Monday, July 17, 2017

"More Than A Drop From Heaven"

          70 one hundredth of inch of rain yesterday. Thank you Lord. 7-17-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m so happy to report that we got 70-one hundreds inch of rain yesterday. The freshness of the outside air is pleasant to the weary, but hopeful mind. Things were looking pretty dead around here, especially where the sprinklers had not been turned on. The hot weather had turned everything into shades of brown. The temperature has dropped 10 to 15 degrees. It’s just nice to know that God still loves us.

While out walking through the back yard this morning a message seemed to enter my mind. I don’t know who delivered it, but I believe it was from above. For over four years I have been waiting for an answer to a request I made to God. I have remained patient, because I felt so strongly that this request would be answered eventually. I was taking it easy while God decided when it was right to answer my request. As of lately I have been questioning God about the delay. This morning I think I got an answer to that inquiry.

“You did the hard job of writing what I gave you to say. You gave it to a publisher with instructions not to edit the story. They followed your request. You were offered many times to put this original, mysterious idea, up for consideration to be sold for book rights to be made into a movie. You refused because you were waiting for God to sell it for you at no expense to you.” The message continued. “God does not do things for lazy people. It’s those who will listen, and do what is asked of them before the answer to their request will happen. You must make things happen, with the faith I have instilled in you.” I listened while I was informed of the necessary steps to follow in order to complete the request I had made several years ago. Because I had faith in the originality of the mysterious story I had written, I hung onto that faith until now. Step by step I will now follow the advise of the messenger.  If I have to do the same thing over and over for seven times, I will do it. I will not be guilty of telling God how I want it done again. Unless I hear that voice clearly asking, “what is it you would have Me do,” then I will tell Him. So today I start my journey to use my faith according to what I was told to do. I can’t wait to get started, and I am expecting the answer to this long awaited request to happen. A miracle, of course, but I am a believer of miracles. I feel like I have been healed already of the inability to pull myself out of a deep rut of mud. I’ve been stuck for quite sometime. The rescuer came this morning when I was least expecting it, and in a way I didn’t expect. I’m free now to travel with speed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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