Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"God Looks At The Heart"

          Bird sitting on stump planter this morning makes me happy. 7-26-2017 Perryton, TX
                Animals begging for rain. God says, expect it tonight. 7-26-2017 Perryton, TX

A look outside my back door this morning makes me feel thankful to have a blessed home such as I share. I have water to drench the flowers, in draught-like weather, birds to perch on the planters, and little animal figurines to pray for rain. I awake each morning with a new joy of hope and love. At the end of the day I am tired, frustrated, tension struck, and unwilling to go to bed. I feel like I need to stay up and do something for our troubled country. Then a little voice speaks and says, “Pray, read your bible, and go to bed.” I do just that, and the next morning I am so glad I listened to that little voice. I have several hours of relaxing with a cup of coffee, watching the latest news, and eating a balanced breakfast. Then I go to my computer and start communicating with family and friends. After that I start writing my feelings down on my blogspot, and send them out for people all over the world to read. I have at least one half as many people over seas reading my blogs as I do in the U S. I have to be thankful for that. If God can bless people  through me, I am so glad to spend the time to unload my happy heart. No one ever knows just what good may come from a simple few words spoken directly from the heart. That is if our hearts are right with God. My days work is finished when that little voice says, “Pray, read your bible, and go to bed.” Oops, I’m a day older, and closer to my eternal home. What else would I rather be closer to? After all life starts with a beginning to come to an end. No one escapes that, so we would be wise to look forward to that last and final day. I’m leaving all my belongings behind, because all of my important treasures are already in heaven.

Here comes my word of wisdom for today. “Forget yourself, and start living for God. You make people turn against you when you do otherwise. You can undress to show off your sexy body, but you better be showing the part that requires feelings from deep inside that body. The heart hates the ugly sex organs, and without the heart you would not have them.” These words of wisdom were given to me many years ago by the Holy Spirit. I have not made them a 100 percent priority in my life, but I always remember them when I start to get too worldly. The more modest we are the more people will love us. “Beauty comes from the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 KJV. Many more verses back this Godly statement up. I don’t believe in covering every inch of your body with garb, but I do believe one should dress modest, and leave plenty for the imagination, as my husband used to say.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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