Thursday, July 27, 2017

"A Feeling Of Greatness"

                     The bare ground is proof of weed eradication. 7-27-2017 Perryton, TX

How nice it is to have much cooler temperature. We are still waiting on rain, but the cooler weather helps a lot. The flowers are fairing well, and that is so important to my happiness. I keep the weeds and grass cut down so the bare ground is proof of that. My biggest outside job is keeping the fallen apples raked up off the lawn. There are many more still on the trees yet to fall. The birds are helping a lot to clean up the apples on the ground. They ate all the plums and grapes, now they are eating apples. I don’t know what they survive on through the winter, because I don’t feed them. They probably eat meat through the winter, and fruit through the summer. I’m sure worms are always available. God knows how to feed the sparrows.

I have spoken with all three of my sisters this morning. I’m so thankful for the blessings these sisters are to me. They all live far from me, but just a call away. I love them so much, and I think they love me. I’ve also been invited to take a trip to Kerrville, TX by a friend who is excited to go and see the magnificent, “The Coming King,” Sculpture Prayer Gardens, The Empty Cross, and many more incredible sights that have been created through a vision prophesied just a few years ago. It has become a reality, and millions of sight seers visit the sacred place yearly. It has been said that when you get within close sight of this place one can feel the power of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. I am praying that I can take this trip with the friend who has invited me to go. It is 500 miles from where I live, and I don’t drive as much as I used to, but just maybe it will work out. My friend lives almost that far in an opposite direction than I, and she don’t drive as much as she used to either. I do want to listen, and obey the Spirit of God in all things that I am asked to do. I know God does work in mysterious ways.

I can almost feel a way now that I can accept this invitation. It just came to me while I was writing. I will continue to work on this hopeful adventure. There is a reason for all things, and I have been offering myself for a tool to help God dig out the deep rooted sin that has choked out his beautify Garden of Paradise. I am in shape since I dig out weeds from my flower garden every day. Keep me in your prayers, and I will keep you posted on what happens next. I am beginning to feel too fragile to fulfill my promise to God, but I know from whence my strength cometh.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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