Monday, July 31, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Another Mad Dog Made To Run"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Mad Dog Made To Run":                       Threatening loose dog looking straight at me. 7-31-2017 Perryton, TX I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the ...

"Another Mad Dog Made To Run"

                      Threatening loose dog looking straight at me. 7-31-2017 Perryton, TX

I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the peaceful atmosphere I enjoy every day. People walking, slow traffic, students practicing football in school play yard across the street, neighbors visiting with each other, and a nice cool breeze to remind us how hot it had been the past several days. Almost every time I sit out on my front porch, the little dog, Molly, from next door comes over to visit me. Her owner keeps the garage door open so she can walk freely to my house, and my neighbors house next door. That is her boundaries, and she never goes beyond them.

I had barely sit down last evening when like a flash this big, angry-looking dog appeared on my front lawn. He stood still and looked me in the eye for several seconds, the he made a threatening bark at me. I immediately turned my eyes to Molly’s garage hoping she didn’t come out this time. She has been attacked before by mean dogs, and had to be taken to the doctor. Her owner was watching, and was able to reach her before she was severely injured. I made sure I was sitting close enough to my door till I could have jumped in the house if the dog came for me. I started talking with a demanding  voice for him to go away. I kept threatening him, and finally he began to slowly walk away. Molly never came out of the garage, but I think it was because she remembers the time she was attacked. That little dog is  smarter than a whip. She understands almost everything you say to her. She has had strict, but good upbringing.

I believe we still have a few threatening dogs in our U.S. governing system. The growl, and the threatening barks seems to be determined not to leave our President, and the people who elected him, alone. I, for one, am standing guard over this rightful, God-given President. He is well trained, and knows when to stay in, and when to come out. He knows his boundaries, and will not exceed them. However, he is also smart enough to take on any of the threatening mad dogs who he may have to show his real strength to. Unlike little Molly, he is large, and can defend his people without any doubt. I believe he appreciates all of his guards, but make no mistake, our President can maneuver this voyage, and may have to prove it by destroying all unfriendly dogs. I can already see some of it happening. One by one they are going down in defeat in some form or another. To all the little Molly’s, be smart, keep your security, and don’t take chances, but to all the bully-proof, God believing, warriors, go get’ um. God will never leave us to fight our battles alone, neither will our President. I would love to hear your commits on this perspective.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "God Send These Apples To Africa"

Jean's Comment's: "God Send These Apples To Africa":                      Apples going to waste. Tired of apple pies. 7-30-2017 Perryton, TX My back yard has been very fruitful this summer...

"God Send These Apples To Africa"

                     Apples going to waste. Tired of apple pies. 7-30-2017 Perryton, TX

My back yard has been very fruitful this summer, but nothing has been preserved. Apples, plums, grapes, blackberries, rhubarb, and asparagus. I enjoyed some of all of it while it was fresh, but nothing was canned or frozen for later on. “The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37. Living alone I do not need any large amount of food stored up. I rake out lots of food that I cook, because I cannot eat it all even when I try to cook small portions. Then I eat out a lot also, because most of my meetings with friends include a meal. In the past I have given away lots of canned goods, but now I am not able to do the hard work I used to do. I am always reminded at times like this, of all the little starving children over seas who I see on television with nothing but bones for a body. Their little pleading eyes nearly kill me. But it is still nice to see the wonderful fruits and vegetables producing in my back yard without me doing anything to cause it. I do water and spray them, but I may stop that after this year.

I received a call from one of my sisters this morning. She was wanting to plan a trip to a nearby place for she, and another sister, to meet me and spend a couple of nights. I was excited to be asked to do that since I have been needing to get away for awhile. We will be making plans in the near future, and I am looking forward to it. We always have a good time together, and for a short while we feel close to our deceased mom and dad, and our brothers. It is a time of relaxing and building up our faith together. Nothing could be more rewarding than “sister time together.” Our other sister lives too far away to join us on this trip. We will miss her, and I know she will miss being with us. It’s strange how God always comes to our rescue when life gets too dull to enjoy anything. I am in a shouting mood after that call. Thank you Lord. I think I can now get some things done that I’ve been putting off for a long time while waiting for the approaching trip.

One of my closest friends and I, have been through some pretty big hurdles this past six weeks, but both of us have been blessed with a victory reward. It just takes these hurdles sometimes to make us remember how Great God is, and that He still answers prayer. We both have to praise God for being so good to us, when we didn’t deserve it. Strength replaces weakness, and success replaces failure when we are laden down with these two flaws. Thank God again for helping us to keep the faith. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp,

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Let It Rain On Us Dear Lord"

Jean's Comment's: "Let It Rain On Us Dear Lord":                                       The rain has helped so much. 7-29-2017 Perryton, TX   So happy to report another ½ inch of rain la...

"Let It Rain On Us Dear Lord"

                                      The rain has helped so much. 7-29-2017 Perryton, TX

  So happy to report another ½ inch of rain last night. I believe more is still coming. Thank you
 Jesus. Everything is looking so much better, even my attitude. I know God still hears and answers prayer. I can't  imagine what my wheat farmer neighbors are thinking. This moister gives them the perfect soil    conditioner to drill their seed in. Our community should be filled with praise, and admiration to our loving God. If God can take care of a small community like us, He can take care of the whole world. He can rain blessing upon our President, and every inch of dry faith can be restored to victorious flows of shouts, and expectations. Let the dust cover our lives no more. There is no time to be still while we collect dust. Even in the slightest way we can be a servant of God every day. The idol, and silent body, and voice, is surly a help to Satan. We do not have to see everything good that comes from our own temple. We are suppose to be hid behind the cross, and cannot see the results of our faith all the time. That is why we look forward to the Glorious place called Heaven. It is there that we reap the heaps of peace, and joy, from our earthly deeds. Our new bodies will never know any pain nor sorrow. There will be no desires in our heart because everything desirable will already be with us. Every once in awhile we need a new refill in our lives. I think I have just received one, thank you Lord. When we need something badly, God knows it, and supplies that need, always. If He should let us be overtaken by an enemy, I believe it was His plan in the beginning. It was just time for us to leave this earth for our heavenly home. We would be called a martyr, and great is the reward of a martyr for God. It takes a renewing of the Holy Spirit in our lives daily to keep the courage that a martyr must have. But little faith brings little rewards. The battle is on. Let us fight the good fight, and be not dismayed.

My wonderful dinner of B-B-Q ribs, and baked sweet potato is cooking. I plan to treat myself with some of the blessings God gives me here on this earth. I am given a small portion of what God has for me after this life. But I really think it’s wonderful to be fed with delicious foods for this mortal life. My earthly desire is that every human being on this earth could eat as well as I. To me it is as good as eating at the Kings table, even if sometimes it’s just a ham salad sandwich. Everything taste good when you are served by the angels of heaven. They are my invisible cooks. “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow I may call you home.” Revised a bit.                                                                               

God Bless                                                                                                                                        
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                                                                                                           

Friday, July 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Bunny Hop Morning"

Jean's Comment's: "A Bunny Hop Morning":               Young bunny jumps out of my flower garden this morning. 7-28-2017 Perryton, TX This young bunny rabbit jumped out of my fl...

"A Bunny Hop Morning"

              Young bunny jumps out of my flower garden this morning. 7-28-2017 Perryton, TX

This young bunny rabbit jumped out of my flower garden this morning when I open the door. It looks about half grown. The picture is magnified by my camera. Again I say I love sharing my home with friendly little animals and birds. There is life, other than me, around here. After the 1 and ¼ inch of rain last night the cool, wet, ground is wonderful. The birds and animals seem to be enjoying it also. I am rejoicing to the highest since the grass was all turning yellow. The sprinkler didn’t seem to help much. The grass will be ready to mow next week. At least it won’t be straw.

