Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Keeping My Sins Under The Blood"

                                My photo today 9-16-2017 Myrtle Jean Sharp  Perryton, TX

I am posting a picture of myself after I have gotten ready for the Widow and Widower’s dinner tonight. I don’t want anyone to forget how I look. Sometimes I hardly recognize myself. I can’t quite explain that, although I have trouble recognizing some of my friends sometimes. I think older people are more apt to change faster than do younger ones. At least I know I am changing day by day, both physically, and mentally. If I can manage to keep my weight down, remember to color my hair, and not let it get too long, I think people will recognize me. I have been so surprised at times when I needed to go to the store for something, but I had been working in the yard most of the day, and had sweated my butt off. I thought, well maybe nobody will recognize me, or possibly I won’t see anyone that knows me. How wrong I was. It was these times that people seem to be the most friendly, and wanted to hug me. Through my embarrassment, I pretended to be normal. What a sad day when we have to pretend we are something we are not. At the same time I think God expects us to use our make-up talent to be the most beautiful person we can be. I don’t waste much time in trying to be pretty, but I am going to a special dance next Friday night, and I plan to take all day to pretty myself up. I heard there would be some men there. At least I’m going prepared.

I don’t know why I have been feeling so blessed lately. But I have been through a few trials recently, and I think I have conquered most. I have to believe that. At least I am not going to be defeated while I wait for the next trial to come. I have even been doing some house cleaning that I thought I would never do again. What a joy to see my glass storm doors sparkling again. To open drawers that have been eradicated of junk, and find a certain outfit I want to wear without going through six closets of clothes. Yes, that makes an old person feel young again. The only thing I regret doing is fulfilling my desire to cook. I have gained back two pounds since I started baking again, and I can’t seem to stop it. My brain is loaded with delicious recipes that I love to fix, and then eat. The wonderful cook my mother was, taught me too much. My husband loved my mom’s cooking, so I tried to make him love mine. I succeeded in that endeavor. After I lost my husband I lost several pounds, but I miss the good food almost as much as I miss him. Life is a daring experience every day, but if we determine to be good mortals, and have patience,  we will  come through with flying colors. I seek this personal advise every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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