Monday, July 31, 2017

"Another Mad Dog Made To Run"

                      Threatening loose dog looking straight at me. 7-31-2017 Perryton, TX

I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the peaceful atmosphere I enjoy every day. People walking, slow traffic, students practicing football in school play yard across the street, neighbors visiting with each other, and a nice cool breeze to remind us how hot it had been the past several days. Almost every time I sit out on my front porch, the little dog, Molly, from next door comes over to visit me. Her owner keeps the garage door open so she can walk freely to my house, and my neighbors house next door. That is her boundaries, and she never goes beyond them.

I had barely sit down last evening when like a flash this big, angry-looking dog appeared on my front lawn. He stood still and looked me in the eye for several seconds, the he made a threatening bark at me. I immediately turned my eyes to Molly’s garage hoping she didn’t come out this time. She has been attacked before by mean dogs, and had to be taken to the doctor. Her owner was watching, and was able to reach her before she was severely injured. I made sure I was sitting close enough to my door till I could have jumped in the house if the dog came for me. I started talking with a demanding  voice for him to go away. I kept threatening him, and finally he began to slowly walk away. Molly never came out of the garage, but I think it was because she remembers the time she was attacked. That little dog is  smarter than a whip. She understands almost everything you say to her. She has had strict, but good upbringing.

I believe we still have a few threatening dogs in our U.S. governing system. The growl, and the threatening barks seems to be determined not to leave our President, and the people who elected him, alone. I, for one, am standing guard over this rightful, God-given President. He is well trained, and knows when to stay in, and when to come out. He knows his boundaries, and will not exceed them. However, he is also smart enough to take on any of the threatening mad dogs who he may have to show his real strength to. Unlike little Molly, he is large, and can defend his people without any doubt. I believe he appreciates all of his guards, but make no mistake, our President can maneuver this voyage, and may have to prove it by destroying all unfriendly dogs. I can already see some of it happening. One by one they are going down in defeat in some form or another. To all the little Molly’s, be smart, keep your security, and don’t take chances, but to all the bully-proof, God believing, warriors, go get’ um. God will never leave us to fight our battles alone, neither will our President. I would love to hear your commits on this perspective.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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