I visited with a friend on the telephone last night for over an hour. She lives in another city, and we talk a lot by phone. She was explaining something to me that I had not heard of before. Sometime ago she had a small tumor removed just above her eyebrow. The scar left her with just one half of an eyebrow. She had found a, hair restorer, doctor in Oklahoma City who  implants new eyebrows for people such as her. The procedure was painful, because she refused to take any drugs to keep down some of the pain. She was happy with the results, but has to go back for some follow up procedures. I guess I am very naïve’ but being a simple, plain, satisfied, lady of nature, I just do as little as I can to make myself artificial. I want God to recognize me when I go to live with Him in my eternal home. Of course my friend wasn’t doing anything to look artificial. She was just trying to restore her first God-given face. I can’t see anything wrong with that. However, I probably would have been satisfied with drawing the rest of my eyebrow with a pencil marker. I do give myself some extra facial help by marking through my eyebrow slightly. I help my natural hair color to return to original also. Yes, and I have had some false teeth put in. I have had some extra veins sewn into my heart, and even have some wire holding things in place there. All this is not to say I have changed my original looks. I just, like my friend, fixed what had to be replaced.

You will never see me putting tattoos on my body, or making holes all over my body to put jewels, or emblems of heathenism through. I do have one tiny hole in each ear for jewelry that my husband bought me. I was fifty when he bought me a set of diamond studs for pierced ears. No one will ever know how much I prayed about that before I finally got my ears pierced. My bible tells me that our bodies are the Temple of the Lord. Therefore, I want my body to look more like a  sanctuary than a Hindu Pyramid. A sanctuary is well organized, spiritually designed, clean, and arranged for perfect worship to the only Holy God who created the world and all that’s in it. Does our bodies meet this description?  We all must try our best to be presentable to Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Feeling Of Greatness"

Jean's Comment's: "A Feeling Of Greatness":                      The bare ground is proof of weed eradication. 7-27-2017 Perryton, TX How nice it is to have much cooler temperature...

"A Feeling Of Greatness"

                     The bare ground is proof of weed eradication. 7-27-2017 Perryton, TX

How nice it is to have much cooler temperature. We are still waiting on rain, but the cooler weather helps a lot. The flowers are fairing well, and that is so important to my happiness. I keep the weeds and grass cut down so the bare ground is proof of that. My biggest outside job is keeping the fallen apples raked up off the lawn. There are many more still on the trees yet to fall. The birds are helping a lot to clean up the apples on the ground. They ate all the plums and grapes, now they are eating apples. I don’t know what they survive on through the winter, because I don’t feed them. They probably eat meat through the winter, and fruit through the summer. I’m sure worms are always available. God knows how to feed the sparrows.

I have spoken with all three of my sisters this morning. I’m so thankful for the blessings these sisters are to me. They all live far from me, but just a call away. I love them so much, and I think they love me. I’ve also been invited to take a trip to Kerrville, TX by a friend who is excited to go and see the magnificent, “The Coming King,” Sculpture Prayer Gardens, The Empty Cross, and many more incredible sights that have been created through a vision prophesied just a few years ago. It has become a reality, and millions of sight seers visit the sacred place yearly. It has been said that when you get within close sight of this place one can feel the power of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. I am praying that I can take this trip with the friend who has invited me to go. It is 500 miles from where I live, and I don’t drive as much as I used to, but just maybe it will work out. My friend lives almost that far in an opposite direction than I, and she don’t drive as much as she used to either. I do want to listen, and obey the Spirit of God in all things that I am asked to do. I know God does work in mysterious ways.

I can almost feel a way now that I can accept this invitation. It just came to me while I was writing. I will continue to work on this hopeful adventure. There is a reason for all things, and I have been offering myself for a tool to help God dig out the deep rooted sin that has choked out his beautify Garden of Paradise. I am in shape since I dig out weeds from my flower garden every day. Keep me in your prayers, and I will keep you posted on what happens next. I am beginning to feel too fragile to fulfill my promise to God, but I know from whence my strength cometh.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "God Looks At The Heart"

Jean's Comment's: "God Looks At The Heart":           Bird sitting on stump planter this morning makes me happy. 7-26-2017 Perryton, TX                 Animals begging for rain. Go...

"God Looks At The Heart"

          Bird sitting on stump planter this morning makes me happy. 7-26-2017 Perryton, TX
                Animals begging for rain. God says, expect it tonight. 7-26-2017 Perryton, TX

A look outside my back door this morning makes me feel thankful to have a blessed home such as I share. I have water to drench the flowers, in draught-like weather, birds to perch on the planters, and little animal figurines to pray for rain. I awake each morning with a new joy of hope and love. At the end of the day I am tired, frustrated, tension struck, and unwilling to go to bed. I feel like I need to stay up and do something for our troubled country. Then a little voice speaks and says, “Pray, read your bible, and go to bed.” I do just that, and the next morning I am so glad I listened to that little voice. I have several hours of relaxing with a cup of coffee, watching the latest news, and eating a balanced breakfast. Then I go to my computer and start communicating with family and friends. After that I start writing my feelings down on my blogspot, and send them out for people all over the world to read. I have at least one half as many people over seas reading my blogs as I do in the U S. I have to be thankful for that. If God can bless people  through me, I am so glad to spend the time to unload my happy heart. No one ever knows just what good may come from a simple few words spoken directly from the heart. That is if our hearts are right with God. My days work is finished when that little voice says, “Pray, read your bible, and go to bed.” Oops, I’m a day older, and closer to my eternal home. What else would I rather be closer to? After all life starts with a beginning to come to an end. No one escapes that, so we would be wise to look forward to that last and final day. I’m leaving all my belongings behind, because all of my important treasures are already in heaven.

Here comes my word of wisdom for today. “Forget yourself, and start living for God. You make people turn against you when you do otherwise. You can undress to show off your sexy body, but you better be showing the part that requires feelings from deep inside that body. The heart hates the ugly sex organs, and without the heart you would not have them.” These words of wisdom were given to me many years ago by the Holy Spirit. I have not made them a 100 percent priority in my life, but I always remember them when I start to get too worldly. The more modest we are the more people will love us. “Beauty comes from the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 KJV. Many more verses back this Godly statement up. I don’t believe in covering every inch of your body with garb, but I do believe one should dress modest, and leave plenty for the imagination, as my husband used to say.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Wasting Away"

Jean's Comment's: "Wasting Away":                  Apples gloria. Can't keep them raked off the yard. 7-25-2017 Perryton, TX I had vowed not to do any canning this ye...

"Wasting Away"

                 Apples gloria. Can't keep them raked off the yard. 7-25-2017 Perryton, TX

I had vowed not to do any canning this year. Since I am alone, and don’t use much canned stuff, I am going to pass it up. But I hardly can watch bushels of apples being raked up and thrown into the dumpster every few days. I have offered them to others, but no one wants to mess with them. I suppose if my large freezer had not played out I may have changed my mind, but that is the case, and really I’m glad. Several people I know would be glad to take all the apples I put into bags and freeze. Also they would gladly take all the apple pies I make. But no one wants to do the work themselves.

I find that to be true with just about everything to do with the perseverance of our country. Far too many people think the good will always be there for them without any effort on their part to preserve it. The cheer leaders are even becoming a thing of the past. Evil demonstrators have taken over what used to be called cheer leaders. The fact of the matter is idol worshipers, as they were called in ancient days, have increased one hundred fold, and the jealous God who created every human being is bringing them to justice. All things that are good must be preserved, lest they rot and stink, leaving ugly residue for beautiful, faithful people to deal with. God’s patience did run out in bible times, and the punishment was anything but an easy death. I see this happening now all around the world. Have some people crossed the line with God? They certainly did that in bible times, and as far as I can see, very few who betrayed God every received mercy. I believe that was because they never changed, but was once wicked, always wicked. That could have been because there was no forgiveness once people betrayed God.  Remember there was no savior in those times who could forgive sin. The sad part is many people today do not believe we have a savior still. Therefore, they will never be forgiven. The jealous God who is still owner of all human kind, is the same God who brought idol worshipers to justice in ancient times. He sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth to be a sacrifice for all sin, but He also put guidelines for people to follow if they wanted to become Christians, and followers of Him through out their life. God made no allowance for idol worshipers. His Word plainly says, “either you are with Me or you are against Me.”  “No man can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ.”  John 14:6. 

