Friday, July 14, 2017

"This Was My Grandparents In 1944

This is my grandparents,( Jim T. age 62 and Nellie A. age 72,)  Denham. They are my mother's parents. My grandfather died in 1962 and grandmother died in 1948.

I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I would be writing more about my grandparents today. I posted a late picture of them made not long before my grandmother died, in 1948. She was 74 instead of 72 that I previously stated. Grandfather remarried and he and his wife was both killed in an automobile accident. That happened in 1962. I have many fond memories of these two, and they had a big part in shaping my life. I previously stated that I was 12 when I lost my grandmother, but I was 14. My sister had all the correct records and helped clear me up on that. My grandmother was all about reality. Nothing about her was fake or sexy. She had long hair which she never cut or dyed, and wore it in a bun. I can never remember seeing her in a pair of pants, and she wore long stockings every day. They were not called hose back then. She kept them up by wearing a little elastic band called a garter. She made a little roll over the garter. As I stated yesterday she always wore an apron. It was a daily part of her dress. She was a widow with three children when she married my grandfather. He was 10 years older than her, but he got the better end of the deal. She disciplined him just like she did her children. I have heard hundreds of stories from both of them that are so funny even to a young granddaughter. Grandpa exaggerated a lot, but I believed every word he said. I’d like to tell him off today. I can see him already laughing. But the truth about grandpa is he was easy to be spooked. He truly believed in ghosts. I suppose his conscience controlled his lack of bravery, and he dragged grandmother out of the house at night many times for fear of ghosts. He was good at convincing people that he was right even when they knew he wasn’t. This funny man was a good father to the children. He managed to raise them, and with my grandmother’s wisdom, and trust in God, they raised five wonderful, beautiful children. My mother was one of them. If nothing else their home was a home of love, and plenty of food. Cornbread, beans, fried potatoes, cabbage, chili, stew, and lots of other good stuff. Both of my grandparents cooked, but grandpa cooked the most. As I mentioned yesterday I spent at least half of my growing up time at my grandparents house. We kids could ride the school bus to either place we wanted to go, or catch it the next morning to go to school.

Yes, I had a good life growing up, and I am thankful for all the Christian teachings I was privileged to have. Also for the examples that was set before me by all of my extended family. Time changes everything, and I am sorry that the Gospel of Christ means such little to people of today. I hope to leave behind me a legacy that will always be remembered as helpful to many.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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