Sunday, July 16, 2017

"An Eye Full Of Nothing"

This selfie omitted my mouth. I'm all about eyes this morning, Watch out! 7-16-2017 Perryton, TX

I haven’t mastered the selfie snapshot yet. I will keep working on it. All that showed up on my face this morning was part of my head, and my eyes. That tells me I may be seeing something this week that I wasn’t expecting. Hope it’s all good. I’m standing in front of the grape vine, and I wanted to get a picture of the nice large grapes that are about to ripen. They didn’t show up. There is an overcast this morning, and we’re hoping for more rain. It’s cooler outside than in the house. I do love this kind of weather.

I missed church this morning. Didn’t sleep good last night, and overslept this morning. I feel as mean as ever now since I overslept. I don’t know how I will feel the rest of the week, but I have a couple of meeting planned to attend. As of now I feel like I could dance at both of them if they included dancing. Unfortunately they don’t. Who knows what tomorrow may bring forth? At least I had my bath and did my nails last night so I am not undone. I got the Sunday paper and there was nothing interesting in it. I was glad that there were no deaths reported either. This is a rare occasion when not one death is reported in the Sunday paper. My thanks to God was repeated again this morning. A week ago last Sunday we had a funeral for one of our church members. I’m still feeling great sorrow for the children of this gentleman who ended his own life. No death could be more painful than this, according to my self feelings.

I’m so glad I had a nice size piece of fresh, apple pie yesterday, and lost a pound. I think that is one of the reasons I feel so good today. I was expecting to gain a pound since I also had a half of a large, baked sweet potato with lots of butter, a piece of pork chop, and a serving of corn. For breakfast I had a biscuit, 3 strips of crispy bacon, an egg, and a pot of coffee. These days of maintenance can be very surprising at times. But life without surprises would be very boring. If we always get what we expect, there is no need to be hopeful. “Happy are those who shout, and leap for joy when something exciting happens.” Not a bible quote. I am a real emotional person when happy, or sad. I have trouble hiding my feelings. God does give me wisdom enough to level it off, somewhat. Without Him I would be nothing. With Him I am a Christian, a writer, an artist, and a mystery maker. I am also pretty good at solving mysteries. At least I think I am. I just haven’t figured out yet why Jesus loved me enough to forgive me, and let me be a part of his Kingdom. And most of all why He keeps forgiving , and keeps me in his everlasting Kingdom. I can never thank Him enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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