As little as I am, 5’3”, one hundred and twenty pounds, 84 years old, I am still big enough, and wise enough, to tell you about how you can change your life, from idol worship to Godly worship. Join me again for more knowledge of the Powerful, Almighty God, that I serve.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Gentle And Less Gentle"

Jean's Comment's: "Gentle And Less Gentle":             Molly came over to tell me how she had been mistreated. 7-24-2017 Perryton, TX While I was sitting on my front porch last ev...

"Gentle And Less Gentle"

            Molly came over to tell me how she had been mistreated. 7-24-2017 Perryton, TX

While I was sitting on my front porch last evening, Molly, from next door, came over to get sympathy from me. Her human parents had taken their camper and gone on a short trip and left Molly locked up in the back yard with access to the garage. Of course myself, and my next-door neighbor, was keeping an eye on her, and feeding, and watering her. She just hates to be locked up. She has been trained to stay in her own yard except she can come to my , and my next door neighbor’s house. She never breaks that rule, but she feels mistreated when she can’t come over several times a day. She was looking pretty sad last evening, so I petted her, and gave her a sweet talking to. Her parents have taken several short trips this summer, and I think Molly is feeling mistreated. She is o k for one or two times, but more than that she gets sad. Sometimes she encourages me, so I am always glad to encourage her. My neighbor and I think she is just a little bit more than a dog. Molly gets a treat left for her every day in the neighbor’s garage. No wonder she don’t like to be locked up for three or four days. This little girl is a friend when no other friend is around.

I so wish President Trump would come and sit on my front porch with me. I believe I could encourage him like I did Molly. That man has more than been mistreated. He has been beaten up almost as badly as Jesus was. I know he don’t need my sympathy, but I would sure like to give it to him. I am so against people who can’t honesty claim a decent, and Godly attitude about our President, and they know it. They are leaving God completely out, and guess what, God will leave them out in the end. Hypocrites, they are, and they are fooling no one. One by one, God is bringing them to judgment. Of course the Word of God teaches us that the good sometimes have to suffer with the bad, but He knows the difference and will judge accordingly. I am convinced that millions more true Americans are for the good of our country than are against it. Although I also believe many of the once true Americans, including some in our own party, have been paid to look the other way when it comes to standing up for God and Christian believers. They are doing a poor job of hiding it if that’s what they think they are doing. We see you, hypocrites, and we are praying for justice to be delivered to you. You are doomed, but you made a lot of good people suffer before your time came. Not one of you can truthfully say you are not guilty of this accusation, and you know who you are. You know you are doing wrong, but you have already sold out to God. The end for serving the American people is very near for all of you traitors.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Put On A Happy Permanent Smile"

Jean's Comment's: "Put On A Happy Permanent Smile":                            Smile and the flowers smile with you. 7-23-2017 Perryton, TX Miss Bee is about to have a heat stroke, but she...

"Put On A Happy Permanent Smile"

                           Smile and the flowers smile with you. 7-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Miss Bee is about to have a heat stroke, but she is still smiling. She knows I will turn the sprinkler on her this afternoon. I am still having fun carried over from the Membership Appreciation night at the Center last Thursday. I laughed more at that dinner than I had in years. The five ladies at my table were extremely loaded with hilarious remarks that would make a ghost freak out. It all got started when a gentleman came and sit down with us and started asking weird questions. Two of our gals were ready for the bait, but they never took a bite. They just knocked it around for the fisherman to get excited over. So the rest of us, and others at joining tables, laughed till our lungs were collapsing. Oh, how I love those fun times, and long for more of them. For once in a very long time I forgot that anything in the world was going on but the friendship dinner. I am still reaping from that blessing. I believe I was allowed to find a happy, funny, small group of entertainers that I didn’t know existed. I have know all these ladies for years, but had never been in a circle with them. Neither had I seen any of them all together before. I think it was a planned sitting from my sweet Jesus, since only two of us had planned to sit together. I thank God for all my blessings.

I have also just discovered that I have some friends on face book that are amazing. It just happened by chance, or was it really by chance. I am beginning to feel like a bird let out of a cage. I will fly the bright blue skies, but I will never be over sell confident. I will never fly away from God. I trust that God has clipped my wings. I’ve always been a slow learner, but I never want to make a move unless I’m sure I know the answer. I have many friend requests on face book that I have not confirmed, but I am so fearful of making mistakes. I hope those who requested a friend conformation will be understanding. I am just a small piece of dust in a very huge, dirty world. It wasn’t suppose to be that way, but everyone knows the real world as it is now. While I feel somewhat escaped from a small space, I still feel boundaries. I haven’t totally won the victory award for being right all the time. I just know that I am right when I say that God is on my side, and He will destroy all the evil people who are making our lives miserable. Little by little we are winning a crown of victory. Let us never give into any lying voices who are trying hard to make us doubt that. I am here, you are there, and our God is everywhere.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Mr. Jack Rabbit In Frisky Mood"

Jean's Comment's: "Mr. Jack Rabbit In Frisky Mood":                                 Early morning Jack Rabbit hop. 7-22-2017 Perryton, TX Early this morning when I first got up I looked ou...

"Mr. Jack Rabbit In Frisky Mood"

                                Early morning Jack Rabbit hop. 7-22-2017 Perryton, TX

Early this morning when I first got up I looked out my front door and saw this Jack Rabbit on my lawn. He wasn’t fixing to hop away. I took several pictures of him while he turned this way, and that way, and finally I left him still hoping around on the lawn. This was an unusual sight since most of the time rabbits run away at the first sight of people. I was pleased to watch him hop around looking pretty brace-like. Then again I was reminded of how blessed I am to have so many different little animals, and birds, sharing my neighborhood. This location is certainly a friendly place. I settled back in my recliner with a cup of coffee while I waited for the time to go pick up my handy man to do some work at Chuck’s house. Another blessing I can boast of. This good man can do most anything that needs fixing, and his rates are very nominal. I am late with this blog today because when I came home from Chuck’s house after the two jobs there were finished, my camera wouldn’t unload the pictures. I spent a big part of the afternoon trying to fix it. Since today is Saturday I was thinking I could not call my handy-man again till his next day off, Tuesday. I got an idea later on in the day. Maybe my man could walk me thought the problem. I would give it a try. After talking to the computer tech, as he is also one of those, he suggested a few things to me. I assured him none of those things was the problem. He decided he would just have to wait till he could come over. As a last minute suggestion he said turn off your computer, turn it back on, then plug the camera back in and just maybe that will do it. I did just that, and within two minutes my camera was unloading. I called the miracle guy back and told him the good news, He was very happy for me.

Just how good is God? Too good for me to ever measure. Sometimes I think I’m going to fly away. Other times I think the world has stopped turning. What a bumpy ride we have to travel through this life. Don’t ever believe it when someone tells you they are never discouraged. They cannot be human and never feel doubtful, or weakened. If Jesus had to go through these depressing times, and He did, you and I will definitely have to do the same. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Keep moving though you may not have lights, the way to go is straight ahead. A time to rejoice will always come if we keep traveling on. I mean in this life as well as the new life we are promised. Try to touch someone today with your faith.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: I Agree With This Artist"

Jean's Comment's: I Agree With This Artist": I asked for a picture of Jazebel, wife of king Ahab this is what came up. 7-21-2017 Perryton, TX Jezebel No. 1   I am sharing a pictu...

