Sunday, July 23, 2017

"Put On A Happy Permanent Smile"

                           Smile and the flowers smile with you. 7-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Miss Bee is about to have a heat stroke, but she is still smiling. She knows I will turn the sprinkler on her this afternoon. I am still having fun carried over from the Membership Appreciation night at the Center last Thursday. I laughed more at that dinner than I had in years. The five ladies at my table were extremely loaded with hilarious remarks that would make a ghost freak out. It all got started when a gentleman came and sit down with us and started asking weird questions. Two of our gals were ready for the bait, but they never took a bite. They just knocked it around for the fisherman to get excited over. So the rest of us, and others at joining tables, laughed till our lungs were collapsing. Oh, how I love those fun times, and long for more of them. For once in a very long time I forgot that anything in the world was going on but the friendship dinner. I am still reaping from that blessing. I believe I was allowed to find a happy, funny, small group of entertainers that I didn’t know existed. I have know all these ladies for years, but had never been in a circle with them. Neither had I seen any of them all together before. I think it was a planned sitting from my sweet Jesus, since only two of us had planned to sit together. I thank God for all my blessings.

I have also just discovered that I have some friends on face book that are amazing. It just happened by chance, or was it really by chance. I am beginning to feel like a bird let out of a cage. I will fly the bright blue skies, but I will never be over sell confident. I will never fly away from God. I trust that God has clipped my wings. I’ve always been a slow learner, but I never want to make a move unless I’m sure I know the answer. I have many friend requests on face book that I have not confirmed, but I am so fearful of making mistakes. I hope those who requested a friend conformation will be understanding. I am just a small piece of dust in a very huge, dirty world. It wasn’t suppose to be that way, but everyone knows the real world as it is now. While I feel somewhat escaped from a small space, I still feel boundaries. I haven’t totally won the victory award for being right all the time. I just know that I am right when I say that God is on my side, and He will destroy all the evil people who are making our lives miserable. Little by little we are winning a crown of victory. Let us never give into any lying voices who are trying hard to make us doubt that. I am here, you are there, and our God is everywhere.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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