Monday, July 24, 2017

"Gentle And Less Gentle"

            Molly came over to tell me how she had been mistreated. 7-24-2017 Perryton, TX

While I was sitting on my front porch last evening, Molly, from next door, came over to get sympathy from me. Her human parents had taken their camper and gone on a short trip and left Molly locked up in the back yard with access to the garage. Of course myself, and my next-door neighbor, was keeping an eye on her, and feeding, and watering her. She just hates to be locked up. She has been trained to stay in her own yard except she can come to my , and my next door neighbor’s house. She never breaks that rule, but she feels mistreated when she can’t come over several times a day. She was looking pretty sad last evening, so I petted her, and gave her a sweet talking to. Her parents have taken several short trips this summer, and I think Molly is feeling mistreated. She is o k for one or two times, but more than that she gets sad. Sometimes she encourages me, so I am always glad to encourage her. My neighbor and I think she is just a little bit more than a dog. Molly gets a treat left for her every day in the neighbor’s garage. No wonder she don’t like to be locked up for three or four days. This little girl is a friend when no other friend is around.

I so wish President Trump would come and sit on my front porch with me. I believe I could encourage him like I did Molly. That man has more than been mistreated. He has been beaten up almost as badly as Jesus was. I know he don’t need my sympathy, but I would sure like to give it to him. I am so against people who can’t honesty claim a decent, and Godly attitude about our President, and they know it. They are leaving God completely out, and guess what, God will leave them out in the end. Hypocrites, they are, and they are fooling no one. One by one, God is bringing them to judgment. Of course the Word of God teaches us that the good sometimes have to suffer with the bad, but He knows the difference and will judge accordingly. I am convinced that millions more true Americans are for the good of our country than are against it. Although I also believe many of the once true Americans, including some in our own party, have been paid to look the other way when it comes to standing up for God and Christian believers. They are doing a poor job of hiding it if that’s what they think they are doing. We see you, hypocrites, and we are praying for justice to be delivered to you. You are doomed, but you made a lot of good people suffer before your time came. Not one of you can truthfully say you are not guilty of this accusation, and you know who you are. You know you are doing wrong, but you have already sold out to God. The end for serving the American people is very near for all of you traitors.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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