I Agree With This Artist"

I asked for a picture of Jazebel, wife of king Ahab this is what came up. 7-21-2017 Perryton, TX
Jezebel No. 1
I am sharing a picture  of  an artists depiction of Jezebel.  Also the story about this wicked queen with the author's name and copy rights listed with it. Both of these shared items are interesting, and hopefully informing about the Word of God.

Jezebel No. 1

The Woman Who Was a She-Devil

Name Meaning—This heartless woman with a bloody history belied the name she bore, for Jezebel means, “chaste, free from carnal connection”; but by nature she was a most licentious woman. She was a voluptuary, with all the tawdry arts of a wanton woman. Thus no name could have been more inappropriate for such a despised female.
Family Connections—She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians, and both king and priest of Baal worshipers. The Phoenicians were a remarkable race, and outstanding as the great maritime peoples of the ancient world, but they were idolaters who regarded Jehovah as only a local deity, “the god of the land.” Their gods were Baal and Ashtaroth or Astarte, with their innumerable number of priests, 450 of whom Ahab installed in the magnificent temple to the Sun-god he had built in Samaria. Another 400 priests were housed in a sanctuary Jezebel erected for them, and which she fed at her own table. Cruel and licentious rites were associated with the worship of Baal. Jezebel sprang from an idolatrous stock, the same source which afterward produced the greatest soldier of antiquity, Hannibal, whose temper was not more daring and unforgiving than hers.
It was this heathen woman who married Ahab, king of Northern Israel, and who in so doing was guilty of a rash and impious act which resulted in evil consequences. As a Jew, Ahab sinned against his Hebrew faith in taking as his wife the daughter of a man whose very name, Ethbaal, meant, “A Man of Baal.” How or where the strong-minded idolatrous woman and the weak and spineless king met we are not told. Doubtless seeing her, Ahab was fascinated by her beauty and forcefulness of character and fell for her, and Jezebel, ambitious and proud, eagerly seized the opportunity of sharing the throne of a king. Any man, able to resist the wiles of a beautiful but wicked woman possesses true heroism. Joseph succeeded against the lovely yet lustful wife of Potiphar, but Caesar and Antony after conquering almost the whole world, were conquered by the fair but foul Cleopatra.
Let conquerors boast
Their fields of fame. He who in virtue arms
A young, warm spirit, against beauty’s charms,
Who feels her brightness, yet defies her thrall,
Is the best, bravest conqueror of them all.
Ahab, captivated by Jezebel, “took her to wife, and went and served Baal and worshipped him.” All the other sins of Ahab were light compared with his marriage with Jezebel and the serving of Baal that followed (1 Kings 16:31, see Micah 6:16). For over 60 years idolatry had made terrible inroads upon the life and ways of the Hebrews and meant more to them than the breaking of the first two commandments of the law; it produced spiritual and moral disintegration which was accentuated by Jezebel’s determined effort to destroy the worship of Jehovah. Let us try to delineate the character of Jezebel—a name which has come to mean in all ages a striking proverb for seductive power, worldly subtlety and wickedness of the worst type.

She Possessed an Extraordinary Force of Character

Jezebel was no ordinary woman. Such was her demeanor that she attracted immediate attention. Edward B. Coe wrote of her as “the Clytemnestra, the Lady Macbeth of Hebrew history. Though by no means an attractive personage, she was invested by her extraordinary force of character and her appalling fate with a tragic grandeur which belongs to no other woman of the Bible.” While the Bible does not analyze or even portray her character, but simply sets forth the events in which she bore so prominent a part, yet as we read between the lines we cannot fail to see her as a woman of prodigious force of intellect and will. The sacred narrative does not record that she possessed any of the finer, nobler feminine qualities. She knew nothing of the restraint of higher principles. Savage and relentless, this proud and strong-minded woman carried out her foul schemes. A gifted woman, she prostituted all her gifts for the furtherance of evil, and her misdirected talents became a curse. Persuasive, her influence was wrongly directed. Resolute above other women, she used her strength of character to destroy a king and her own offspring, as well as pollute the life of a nation.

She Was an Ardent Idolater

Baal had no more dedicated devoteé than Jezebel. None could match her zeal for the worship of Ashtaroth the famous goddess of the Zidonians, as zealous and liberal maintenance of hundreds of idolatrous priests clearly proves. Not content with establishing the idol worship of her own country in her husband’s court, she sought to convert Israel to Baal worship. Two heathen sanctuaries were built, one at Samaria with its 450 priests, and the other at Jezreel with its 400 priests. In a most relentless fashion Jezebel tried to drive out the true prophets of Jehovah from the land, and thus became the first religious female persecutor in history. From her idolatrous father, a high priest of Ashtaroth, she inherited her fanatical religious enthusiasm which inspired her to exterminate the worship of the true and living God, and almost succeeded in the attempt.
The flooding of the nation with all the immoralities and cruel superstitions of such a demoralizing cult as Baalism, brought upon the scene the chief of the true prophets, Elijah. He appeared suddenly before Ahab, predicted three years of drought, and at the end of the period unexpectedly appeared again and challenged the 850 prophets of Baal to a supreme test of power on the top of Mount Carmel. “In language of unparalleled audacity Elijah taunted them with the impotence of their boasted deities, and the strange contest ended in the triumphant vindication of Jehovah.” The people seized the priests of Baal and massacred them and Ahab was completely frightened.
The triumphant Elijah had yet to reckon with Jezebel, however, who, when she heard from Ahab about the slaughter of all her well-fed priests, swore a terrible oath to destroy Elijah and his partners “by tomorrow this time.” But Elijah, although he had defied the king and stood out alone against the multitude of the priests and worshipers of Baal, felt that the fury of a murderous woman was more than he could face, and fled for his life across the kingdom of Judah, leaving the haughty queen, for the time being, in undisputed possession of the stage.

She Was a Dominating Wife

Ahab was like a puppet in the hands of his overpowering wife. Because he was pliant and weak, Jezebel found it easy to achieve her murderous designs. How could worthless and spineless Ahab resist the evil scheming of his unscrupulous partner? With Lady Macbeth, Jezebel was the evil genius of the man, and a frightful crime ensued. It was Jezebel who became the feared commander in Israel and not the cowardly husband she could wrap around her thumb. It may be that Ahab was more luxury-loving and sensual than cruel, but under the complete domination of a ruthless woman he was forced to act against his finer feelings. “His culpability in this hideous drama lies chiefly in his using his personal power as a means to Jezebel’s wicked ends,” says Mary Hallet. “For without Ahab’s authority, Jezebel would have been a serpent without fangs.” In this marriage, Ahab was the weaker vessel with a wife who mocked at his conscientious scruples and bound him in all wickedness as with strong chains.

She Was a Corrupt Tree

Our Lord used a striking figure to illustrate the continuing influence of evil, emanating from a life destitute of godly principles—
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? ... a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.... a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Matthew 7:16-20).
Jezebel was rotten root and branch, and thus everything connected with her was contaminated. How appropriate are the lines of Shakespeare as we think of Jezebel who, in her strength of character, lust for power, remorseless rejection of godliness, and unshrinking and resolute activity to abolish all that interferes with the fulfillment of her wicked designs, was a veritable prototype of Catherine de Medici &--;
A strong adversary, an inhuman wretch, incapable of pity, void and empty from every drachm of pity.
Her offspring imbibed and continued the wickedness they grew up in. Jezebel’s evil influence was revived in her daughter Athaliah of Judea (see href="/id/42363331-3041-4246-2D41-3445382D3344">Athaliah). Her malign character reappears in her eldest son, Ahaziah, who, like his idolatrous mother, was a devout worshiper of Baal. Her second son, Jehoram or Joram, was another image of his mother—further corrupt fruit from a corrupt tree. It was Jehoram, who heard from the lips of Jehu who had been raised up to obliterate the Ahab dynasty, that there would be no peace in Israel, “so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many” (2 Kings 9:22). Is it to be wondered at that Jehoram suffered a similiar fate to that of his mother’s at the hands of Jehu?

