Friday, July 28, 2017

"A Bunny Hop Morning"

              Young bunny jumps out of my flower garden this morning. 7-28-2017 Perryton, TX

This young bunny rabbit jumped out of my flower garden this morning when I open the door. It looks about half grown. The picture is magnified by my camera. Again I say I love sharing my home with friendly little animals and birds. There is life, other than me, around here. After the 1 and ¼ inch of rain last night the cool, wet, ground is wonderful. The birds and animals seem to be enjoying it also. I am rejoicing to the highest since the grass was all turning yellow. The sprinkler didn’t seem to help much. The grass will be ready to mow next week. At least it won’t be straw.

I visited with a friend on the telephone last night for over an hour. She lives in another city, and we talk a lot by phone. She was explaining something to me that I had not heard of before. Sometime ago she had a small tumor removed just above her eyebrow. The scar left her with just one half of an eyebrow. She had found a, hair restorer, doctor in Oklahoma City who  implants new eyebrows for people such as her. The procedure was painful, because she refused to take any drugs to keep down some of the pain. She was happy with the results, but has to go back for some follow up procedures. I guess I am very naïve’ but being a simple, plain, satisfied, lady of nature, I just do as little as I can to make myself artificial. I want God to recognize me when I go to live with Him in my eternal home. Of course my friend wasn’t doing anything to look artificial. She was just trying to restore her first God-given face. I can’t see anything wrong with that. However, I probably would have been satisfied with drawing the rest of my eyebrow with a pencil marker. I do give myself some extra facial help by marking through my eyebrow slightly. I help my natural hair color to return to original also. Yes, and I have had some false teeth put in. I have had some extra veins sewn into my heart, and even have some wire holding things in place there. All this is not to say I have changed my original looks. I just, like my friend, fixed what had to be replaced.

You will never see me putting tattoos on my body, or making holes all over my body to put jewels, or emblems of heathenism through. I do have one tiny hole in each ear for jewelry that my husband bought me. I was fifty when he bought me a set of diamond studs for pierced ears. No one will ever know how much I prayed about that before I finally got my ears pierced. My bible tells me that our bodies are the Temple of the Lord. Therefore, I want my body to look more like a  sanctuary than a Hindu Pyramid. A sanctuary is well organized, spiritually designed, clean, and arranged for perfect worship to the only Holy God who created the world and all that’s in it. Does our bodies meet this description?  We all must try our best to be presentable to Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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