Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Wasting Away"

                 Apples gloria. Can't keep them raked off the yard. 7-25-2017 Perryton, TX

I had vowed not to do any canning this year. Since I am alone, and don’t use much canned stuff, I am going to pass it up. But I hardly can watch bushels of apples being raked up and thrown into the dumpster every few days. I have offered them to others, but no one wants to mess with them. I suppose if my large freezer had not played out I may have changed my mind, but that is the case, and really I’m glad. Several people I know would be glad to take all the apples I put into bags and freeze. Also they would gladly take all the apple pies I make. But no one wants to do the work themselves.

I find that to be true with just about everything to do with the perseverance of our country. Far too many people think the good will always be there for them without any effort on their part to preserve it. The cheer leaders are even becoming a thing of the past. Evil demonstrators have taken over what used to be called cheer leaders. The fact of the matter is idol worshipers, as they were called in ancient days, have increased one hundred fold, and the jealous God who created every human being is bringing them to justice. All things that are good must be preserved, lest they rot and stink, leaving ugly residue for beautiful, faithful people to deal with. God’s patience did run out in bible times, and the punishment was anything but an easy death. I see this happening now all around the world. Have some people crossed the line with God? They certainly did that in bible times, and as far as I can see, very few who betrayed God every received mercy. I believe that was because they never changed, but was once wicked, always wicked. That could have been because there was no forgiveness once people betrayed God.  Remember there was no savior in those times who could forgive sin. The sad part is many people today do not believe we have a savior still. Therefore, they will never be forgiven. The jealous God who is still owner of all human kind, is the same God who brought idol worshipers to justice in ancient times. He sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth to be a sacrifice for all sin, but He also put guidelines for people to follow if they wanted to become Christians, and followers of Him through out their life. God made no allowance for idol worshipers. His Word plainly says, “either you are with Me or you are against Me.”  “No man can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ.”  John 14:6. 

As little as I am, 5’3”, one hundred and twenty pounds, 84 years old, I am still big enough, and wise enough, to tell you about how you can change your life, from idol worship to Godly worship. Join me again for more knowledge of the Powerful, Almighty God, that I serve.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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