Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Faith That Don't Waver"

                  Flowers are holding their own in the 100degree heat. 7-19-2017 Perryton, TX
The nice, cool weather has left us again, and 100 degree temperatures are back. The flowers are fading without any sunscreen. I watered them good last night, but I guess the steam from the water is scalding them. I’m sure they will heal when the hot wind decides to lay. It’s so hot I can’t stand out two minutes without sweating, even in the shade. I’m ready for some more rain, and cooler weather.

I enjoyed a nice lunch with friends at the Citizen’s Center today. I have known most of the people who come for many years. I can look out across the room and see people, who are like myself, getting older every day. It makes me feel welcome to the crowd. But I especially enjoy chatting with the seven or eight people sitting at my table. It’s usually the same ones every time, except we have about fifteen or twenty who claim our table, but exchange days of attending, so we always have the exact amount to fill the chairs. Our cooks know how to prepare delicious meals.

I am mostly relaxing for the rest of the day. I enjoy that a lot also. I always have work that needs to be done, but I can use my age for an excuse not to do it. I tell myself I am employed by the GOP, therefore I have to first do that job of voicing my opinion on the internet, and casting a vote now and then to polls offered. I don’t get paid, but neither does our President. He turns all his paycheck over to charity. I reap the benefits of staying safe, and helping keep our freedom without fear, nor favor. I am free to work when I want, and that means a lot to me. I do believe everyone has a God-given duty to work for the good of our country. God is all good, and that’s why we work for America. America is good, even though corruption has multiplied and we must fight the enemy every day. America stands for God, and country. Jesus said, “He who is not for me is against me.” Matthew 12:30 KJV. Now what do you say to that?  Whose side are you on? Are you fighting with your comrades to end the evil forces in your country?  Call it politics if you please, but God called it “fighting for His cause.” Whatever it’s called I am a soldier in The Lord’s Army.

I realize I have failed God, and my country many times, but I am trying harder now than ever to be my best. I am here to answer his call whatever it may be. I know His rewards are without favor. He is a just God. I will accept whatever I am given by Him, and know it was a true, and honest reward. I live by faith and not by sight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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