Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Hot Is A Nasty Word When It Can't Be Controlled"

                        Stump and root plant holder is struyting it's stuff. 7-20-2017 Perryton TX

Hot, hot today. It’s been predicted that the temperature will reach 104 by mid afternoon. Not far from that now at 2:30 pm. The flowers are living on water that I sprinkle on them from the hose. The grass is not getting watered because the yard is too big to keep it all wet. Water is expensive when very much is used. We keep hoping for rain before the grass all completely dies. We are blessed to have nice air conditioned homes to live in, and more blessed that we don’t have to work outside. My prayers go out to all who are less fortunate, especially little children who’s beastly parents leave them in a closed up vehicle to die. It happens all the time. The world cannot get much worse and be expected to remain a place where God’s children live. He loves His children more than seeing them suffer helplessly. Many times death is an escape from suffering, and struggling with something to make us feel better. We must take life for whatever it gives us. God’s grace is enough to help us accept all things. Live, or die, I am trusting God for His time to end my life.

I’m excited about a meeting this evening honoring all members of the Citizen’s Center. The board members will be serving grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings for showing their appreciation. A large crowd always attends this special event, and several walk away with a nice prize given them by a drawing. The merchants of the city donate gifts, and gift certificates. Perryton is so fortunate to have a nice place for their Senior Citizens, and funds to support it. I’m glad to be a member of such a nice group of people. I will have one more evening out this week after tonight. The widowed men, and women’s group  will be meeting Saturday evening for their meal together. That makes for a full week for me to have “lived it up.” I have already attended two luncheons this week. Happy Timer’s, and Wednesday lunch at the Center. I hope I can keep up the determination to not sit at home so much. A friend is coming by to pick me up for the membership meeting. That too is a big improvement for me. I had always preferred going by myself. I truly do like my freedom, but I also realize we need friends to share our lives with. I will be more open to invitations for this blessed opportunity in the future. Loneliness is the cause of many early deaths. I know from first hand that both my father, and my father-in-law died from loneliness. They both died at home living alone. They had no interest in anything. Both of them died from heart failure, but neither of them had ever been treated for heart trouble. Loneliness robbed them of their golden years. I will not let that happen to me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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