She Was a Treacherous Schemer

The tragedy of Naboth and his vineyard reveals how despicable a woman Jezebel was. Life was cheap to such a female who had murder in her veins. Her father, Ethbaal, murdered his predecessor, Phelles. Brought up in such a home of intrigue and massacre what else could we expect but a she-devil as Jezebel became? Clarence E. Macartney in his volume on Bible Characters in dealing with Naboth says &--;
His refusal was the introduction to one of the strangest, most powerful, and most terrible dramas of the Bible; a drama, on the one side, of innocence, courage, independence, and the fear of God, and, on the other side, of covetousness, avarice, cruelty, perjury, death and terrible retribution. Outside of the Bible itself, it would take a Shakespeare or one of the Greek tragic poets to do justice to it.
As a typical Oriental despot, Jezebel was prepared to murder in her stride toward the desired objective, as the incident of Naboth’s vineyard reveals. King Ahab happened to see this fruitful vineyard and inquired as to its owner. Learning it belonged to Naboth, Ahab called him to the palace and offered to buy the vineyard. But it was not for sale. It had belonged to his forefathers and had become precious to Naboth, and as an Israelite Ahab understood his desire to retain it. Thwarted in what he coveted, Ahab took to his bed and refused food.
Then Jezebel came upon the scene. Learning what had happened, and, as a foreigner from a country where the wishes of a king were never questioned, she revealed herself as a woman of accumulated authority when she consoled Ahab by saying—
Arise and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry. I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.
Jezebel ordered, by letter, stamped with the royal seal, a public feast. She also instituted an assembly of the people of Jezreel to try the pious Naboth for blasphemies against God and the king. Naboth was arrested, tried and condemned on the false witnesses secured by Jezebel. She found these witnesses in order to appear within the bounds of the law. Found guilty, Naboth was stoned until his innocent life was beaten out of him, and Ahab took possession of the much-coveted vineyard. But the blood of godly Naboth did not cry out in vain. God called Elijah out of his retirement to go to Ahab and pronounce the fearful doom awaiting the murderous pair and their unholy seed. The prophet told the king of his fate—
In the place where the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine.
This prophecy was fulfilled shortly after its pronouncement for war broke out between the Israelites and the Syrians, and Ahab, while riding in his chariot, received his death wound. The blood-soaked chariot was taken to the spring which ran through Naboth’s vineyard, and the dogs came and licked up the bloody water. Concerning Jezebel, Elijah said, “The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel,” and shortly we shall see how this prophecy was also fulfilled to the very letter.

She Loved Personal Adornment

The death of the one whom Jezebel had “stirred up to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord” revealed her to be as incapable of remorse as of fear. There was no sign of repentance in her, as she went out proudly to meet her prophesied doom. Jehu had been appointed and anointed as the avenger of Jehovah, and he set about his grim task of meting out justice to those who had polluted the land. Jezebel’s son and grandson met Jehu in the blood-stained vineyard Naboth had once possessed. Jehu slew Jezebel’s son, the king of Israel, and her grandson was overtaken in flight and was slain. The still proud, defiant queen-mother knew her last hour was not far away, and great-grandmother though she was, she took time to arrange her hair and paint her face, and looked out at a window to greet Jehu as he passed by. Perhaps as Morton suggests, “Jezebel did not paint her face from any motive of coquetry or vanity. She knew that death was ready to take her. Therefore, she determined to die like a queen.... As Cleopatra, when about to die, robed herself in festal garments, so Jezebel painted her eyes with antimony and placed her jewelled crown upon her head; then, mounting to the palace tower, she watched the thundering advance of Jehu’s chariot.”
This one touch of grandeur in her foul life gave rise to the bitter taunt, “a painted Jezebel,” which came into vogue in England during the sixteenth century when, as Edith Deen reminds us, “painting the face was accepted as prima-facie evidence that a woman had loose morals. Certainly no woman’s name in history has become so commonly accepted as a synonym for wickedness.”

She Died a Horrible Death

The climax came as Jehu entered the city gate. Reaching the palace, he looked up to the window from which came the taunting voice of Jezebel: “Is it peace, thou Zimri, thou murderer of thy master?” Such a taunt maddened her victorious enemy, and seeing the two eunuchs standing at the window with the defiant queen he shouted up to them, “Who is on my side? Who? Throw her down!”
They obeyed and threw her out of the window, and as she fell the walls were sprinkled with her blood. Below her were the soldiers with their spears, the horses to tread her underfoot and the hungry dogs waiting for her flesh. The triumphant Jehu entered the palace over Jezebel’s dead body. As he ate and drank, he remembered that the one who had just died as prophesied had been a queen and a mother of kings, so he ordered—
Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her. And they went to bury her, but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.
So died Jezebel, the idolater, the tyrant, the murderess. She had sown to the wind, and reaped the whirlwind. Many of the godly in Israel must have felt that while Jezebel held evil sway over the land, the mills of God seemed to grind slowly. They came to realize, however, that they grind exceedingly sure and small. Thus Jezebel encountered a “mysterious, terrible and divine retribution.”
Ere we turn from our portrait of one of the most wicked women who ever breathed, there are one or two lessons to glean from her deeply stained record. No matter from what angle we approach the life of Jezebel she stands out as a beacon to both nations and individuals that the wages of sin is death. Further, from this great tragic figure of literature and of history we learn how important it is for the influence of a wife and mother to be on the side of all that is good and noble. As Ahab’s evil genius, Jezebel was the absolute negation of all God meant woman to be, namely, a true help-meet of man. Ahab, we read, was “stirred up” by Jezebel but stirred up in the wrong direction. When a man marries a woman because of her beauty or forceful personality, or marries a wicked woman or one opposed to his religion, he usually courts sorrow, heartache and disappointment. Jezebel retained her obstinate, unbending character to the very end. The death of the man whose life she polluted brought no repentance. What a difference story would have been written if only she had learned how to stir up her husband and children to love God and follow good works (2 Timothy 1:6; 2 Peter 1:13). Her misdirected talents, however, brought upon her a curse. The evil she perpetrated was done under the guise of religion, just as the cruelties of the Inquisition and the tortures of Smithfield were.
Finally, evil and craft and godlessness bring their own reward, and the wicked reap what they sow. Retribution overtook Jezebel when her body was thrown out of the window to be torn and mangled, and then eaten by dogs. As a daughter of the devil, she suffers a worse retribution in the realms of the doomed. Milton wrote of the God-rejector as—
Him the Almighty Father hurled headlong flaming with hideous ruin and combustion down to bottomless perdition, there to dwell in adamantive chains and penal fires, who durst defy the Omnipotent to arms.
There are those who reject such a lurid description of the fate of the wicked who, like Jezebel, defy and deny God, but the divine Word still stands, that Christ is to be revealed from heaven to take vengeance on those who spurn God and who reject the saving Gospel of His beloved Son (2 Thessalonians 1:5-10).

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hot Is A Nasty Word When It Can't Be Controlled"

Jean's Comment's: "Hot Is A Nasty Word When It Can't Be Controlled":                         Stump and root plant holder is struyting it's stuff. 7-20-2017 Perryton TX Hot, hot today. It’s been predict...

"Hot Is A Nasty Word When It Can't Be Controlled"

                        Stump and root plant holder is struyting it's stuff. 7-20-2017 Perryton TX

Hot, hot today. It’s been predicted that the temperature will reach 104 by mid afternoon. Not far from that now at 2:30 pm. The flowers are living on water that I sprinkle on them from the hose. The grass is not getting watered because the yard is too big to keep it all wet. Water is expensive when very much is used. We keep hoping for rain before the grass all completely dies. We are blessed to have nice air conditioned homes to live in, and more blessed that we don’t have to work outside. My prayers go out to all who are less fortunate, especially little children who’s beastly parents leave them in a closed up vehicle to die. It happens all the time. The world cannot get much worse and be expected to remain a place where God’s children live. He loves His children more than seeing them suffer helplessly. Many times death is an escape from suffering, and struggling with something to make us feel better. We must take life for whatever it gives us. God’s grace is enough to help us accept all things. Live, or die, I am trusting God for His time to end my life.

