Thursday, July 6, 2017

"My Safe And Sound Place Of Abode"

          City water park is the busiest place in town this summer. 7-6-2017 Perryton,

I took this picture of the City Water Park this morning before it opened for the day. When the gate is opened the park will immediately fill to overflowing. This park is an amusement place for all ages. More than a hundred chairs are sitting around the pool area, and they are usually all full. I have lived in this city for sixty one years and it has grown, and improved every year since I’ve been here. It is still a small, but industrious, comfortable, and still growing city. A lot of wealth has originated from this friendly place called Perryton, Texas. Much of which has found it’s way back, and helped to make a slogan title called, “Perryton Pride.”  Yes, we do have a lot to brag about here in Perryton, but we keep most of our pride to ourselves. Even the poorest of this community are proud to live here. And we blessed people (not especially rich,) are proud to claim them. There is no doubt but what God is in the mix of this wonderful community. He made us all for a special reason, and most have accepted that fact. Sin does exist in this city just like every city in the world, but the root of the fore-runners of this isolated Panhandle area has found it’s way to rock bottom nourishment. It is no longer proper to call Perryton an isolated spot in the Panhandle. We just use our selective senses before we put up the welcome sign. Together we can continue to make Perryton safe, and respectful.

Now that the 4th of July is over we can start to prepare for the next big event for Perryton. The celebration of Perryton’s birthday. This draws a lot of interest each year, and offers a low cost B-B-Q dinner for all. A large parade is always a main attraction with both antique, and modern, vehicles, and equipment, being shown. A whole week of festivities lead up to the final day of the celebration. The afternoon of the final day is filled with music and entertainment from local, and other talented artists. This sitting arrangement is held at the Museum of The Plains in the garden area of the huge exhibition buildings. Home made ice cream, cake, pie and other foods are available in the dinning area of the Museum. This is the most awaited time of the year for Perryton. Most of the ten thousand plus people who live here attend, as well as others who are ex-Perrytonite’s. I should change that statement to read a big lot of the people who live here attend instead of most. This event will happen in August so be sure to start making plans now. I am an old timer here and will be eating inside the Expo Building with table service provided with a smile. How lucky can you get? I look forwarding to seeing a lot of you.

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp

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