday, September 28, 2017

"Cheers And Tears For The World To See"

Steve Scalise, ( LA republican representative,) back on House Floor today after 3.5 months recovering from a gun shot wound. 9-28-2017 Perryton, TX

A very exciting, and emotional moment this morning on the Senate floor when LA state representative, Steve Scalise walked through the door on crutches. This was his first appearance since being shot on the baseball practice field three and one-half months ago. A loud applause welcomed him for several minutes. As Steve began to speak, the applause continued. His speech was so touching it brought both tears, and cheers. Steve gave God  credit for him being there today, although he mentioned several brave, and honorable people who were remarkable with helping him to recover. The highlight of this important event is Steve Scalise has rebounded and is back on the Senate floor today.

Now for my comment. I am saying again for the numerous time, that this great nation we know as America, is under attack from enemies within our own citizens. It is not Democrats, or Republicans, but an evil spirit that has filtered within both, and some of neither party, trying to conquer the freedom God gave us two hundred and forty seven years ago. Although I am not a prophet I am trying to be positive, and say our freedom will never be taken. But I have to say it’s a long way off. Much fighting, and bloodshed will happen before victory can be completed. I also believe God is calling all men, women, and children to the action line. Every human will be required to take a stand for, or against, God. There are many laughing at us now, but rest assured they are the haters of God. Everyone will be tested to prove their loyalty to God.

Steve Scalise was tested, and he stood firm on his belief in God. After three and one half months of struggling for his life, he is still standing firm on God. Our President Trump has been tested every since taking the oath of office. Unbeknown to the average person this President has been dragged through the fire as well as his family. His strength, and power comes from the Heavenly Father. He will fight for us till the last breath has been exhausted. Only God knows when that will be. Our Vice-President is also of the same blood-of-the Lamb. There is no doubt that this is a fierce battle between God and Satan, but “He that is in you is greater than he who is without.” John 4:4. Only those that are sure God is within them, will be winners over Satan. Those of you who mock the Christian believers will surely be put to death. That is not to say that some Christian believers will not die also, but their reward in Heaven will be great. Hell fire will be the reward of the unbelievers. As we live we serve one of two masters, either God or Satan. The bible says we cannot serve both. Matthew 6:24. You, and I, are servers, even though we may not know it. I know whom I serve. I will not be shy in letting that be known. Choose ye today in whom you will serve.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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