I’m excited about a meeting this evening honoring all members of the Citizen’s Center. The board members will be serving grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings for showing their appreciation. A large crowd always attends this special event, and several walk away with a nice prize given them by a drawing. The merchants of the city donate gifts, and gift certificates. Perryton is so fortunate to have a nice place for their Senior Citizens, and funds to support it. I’m glad to be a member of such a nice group of people. I will have one more evening out this week after tonight. The widowed men, and women’s group  will be meeting Saturday evening for their meal together. That makes for a full week for me to have “lived it up.” I have already attended two luncheons this week. Happy Timer’s, and Wednesday lunch at the Center. I hope I can keep up the determination to not sit at home so much. A friend is coming by to pick me up for the membership meeting. That too is a big improvement for me. I had always preferred going by myself. I truly do like my freedom, but I also realize we need friends to share our lives with. I will be more open to invitations for this blessed opportunity in the future. Loneliness is the cause of many early deaths. I know from first hand that both my father, and my father-in-law died from loneliness. They both died at home living alone. They had no interest in anything. Both of them died from heart failure, but neither of them had ever been treated for heart trouble. Loneliness robbed them of their golden years. I will not let that happen to me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Faith That Don't Waver"

Jean's Comment's: "Faith That Don't Waver":                   Flowers are holding their own in the 100degree heat. 7-19-2017 Perryton, TX The nice, cool weather has left us again, an...

"Faith That Don't Waver"

                  Flowers are holding their own in the 100degree heat. 7-19-2017 Perryton, TX
The nice, cool weather has left us again, and 100 degree temperatures are back. The flowers are fading without any sunscreen. I watered them good last night, but I guess the steam from the water is scalding them. I’m sure they will heal when the hot wind decides to lay. It’s so hot I can’t stand out two minutes without sweating, even in the shade. I’m ready for some more rain, and cooler weather.

I enjoyed a nice lunch with friends at the Citizen’s Center today. I have known most of the people who come for many years. I can look out across the room and see people, who are like myself, getting older every day. It makes me feel welcome to the crowd. But I especially enjoy chatting with the seven or eight people sitting at my table. It’s usually the same ones every time, except we have about fifteen or twenty who claim our table, but exchange days of attending, so we always have the exact amount to fill the chairs. Our cooks know how to prepare delicious meals.

I am mostly relaxing for the rest of the day. I enjoy that a lot also. I always have work that needs to be done, but I can use my age for an excuse not to do it. I tell myself I am employed by the GOP, therefore I have to first do that job of voicing my opinion on the internet, and casting a vote now and then to polls offered. I don’t get paid, but neither does our President. He turns all his paycheck over to charity. I reap the benefits of staying safe, and helping keep our freedom without fear, nor favor. I am free to work when I want, and that means a lot to me. I do believe everyone has a God-given duty to work for the good of our country. God is all good, and that’s why we work for America. America is good, even though corruption has multiplied and we must fight the enemy every day. America stands for God, and country. Jesus said, “He who is not for me is against me.” Matthew 12:30 KJV. Now what do you say to that?  Whose side are you on? Are you fighting with your comrades to end the evil forces in your country?  Call it politics if you please, but God called it “fighting for His cause.” Whatever it’s called I am a soldier in The Lord’s Army.

I realize I have failed God, and my country many times, but I am trying harder now than ever to be my best. I am here to answer his call whatever it may be. I know His rewards are without favor. He is a just God. I will accept whatever I am given by Him, and know it was a true, and honest reward. I live by faith and not by sight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "It Feels Good To Smile Big"

Jean's Comment's: "It Feels Good To Smile Big": Myrtle Jean is happy after being at a meeting with happy people. 7-18-2017 Perryton, TX I just got home from a Happy Timer’s luncheon. I...

"It Feels Good To Smile Big"

Myrtle Jean is happy after being at a meeting with happy people. 7-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I just got home from a Happy Timer’s luncheon. It was such a nice lunch, and everyone was so happy. The crowd was more than average, and the people looked better than I’d ever seen them before. I honestly didn’t get any new glasses, just my same old eyes, but I saw a beautiful crowd there today. My heart is rejoicing. I could use more of these kinds of days. I have to declare that God is moving in a magnificent way. If we will allow Him freedom, he will continue to move, and work a few miracles that we’ve been asking Him for. I feel it so positively, and I am excited. I believe the ax head is about to float to the top of the water. I believe I am in the center of God’s will more so now than I have felt in a long time. He just made himself visible yesterday, and today, in a way that I had seen Him before, and I remembered the reason. My faith is increasing by leaps and bounds. Don’t be surprised at anything I may be announcing in the near future. The past couple of weeks have handed me several wonderful blessings. None of which I am worthy of, but am very thankful for. The upward march is in full swing. I invite all to join in, and wave good-bye to every stalemate we pass. Glory! Glory! To his name.

Today was the start of making up for a bad week I had last week. I stayed home all week and felt guilty as all get-out. All my plans to go out got knocked in the head, and I was so stale I stunk. I vowed that I would not let it happen again, and today is the first proof that I meant it. Although I do think God had a hand in keeping me home. I was given a clear road to follow for an answer to a very important request from God. I had to first get in the position to hear this message, and my normal routine would not have gotten me in that position. Sometimes we have to do “time out” in order to listen to our manager. Tomorrow is reserved for lunch at the Citizen’s Center, and nothing is going to stop me. The next evening is reserved for membership appreciation dinner at the Center, and again I will be there come hell or high water. I did my “time out,” and now I am free to celebrate my freedom again. The following Saturday night I will be joining the widowed men, and women’s group for a meal. My RSVP has been delivered with a smile. I will not make anyone disappointed again any ways soon. Our attendance, and that’s all of us, is important to the leaders of these wonderful meetings we are privileged to have. We need to always bring a smile for better entertainment. It’s up to us. Nothing happens unless we make it happen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "More Than A Drop From Heaven"

Jean's Comment's: "More Than A Drop From Heaven":           70 one hundredth of inch of rain yesterday. Thank you Lord. 7-17-2017 Perryton, TX I’m so happy to report that we got 70-on...

"More Than A Drop From Heaven"

          70 one hundredth of inch of rain yesterday. Thank you Lord. 7-17-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m so happy to report that we got 70-one hundreds inch of rain yesterday. The freshness of the outside air is pleasant to the weary, but hopeful mind. Things were looking pretty dead around here, especially where the sprinklers had not been turned on. The hot weather had turned everything into shades of brown. The temperature has dropped 10 to 15 degrees. It’s just nice to know that God still loves us.

While out walking through the back yard this morning a message seemed to enter my mind. I don’t know who delivered it, but I believe it was from above. For over four years I have been waiting for an answer to a request I made to God. I have remained patient, because I felt so strongly that this request would be answered eventually. I was taking it easy while God decided when it was right to answer my request. As of lately I have been questioning God about the delay. This morning I think I got an answer to that inquiry.

