Wednesday, July 12, 2017

"Selfish Birds Ate My Plums"

Breakfast in the plum tree this morning.Juicy plums are the special. 7-12-2017 Perrryton, TX

No meat for the birds for the past month or so. Mostly fruit, and I don’t approve. The birds pecked every plum on the trees as soon as they began to ripen, then they came back and pecked some more till there is not much left of them. These trees are for the birds. They may have to give them up after this season. I’m thinking of having them cut down. The lawn service would appreciate that idea. I hate giving up those delicious plums, but the birds will always keep me from benefiting from them. I like trees, and I can’t imagine my big back yard without the six plum trees, two cherry trees, and two apple trees. But it has become more like a jungle, than a back yard. Something needs to change.

I missed the luncheon at the Center today, since the lawn mower came unexpected, and I needed to be here to pay him when he finished. I wasn’t sure what he would charge me since it had been longer than usual about getting mowed. When I have something planned I hate to miss it. Things just happen sometimes that can’t be helped. A special dinner will be held next week for membership appreciation night. It is always so wonderful till I will be satisfied about missing the luncheon today. In the meantime I will fill my time with more important things than having a nice time. I am behind on clearing out my file cabinet, and destroying tons of useless papers. Things that I thought was important no longer seen as such. Memories are not worth anything when I’m gone, and I had saved a lot of them. My children would have hated me for leaving all that no-good stuff mixed in with important stuff. I wouldn’t do that to them.

Today is a wait-and-see day. I have made a proposal or two, to two, or three people, and waiting to see what will become of it. I have to trust God with every offer I make to someone. Sometimes it’s big, and I have to be a bit nervous about it, but then I’m reminded that good things are not always without risk. That’s when my faith kicks in, and along with it I get serious. Soon or later I’m going to get lucky and hit the jackpot. Life without risks is like life without rewards. We must not go down in defeat. We are a winner if we are breathing. Whatever happens to us is for a reason. We may not understand, but by faith we must travel on. I pray daily for wisdom for that’s what our Lord told us to do. After that we have to trust. God will not break His promise to us. He will be with us to the end. “Not my will, but Thine be done,” spoke our Savior to His Father.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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