Sunday, July 30, 2017

"God Send These Apples To Africa"

                     Apples going to waste. Tired of apple pies. 7-30-2017 Perryton, TX

My back yard has been very fruitful this summer, but nothing has been preserved. Apples, plums, grapes, blackberries, rhubarb, and asparagus. I enjoyed some of all of it while it was fresh, but nothing was canned or frozen for later on. “The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37. Living alone I do not need any large amount of food stored up. I rake out lots of food that I cook, because I cannot eat it all even when I try to cook small portions. Then I eat out a lot also, because most of my meetings with friends include a meal. In the past I have given away lots of canned goods, but now I am not able to do the hard work I used to do. I am always reminded at times like this, of all the little starving children over seas who I see on television with nothing but bones for a body. Their little pleading eyes nearly kill me. But it is still nice to see the wonderful fruits and vegetables producing in my back yard without me doing anything to cause it. I do water and spray them, but I may stop that after this year.

I received a call from one of my sisters this morning. She was wanting to plan a trip to a nearby place for she, and another sister, to meet me and spend a couple of nights. I was excited to be asked to do that since I have been needing to get away for awhile. We will be making plans in the near future, and I am looking forward to it. We always have a good time together, and for a short while we feel close to our deceased mom and dad, and our brothers. It is a time of relaxing and building up our faith together. Nothing could be more rewarding than “sister time together.” Our other sister lives too far away to join us on this trip. We will miss her, and I know she will miss being with us. It’s strange how God always comes to our rescue when life gets too dull to enjoy anything. I am in a shouting mood after that call. Thank you Lord. I think I can now get some things done that I’ve been putting off for a long time while waiting for the approaching trip.

One of my closest friends and I, have been through some pretty big hurdles this past six weeks, but both of us have been blessed with a victory reward. It just takes these hurdles sometimes to make us remember how Great God is, and that He still answers prayer. We both have to praise God for being so good to us, when we didn’t deserve it. Strength replaces weakness, and success replaces failure when we are laden down with these two flaws. Thank God again for helping us to keep the faith. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp,

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