“You did the hard job of writing what I gave you to say. You gave it to a publisher with instructions not to edit the story. They followed your request. You were offered many times to put this original, mysterious idea, up for consideration to be sold for book rights to be made into a movie. You refused because you were waiting for God to sell it for you at no expense to you.” The message continued. “God does not do things for lazy people. It’s those who will listen, and do what is asked of them before the answer to their request will happen. You must make things happen, with the faith I have instilled in you.” I listened while I was informed of the necessary steps to follow in order to complete the request I had made several years ago. Because I had faith in the originality of the mysterious story I had written, I hung onto that faith until now. Step by step I will now follow the advise of the messenger.  If I have to do the same thing over and over for seven times, I will do it. I will not be guilty of telling God how I want it done again. Unless I hear that voice clearly asking, “what is it you would have Me do,” then I will tell Him. So today I start my journey to use my faith according to what I was told to do. I can’t wait to get started, and I am expecting the answer to this long awaited request to happen. A miracle, of course, but I am a believer of miracles. I feel like I have been healed already of the inability to pull myself out of a deep rut of mud. I’ve been stuck for quite sometime. The rescuer came this morning when I was least expecting it, and in a way I didn’t expect. I’m free now to travel with speed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Eye Full Of Nothing"

Jean's Comment's: "An Eye Full Of Nothing": This selfie omitted my mouth. I'm all about eyes this morning, Watch out! 7-16-2017 Perryton, TX I haven’t mastered the selfie snaps...

"An Eye Full Of Nothing"

This selfie omitted my mouth. I'm all about eyes this morning, Watch out! 7-16-2017 Perryton, TX

I haven’t mastered the selfie snapshot yet. I will keep working on it. All that showed up on my face this morning was part of my head, and my eyes. That tells me I may be seeing something this week that I wasn’t expecting. Hope it’s all good. I’m standing in front of the grape vine, and I wanted to get a picture of the nice large grapes that are about to ripen. They didn’t show up. There is an overcast this morning, and we’re hoping for more rain. It’s cooler outside than in the house. I do love this kind of weather.

I missed church this morning. Didn’t sleep good last night, and overslept this morning. I feel as mean as ever now since I overslept. I don’t know how I will feel the rest of the week, but I have a couple of meeting planned to attend. As of now I feel like I could dance at both of them if they included dancing. Unfortunately they don’t. Who knows what tomorrow may bring forth? At least I had my bath and did my nails last night so I am not undone. I got the Sunday paper and there was nothing interesting in it. I was glad that there were no deaths reported either. This is a rare occasion when not one death is reported in the Sunday paper. My thanks to God was repeated again this morning. A week ago last Sunday we had a funeral for one of our church members. I’m still feeling great sorrow for the children of this gentleman who ended his own life. No death could be more painful than this, according to my self feelings.

I’m so glad I had a nice size piece of fresh, apple pie yesterday, and lost a pound. I think that is one of the reasons I feel so good today. I was expecting to gain a pound since I also had a half of a large, baked sweet potato with lots of butter, a piece of pork chop, and a serving of corn. For breakfast I had a biscuit, 3 strips of crispy bacon, an egg, and a pot of coffee. These days of maintenance can be very surprising at times. But life without surprises would be very boring. If we always get what we expect, there is no need to be hopeful. “Happy are those who shout, and leap for joy when something exciting happens.” Not a bible quote. I am a real emotional person when happy, or sad. I have trouble hiding my feelings. God does give me wisdom enough to level it off, somewhat. Without Him I would be nothing. With Him I am a Christian, a writer, an artist, and a mystery maker. I am also pretty good at solving mysteries. At least I think I am. I just haven’t figured out yet why Jesus loved me enough to forgive me, and let me be a part of his Kingdom. And most of all why He keeps forgiving , and keeps me in his everlasting Kingdom. I can never thank Him enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Save The Best For Last"

Jean's Comment's: "Save The Best For Last": A light shower last night helped the flowers straighten up. They had began to look a little bending. 7-15-2017 Perryton, TX This is a lo...

"Save The Best For Last"

A light shower last night helped the flowers straighten up. They had began to look a little bending. 7-15-2017 Perryton, TX

This is a lovely day after a slight shower last night. The temperature has lowered to a comfortable degree. Still partly cloudy, and hopefully we will get more rain this evening. Nothing makes me feel better than cooler weather, and getting my yard and flowers watered from heaven. I made a fresh apple pie this morning with apples from my tree. I made fried, then oven-baked pork chops with gravy for dinner. I’m waiting for a sweet potato to finish baking  The corn is ready, and I will call Chuck to come and eat with me. I decided to do dinner at home today. I wasn’t ready to drive twenty-five miles in 95 plus degree weather to eat at the lake with the widowed men, and women’s group. Had I have known it was going to cool off I might have gone, but my plans had already been changed so I’m staying home. Church in the morning will be my only get-a-way this week. I have managed the week fine. I will be doing more interesting things this next week.

I did go shopping yesterday. I had to buy a gift for my great niece’s new baby girl who will arrive next month. I love the two little outfits I bought. They look like doll cloths, but new-born girl cloths is what my niece asked for. She had plenty of cloths for six months, but no new-born. I will not get to see the baby in these sweet little things I bought because the baby will be living in Oklahoma City. I don’t get to go there too often. I can’t go shopping without buying something for myself, so I bought myself a pair of shoes, some pajama’s, and a top. I spent about two hours in the store before I left with these few things. I had fun, and so did a lot of other people. A huge mark-down was on almost everything.

I’m still waiting for a major break through with our government. I will not give in to defeat for America. I agree with a lot of others that we are in much more trouble than anyone thought, but I know God is still on the throne, and he answers prayer. In my own opinion I believe America is run by a majority of evil, devil-worshiping, so-called popular people who have been in control for several years. They were in disbelief when President Trump won the election. They thought for sure they had full control. Now they are at even greater force to bring him down. I cannot stress enough the positive feeling I have that there are more evil people against America than there are honest and good. In other words it will take a miracle to save America. I said that to say this, a miracle is going to happen, but I believe many good, as well as bad, will die before it happens. That’s my words of warning for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "This Was My Grandparents In 1944

Jean's Comment's: "This Was My Grandparents In 1944: This is my grandparents,( Jim T. age 62 and Nellie A. age 72,)  Denham. They are my mother's parents. My grandfather died in 1962 and ...

"This Was My Grandparents In 1944

This is my grandparents,( Jim T. age 62 and Nellie A. age 72,)  Denham. They are my mother's parents. My grandfather died in 1962 and grandmother died in 1948.

I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I would be writing more about my grandparents today. I posted a late picture of them made not long before my grandmother died, in 1948. She was 74 instead of 72 that I previously stated. Grandfather remarried and he and his wife was both killed in an automobile accident. That happened in 1962. I have many fond memories of these two, and they had a big part in shaping my life. I previously stated that I was 12 when I lost my grandmother, but I was 14. My sister had all the correct records and helped clear me up on that. My grandmother was all about reality. Nothing about her was fake or sexy. She had long hair which she never cut or dyed, and wore it in a bun. I can never remember seeing her in a pair of pants, and she wore long stockings every day. They were not called hose back then. She kept them up by wearing a little elastic band called a garter. She made a little roll over the garter. As I stated yesterday she always wore an apron. It was a daily part of her dress. She was a widow with three children when she married my grandfather. He was 10 years older than her, but he got the better end of the deal. She disciplined him just like she did her children. I have heard hundreds of stories from both of them that are so funny even to a young granddaughter. Grandpa exaggerated a lot, but I believed every word he said. I’d like to tell him off today. I can see him already laughing. But the truth about grandpa is he was easy to be spooked. He truly believed in ghosts. I suppose his conscience controlled his lack of bravery, and he dragged grandmother out of the house at night many times for fear of ghosts. He was good at convincing people that he was right even when they knew he wasn’t. This funny man was a good father to the children. He managed to raise them, and with my grandmother’s wisdom, and trust in God, they raised five wonderful, beautiful children. My mother was one of them. If nothing else their home was a home of love, and plenty of food. Cornbread, beans, fried potatoes, cabbage, chili, stew, and lots of other good stuff. Both of my grandparents cooked, but grandpa cooked the most. As I mentioned yesterday I spent at least half of my growing up time at my grandparents house. We kids could ride the school bus to either place we wanted to go, or catch it the next morning to go to school.

Yes, I had a good life growing up, and I am thankful for all the Christian teachings I was privileged to have. Also for the examples that was set before me by all of my extended family. Time changes everything, and I am sorry that the Gospel of Christ means such little to people of today. I hope to leave behind me a legacy that will always be remembered as helpful to many.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Hocus Pocus Pie"

Jean's Comment's: "A Hocus Pocus Pie":           When you didn't take a basket for apples, take odd your hat. 7-13-2017 Perryton, TX I hadn’t planned to pick apples when I...

"A Hocus Pocus Pie"

          When you didn't take a basket for apples, take odd your hat. 7-13-2017 Perryton, TX

I hadn’t planned to pick apples when I went out to look at them, but decided I wanted a pie. I didn’t have anything to put the apples in so I used my hat. I was reminded of my grandmother. She wore an apron every day. It was just part of her daily dress. She used that apron for a lot of things, like cleaning her glasses, drying her hands, wiping sweat from her face, and many other things. When she would go to the garden or the orchard she never took a basket. She would gather up her long apron, hold it with one hand, and fill it full of vegetables or fruit with the other hand. I was trying to think of someway I could bring apples in the house without having to look for something to put them, then go back. I laid them on the ground then took my hat and filled it. Unlike my grandmother I don’t wear aprons. I will be making a fresh apple pie when I finish my blog. Chuck will be very happy. Those apples make such good pies. I think of my grandmother a lot. I stayed at her house as much as I stayed at home. All of us children liked to stay with she, and grandpa. We had to take turns staying with her. Mom wouldn’t let us all stay at once. She passed away at age 72, when I was twelve. It was the first loss I had had that was close to me. I was depressed for many months. Grandmother’s precious memories live with me every day. I am going to try and post a picture of she, and grandpa on my blog tomorrow. The picture was taken not long before she died. I thought she was the prettiest woman I had ever seen. My mother looked so much like her. I miss them both so much.

Today I’m so thankful that my air conditioner got fixed just a few hours after it quit cooling. Late last evening my house started heating up. The thermostat climbed to 82 very quickly. It was too late to call the company, so I was real fidgety all night, even with two fans on. I called the service company as soon as they opened this morning. Within the hour they were here to fix it. They had told me they had several people burning up, they thought, but I still got immediate service. I give God credit for taking care of the problem. All that the air conditioner needed was some Freon. I have enjoyed my day more today than I have in a long time. I was made to appreciate the many blessings God gives me, but so many times take for granted. I become panicky so easy anymore without cause. I shouldn’t say it’s without cause, because it’s normal for an older person who has lost their mate, and are living alone, to panic over anything that goes wrong. With all the faith I have in God, I am still weak when test time comes. I am positive that when I am too weak to walk by faith, God will carry me through. Praise His Holy Name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Selfish Birds Ate My Plums"

Jean's Comment's: "Selfish Birds Ate My Plums": Breakfast in the plum tree this morning.Juicy plums are the special. 7-12-2017 Perrryton, TX No meat for the birds for the past month or...

"Selfish Birds Ate My Plums"

Breakfast in the plum tree this morning.Juicy plums are the special. 7-12-2017 Perrryton, TX

No meat for the birds for the past month or so. Mostly fruit, and I don’t approve. The birds pecked every plum on the trees as soon as they began to ripen, then they came back and pecked some more till there is not much left of them. These trees are for the birds. They may have to give them up after this season. I’m thinking of having them cut down. The lawn service would appreciate that idea. I hate giving up those delicious plums, but the birds will always keep me from benefiting from them. I like trees, and I can’t imagine my big back yard without the six plum trees, two cherry trees, and two apple trees. But it has become more like a jungle, than a back yard. Something needs to change.

I missed the luncheon at the Center today, since the lawn mower came unexpected, and I needed to be here to pay him when he finished. I wasn’t sure what he would charge me since it had been longer than usual about getting mowed. When I have something planned I hate to miss it. Things just happen sometimes that can’t be helped. A special dinner will be held next week for membership appreciation night. It is always so wonderful till I will be satisfied about missing the luncheon today. In the meantime I will fill my time with more important things than having a nice time. I am behind on clearing out my file cabinet, and destroying tons of useless papers. Things that I thought was important no longer seen as such. Memories are not worth anything when I’m gone, and I had saved a lot of them. My children would have hated me for leaving all that no-good stuff mixed in with important stuff. I wouldn’t do that to them.

Today is a wait-and-see day. I have made a proposal or two, to two, or three people, and waiting to see what will become of it. I have to trust God with every offer I make to someone. Sometimes it’s big, and I have to be a bit nervous about it, but then I’m reminded that good things are not always without risk. That’s when my faith kicks in, and along with it I get serious. Soon or later I’m going to get lucky and hit the jackpot. Life without risks is like life without rewards. We must not go down in defeat. We are a winner if we are breathing. Whatever happens to us is for a reason. We may not understand, but by faith we must travel on. I pray daily for wisdom for that’s what our Lord told us to do. After that we have to trust. God will not break His promise to us. He will be with us to the end. “Not my will, but Thine be done,” spoke our Savior to His Father.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Opposite Sex Values"

Jean's Comment's: "Opposite Sex Values":                                My his and hers Dahlia bouquets. 7-11-2017 Perryton, TX Yesterday I posted the female Dahlia bouquet. Tod...

"Opposite Sex Values"

                               My his and hers Dahlia bouquets. 7-11-2017 Perryton, TX

Yesterday I posted the female Dahlia bouquet. Today I’m posting both his, and hers, Dahlia bouquets together. I mentioned the male plant showed more muscularity because of it’s stronger, bolder, appearance. I am not a hermaphrodite expert, but I do know that all natural creations have both male, and female, sex identities. As far as I know biology scientist have not been able to change the natural sex of plants.

Did God create human hermaphrodites? I think not. Although, that effort is probably already in the scientists laboratories being studied. If it ever happens it would not be a natural created human being. It would be a brave, human disagreement to God trying to prove Him lower than man. Or possible trying to prove there is no God.  Bible believers and supporters have fallen in great numbers in comparison to when I was being reared. It was highly accepted by most everyone to honor the law of the land, and the law of the Bible. No one even wanted to break the laws because of their fear of God. I was taught, “the laws might not catch you, but God already caught you.:” I still hold onto that truth. Those few who did break the law of man, and also of God, were looked down upon as unfaithful citizens. Today the society in which we live in accepts every act of sinful nature, and tries to force the law of the land to do the same.

Our society today is made up of those off-spring from years past citizens, who lived honestly, respectfully, and Godly. The newer generation has turned their backs on God, and are teaching that insulting others  is worse than disobeying God. Whatever the individual wants to believe, and even tries to promote that belief on others, is suppose to be accepted as their right to do so. If they want to burn our flag, it is their right. If they want to kill our  law officers, that’s their right. If they want to destroy our children by supplying, and encouraging them to take drugs, that’s their right. The modern day citizens are developing their own desired way of life, and the way they want to live it. They want to chose their child’s sex. They want to change the sex if it has already been reproduced. They want to chose if they want to have children naturally or by insemination. Not by their own spouse in some cases. Who knows what other kinds of mockery they may come up with to prove God a failure in all His great creations. In other words we Christian believers are considered idiots by the New World idealistic majority. It is from these Satanic followers that our world is being changed so drastically. The new revolutionist movement of today is leading us into a major crises which is only going to get more deadly, and more doomed by God  day by day.

What is the answer to our distress? “Repent, and turn from your wicked ways, and call upon God and He will heal our land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14. There is no other way. Our President Trump is now using this message to urge the American people to take heed. The first thing we can do is honor this President, and thank God for putting him in power. He is like a drop of rain on a hell fire that is blazing in every direction. God bless him, and God bless America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp