Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Last Call To Get Onboard"

Jean's Comment's: "A Last Call To Get Onboard":                           April is sexual assault awareness month. 3-29-2017 Perryton, TX. It was a great time of sharing, and enjoying...

"A Last Call To Get Onboard"

                          April is sexual assault awareness month. 3-29-2017 Perryton, TX.

It was a great time of sharing, and enjoying a delicious meal at the Citizen’s Center today. The menu was as usual, a well balanced, delicious meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, buttered carrots, tossed salad, biscuits, and a three layer dessert. Everyone came in with a rain protector over their heads, but there was still a good crowd. People are rejoicing over the wonderful rain that has been falling for two days now. We had two ladies representing the Crisis Center to give us a report on the sexual assault cases reported every month. It is alarming. I have posted a short preview of what we all should do to help prevent the crime of sexual assault. It simply states if anyone sees or knows of anyone who is being sexually abused please call this number. The number is listed on the notice slip of paper. The ladies asked us to wear the little blue emblem the whole month of April. More people do have a duty to get involved with this disturbing situation. Can more of us show our support? I hope so. Just because we can feel free from this terrible crisis is no reason that we can ignore those who do have the problem. Let us open our eyes, and ears, to detect the least inkling of this terrible crime. It is no crime to report anything that may be suspicious looking. The name of the reporter will never be made known. The Crisis Center needs our help. A whistle blower is important in saving a child’s, or an adult’s, mental life.

I am on the hallelujah side today. I feel so encouraged, and full of vigor and aggression. I am of a small frame, but am strong when I need to hand over something to God. I belong to a large group of the unknown to the ordinary persons of self-control. My group of committed persons knows no boundaries when it comes to removing obstacles from our path. I encourage everyone who may be lacking in this respect, to join forces and fear not the future. You have already been given that right, but you just don’t claim it. If you feel as a loser, flex your spiritual muscles and show the world that you are not a loser. Drop all negative thoughts, and declare first class boarding on all jet-flown journeys. It’s your choice if you are committed to the “Great I Am.” Your cheers are yelling for you. Don’t stand them up. Now is the moment to get on board that first class flight. Your faults, and failures, are already forgiven, Your only criteria is to remember not to repeat them. You must submit to change your way of thinking, but it will be well worth the decision to do so. You have been grounded long enough. Get back into the rule of personal, not segregated thought, and learn to face your battles with only one rule of power, Your Heavenly Father. He needs no help from anyone but you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Better Days Ahead"

Jean's Comment's: "Better Days Ahead":                               Pouring down rain in our city. 3-28-2017 Perryton, Tx We finally are getting that long needed rain. It’s ...

"Better Days Ahead"

                              Pouring down rain in our city. 3-28-2017 Perryton, Tx

We finally are getting that long needed rain. It’s still raining and I can’t get to the rain gage, but I’m sure we have had about 2 inches already. The lightning knocked the electricity off for about two hours. I was concerned about not having television for the rest of the day, but it came back on quicker today thWe finally are getting that long needed rain. It’s still raining and I can’t get to the rain gage, but I’m sure we have had about 2 inches already. The lightning knocked the electricity off for about two hours. I was concerned about not having television for the rest of the day, but it came back on quicker today than usual. I think the storm is over, but it continues to rain slowly. My yard was supposed to have gotten mowed today, but it looks like we may be getting rain the rest of the week. The grass will be a foot tall if it does rain several more days.

A meatloaf had just finished cooking when the electricity went off. Chuck hasn’t made it over for lunch yet, and I don’t know if he will get out in this rainy weather or not. I was glad I got lunch cooked  before the electricity went off. I can have left-over’s for a day or two. I will be eating lunch at the Center tomorrow, but Chuck will have lunch already cooked here. This rain is such a blessing. The wild fires has done so much damage to our county lately so now maybe everyone can have hope again of getting back to normal. Several people lost their homes, their cattle, and all their grassland. A few even lost their own lives while fighting the fires. Most people had time to evacuate before getting trapped in their homes. It has been scary around here for nearly a month. Fires were blazing in every direction from our town. The high winds blew every day, and fires kept starting up and continued to spread. Now since this rain maybe we can relax some.

A friend called this morning from a long distance and talked for over an hour. She was getting rain in her city also. We had a long discussion about the terrible mess our world is in. We covered a lot of the Old Testament, and part of the New. We decided we were very blessed to be living under Grace, and needed to thank our Lord more every day. Only those who believe, and trust in Jesus will be saved from eternal damnation. No fool is smart enough to fool God, and no wise is wise enough to even try. We are either with Him or against Him. Those are Jesus’ own words. I try to stay within a prayer’s distance from my Jesus. I don’t have to look for Him, because I’m afraid of getting lost from Him, and I would die of fear. When I call His name, He answers me, Nothing could be sweeter, nor more encouraging, than to hear Him  say, “Trust Me.” I have heard those words for many years, and I do trust Him with my life

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Two-Lip Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "My Two-Lip Beauty": One little tulip opened up last night. I love tulips especially red ones. 3-27-2017 Perryton, TX It’s looking more like spring every day...

"My Two-Lip Beauty"

One little tulip opened up last night. I love tulips especially red ones. 3-27-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s looking more like spring every day around here. Several of the early blooming bulbs have made there appearance. I even had a nice mess of asparagus for dinner yesterday. It was so good and tender. I plan to make a couple of rhubarb pies from my garden today. One for a friend, and the other for Chuck and I. We have been having some cool weather, but no freeze yet. Mostly a lot of high wind. If we can hold off the freeze until a little while after Easter we will be safe. It came a hard freeze last year after Easter. The fruit trees are all doing great so far. The lawn man will be mowing my yard tomorrow. I am so anxious to get everything taken care of outside. It has been a lot of work trying to clean, everything up that had collected since last summer, and  watering  the dry grass and flowers. I finally am beginning to feel vindicated from not doing it at the end of last fall.

My day seems to be starting off great today, after a trying one yesterday. I have done some work on three different paintings. After writing this blog I will make the pies, and start dinner. I will never understand why some days are so encouraging, while others can be so discouraging even without any real reason. We just have to wait it out, and usually it doesn’t last very long. Those kind of days do cause me to sleep very little. I just can’t seem to get sleepy even though I am not worried about anything. I believe it’s called anxiety which means I need to get busy instead of going to sleep. Nature has a way of helping us to get our work done, even though we may have fallen into a rut. I know I will be lifted out, so I just try to relax and think about a vacation I am fixing to take. A new day always brings new hope for all our anxieties.

I got another invite to a dinner through the mail today. I am so anxious for this event, but I must be patient and wait for the time to come. I am loving it when I get invited to something, especially a nice dinner. I make sure I post it on my calendar. The invite was to an appreciation dinner for members of The Museum Of The Plains. I just recently became a member so naturally I am excited to see what I have signed up for. The museum is very large in footed space, and has grown every year since it opened. It not only is large, but is filled with interesting items of history. A kitchenette is large enough for a catering service to serve up to a hundred or more people. The dinning area is spacious also. Several special events through out the year are held there. I love crowds and excitement, so I am glad to have become a member of this nice organization. I need lots of support with my painting enthusiasm, and look forward to having an art display before long. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Scorching Fires Continue"

Jean's Comment's: "Scorching Fires Continue":                          Table at the entrance of our church. Nice setting. 3-26-2017 Perryton, TX. The wind is still blowing this cool....

"Scorching Fires Continue"

                         Table at the entrance of our church. Nice setting. 3-26-2017 Perryton, TX.

The wind is still blowing this cool. Sunday morning. As of last night the fire a few miles south of us was still burning. It was only 95 percent contained, but the wind keeps spreading it. Fires, and human violence keeps increasing every day. What is in store for us? Things are looking bad everywhere we turn. We may have declared victory too soon. For some reason I felt uncomfortable in church this morning. I believe the Lord was speaking to me, but I’m not sure what He was saying. I left church early. When I got home I felt fine. I don’t understand, but I’m not going to surmise. My only comment would be that people are very confused, I do believe. The road to heaven from now on may be very rough. I don’t believe there is any room to find fault with others about anything. We all have a life to answer to, and we make our own choices. If we make mistakes we must correct them ourselves, but we must not condemn others for what they do. We can either follow the Christian faith, or follow the non-Christian faith. It is that simple. There may have been a time when we needed to preach hell fire and brimstone, but certainly not now. It’s too late for that, in my opinion. It’s time now to accept what happens, and pray for mercy. We heard our President say this week, ”no more negotiating. It’s time to vote on the bill.” The bill died for lack of support. Now the punishment phase begins. Probably every American voter will have some blame in this important bill failing. Only God knows why it failed. I trust Him to be the reason for it failing regardless of the human cause. Therefore at this time I cannot curse anyone. I do believe God does put actions upon people, even when He is against what is happening. There is a time, and a season for all things, and in God’s time the victory for Christians will come.

I took this picture I have posted of the welcome table at the entrance of our church when I left this morning. This display of God’s Word is powerful, and everyone needs to view it often. This is the last thing I remember about church this morning. It seemed like I was tuned out to most everything else. I accept my fault in feeling like that, but I felt I needed to leave. I am still not sure if something will change in my life, or if something changes in the church. Do we ever ask ourselves if we have fallen in the ditch? If not, maybe we should. The bible tells us if we are lukewarm He will spew us out of His mouth, Revelations 3:16, but what does that mean? Romans 2:1. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O Man, whosoever thou art that judgest another thou condemns thyself; for thou that doest the same things. I find myself more and more doing things that I used to condemn others for. I believe this scripture is correct. If we condemn others we are condemning ourselves for we do the same, or worse than they. We all need to love one another, and pray for ourselves as much as we need to pray for others.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Pregnant Rabbit Posing"

Jean's Comment's: "A Pregnant Rabbit Posing": This pregnant mother rabbit stopped long enough for me to take her picture. 3-25-2017 Perryton, TX We are happy to report .2 of an inch ...

"A Pregnant Rabbit Posing"

This pregnant mother rabbit stopped long enough for me to take her picture. 3-25-2017 Perryton, TX

We are happy to report .2 of an inch of rain yesterday. Every inch helps this dry county of Ochiltree. Our neighbors to the southwest was blessed with a good rain that helped put out three bad grass fires. It came just in time to save several homes that were in the fire’s path. We are rejoicing over that victory. The high winds keeps blowing down electrical lines which starts the fires. With thousands of acres of dry grass the wind spreads the fire fast. Beef in the stores was already highly priced, but with the loss of so many cattle, and the grass they fed on, we probably will not be able to eat any beef this summer. People may go fishing more this year.

There is a pregnant mother rabbit living in my back yard. Every time I step outside she runs for the exit. This morning I saw her jump out of her nest and dart for the opening in the fence. She stopped at the exit door just long enough for me to take her picture. It is obvious that she is very pregnant. This year she made her nest in a place where we don’t run the mower so I don’t have to worry about chopping up baby rabbits this summer. I still have to worry about her eating all my young, tender, exotic grass and vegetables. I would not miss her if she moved away. The rabbits, and the squirrels are not my friends any more, although I do have to live with them.

I am looking forward to another night out this evening. The widowed men and women will be sharing dinner this evening at a nice restaurant called Margarita’s. All interested persons are welcome to attend. This is also a time of sharing our joys and concerns. The food is always good, and the fellowship is most encouraging. My Saturdays are reserved for this one event. I also save most of my carbs for this dinner. The menu is adequate for this low-carb diet everyone loves. I thank God that He provided a place for grieving singles to gather and share their loneliness‘, although no one would ever guess we were lonely. Much spiritual strength is entwined within this group of loving, caring, friends. My joy overflows every Saturday after a week of being tested by destructive forces.

Needless to admit I am greatly dismayed at my GOP lawmakers who would not approve our President’s healthcare bill. There is only one reason I can’t hate everyone of them who would not vote for this bill. The reason is this. The night before the bill was to be voted on I asked God to have His way. I felt sure His way would be to pass the bill, but I have to accept the fact that I was wrong. This bill was not God’s plan. He has a much better one, and it will work out to everyone’s benefit. Therefore I cannot hate those who would not vote for it. I feel like President Trump feels the same way as I. He did say he was not against those GOP members who would not vote for it. That tells me I believe the President prayed the same prayer that I did. There will be victories, and defeats, but we, as a Christian nation will be winners in the end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "They Tell Me Of An Unclouded Day"

Jean's Comment's: "They Tell Me Of An Unclouded Day":                                        Birds are praying for rain. 3-24-2017 Perryton, TX                                           A qu...

"They Tell Me Of An Unclouded Day"

                                       Birds are praying for rain. 3-24-2017 Perryton, TX
                                          A quick peek at the sun. 3-24-2017 Perryton,TX

The wind and hail storm missed us last night, but it took all the rain with it. This morning the rain clouds surround us with hope of maybe rain today. I did feel a few sprinkles while I was out taking pictures. The high wind yesterday caused a few more bad grass fires close to our location. The rain missed those fire areas also. I wonder just how much longer we will be threatened. I feel danger from sea to shinning sea. A mighty powerful God is trying to tell us something. All Christians need to get onboard and ride this train to Glory Land. I don’t think it will be long before the train pulls out. I am not worried, because I know in whom I believe, but I do worry for others. I don’t know of any place in this world where there is peace. No doubt the violence is increasing everyday, everywhere on this earth. No longer are just the unborn babies being brutally murdered, but the born, and the reborn are getting some of the same. It seems as though a life has lost all right to be respected, and treated as God commanded they be. I feel like some people live on someone elses blood. I know this is a gross way to be talking, but we must fight blood with blood, it does seem. Mr. and Mrs. Nice had to lay down their effort to keep it, and join the bloody forces of, God anointed people, who will do whatever they have to do to proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ as the only blood that can save the world. Do we understand just how great this battle between Jesus and Satan really is?

I just want to say to everyone who can hear or read my message, open your eyes, and if you cannot see the facts of what is going on, open your ears to God. I’ve been giving out this message for a few years now, but I feel like few have taken it seriously. At least I have keep my promise to God to be His messenger. I am not like the stiff-necked fool who would not listen to God when I heard Him calling to me. On this earth I am nothing but clay molded into a figure with the breath of God being breathed into me. I was made to live to be a servant of God, which I believe everyone is, but many have refused to be His servant. I would not give myself a high score for my achievements, but I do expect to pass the test. That means everything to me. I am happy, I am blessed, I am excited, and I am one thankful servant. Sometimes I feel like I’m sinking, sometimes I feel like I am floating, and sometimes I feel like I’m going to fly to heaven. A quote I love. “Only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Lady In A Pile Of Leaves"

Jean's Comment's: "The Lady In A Pile Of Leaves": Almost buried in a pile of leaves. 3-23-2014 perryton, TX                           Part of a long row of raked dead leaves. 3-23-2017 P...

"The Lady In A Pile Of Leaves"

Almost buried in a pile of leaves. 3-23-2014 perryton, TX
                          Part of a long row of raked dead leaves. 3-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Yesterday was a “rake um, and take um” to the dumpster day. I raked and carried ten large trash containers of dead leaves to the dumpster. I still have more to do today. Part of these leaves was from my neighbor’s large tree just over the fence, but he didn’t come and rake my yard. He doesn’t even know I raked his leaves out of my yard. His leaves and my leaves are not labeled so we both just rake our own yards. We do have a prediction of rain tonight so I had to get in gear and clean the yard of all trash. I slept good last night. I suppose I need to rake leaves every day.

I went to bed last night with problems on my mind. My camera was refusing to unload, my computer was refusing to work properly, and several other stubborn issues were happening with my daily performances, but this morning everything is working normally. I guess everything needed rest as badly as I did. All the things I figured out last night that I would do today to get it all fixed I just have to cancel today. What does that sound like? I think my Heavenly Father had mercy on me. I can’t miss a day without being reminded how important God is in my life. I feel so close to Him every minute of every day. He is my strength, my present help in time of need, my comforter, my provider, my shield, and all other things a child needs from a father. I trust Him with my life every day.

I had a nice luncheon with friends at the Center yesterday. It always encourages me to sit at the table with several friends and share our blessings together. When I told a special friend yesterday that she was an inspiration to me, her big, bright, eyes looked up at me like she was shocked. She was sitting at a table, and I bent down to put my arm around her, like I always do, when I told her that. This lady is a talented artist, and a native of England. Her beautiful, smoothed-skin, face would light up any room. A few years ago she had a stroke that left her partly paralyzed. Her speech is very limited, but she tries hard to communicate. I can tell it embarrasses her to try to talk, but with her few words, and those big smiling eyes, she lets her heart open up. She never misses a luncheon at the center. A caregiver brings her there, and with the help of a walker, this sweet lady adds a lot of inspiration to the crowd. Sometimes I am amazed at how long of a sentence she manages to get out. Other times she just tries to let you know she has a handicap. She looks much younger than her age, and I believe this persistent, beautiful, young lady will someday be able to communicate more.  I love her enduring style.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Timers And Happy Finders"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Timers And Happy Finders": Dr. Jenny McGaughy speaking at the Happy Timers luncheon today 3-21-2017 Perryton, TX I enjoyed being at the “Happy Timers” meeting toda...

"Happy Timers And Happy Finders"

Dr. Jenny McGaughy speaking at the Happy Timers luncheon today 3-21-2017 Perryton, TX

I enjoyed being at the “Happy Timers” meeting today. The group sang a few Irish songs then went into the dinning room for a delicious Irish lunch. Dr. Jenny McGaughy gave a short speech on her difficult time while carrying and delivering twins. She delivered the twins early, a boy and a girl. The little girl fought and fought to live, but after a few days she succumbed. The boy lived and is now nine years old. He is a blessing to the mom and dad, but they will always wish they could have saved their daughter. The speech was sad, but uplifting. We all could relate to this couples traumatic loss in some way or another. This Dr./ mother was so strong in her talk about the painful misfortunate loss till I almost cried for her. She is happy and thankful to have three healthy children. 

I left the meeting to go to the Museum of The Plains to check on another scheduled dinner there. A membership dinner is coming up on April the 11th. I am about to be called a “gadabout” anymore. I switched from a, stay at home bore, to a on-the-go oar. Rowing along with more speed every day. As long as I don’t hit a wind storm I am safe. After the party is over it’s time to go to work. In a few minutes I will hit the yard with full force and make a showing there. I can’t put on the glitter if I’m going to be a quitter. I want to make my yard smile at me every day. It needs a lot of encouragement. I can’t finish my painting that is near completion till I finish the yard work. The yard can’t wait, the painting can.

My tip of the day goes to #34. HOPE YOU ARE READING THIS MY CHILD. My physic tells me you need to brace it up and claim the prize that is waiting for your validation You know what it is, but you just don’t have the guts to call it out. It’s now or never. Go boy, go. I am not a physic reader or any of the like, but sometimes something does direct us to throw the ball into the right  hands who can make a goal. I’m on your side. Hit it hard. The time has come and gone for some who didn’t take life seriously. You, my child are still able to change that nature and get tough. Don’t miss this pass.

I threw this in for good measure. It’s my way of saying  that most of us could do better if we tried. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. “The move is on.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Summertime Weather In March"

Jean's Comment's: "Summertime Weather In March":                           A close neighbor's colorful, little tree. 3-20-2017 Perryton TX. Not a warm day, but a hot day. Turn the ...

"Summertime Weather In March"

                          A close neighbor's colorful, little tree. 3-20-2017 Perryton TX.

Not a warm day, but a hot day. Turn the air conditioner on please! I’m glad I got a lot of yard work done this morning while it was still cool. We really need rain, but it looks like that is not going to happen for awhile yet. I took this picture of my neighbor’s pretty red tree. I don’t know what it’s called, but it is so pretty. I don’t think any limbs broke off it during the bad ice storm. It looks so uniform sitting in the yard. My front yard work is done, and now I’m waiting for the grass to grow tall enough to seed out. I put down weed-kill, so hopefully I will have a weed-free yard. Now for the back yard which is much bigger, and a lot more work is required of it. After I get home from the Happy Timers luncheon tomorrow I will start working on the back yard if it’s not too hot. I have to spray some more trees back there. My next scheduled away-from-home trip is coming up on April 20th. I have my annual doctor’s appointment on that day in Oklahoma City, and one of my sisters who lives there reserved rooms for three nights for I, and my three sisters to be together. This will be an exciting time for us since we haven’t all been together for some time. We will be observing Memorial Day about a month early just so we can all be together. Again I say I am thankful for this blessed event I am privileged to be part of. I, and all three of my sisters are widowed within the past five years. We have been there for each other during all the hard times. We all live in different states, but God has blessed us and let us be there for each other when death struck some member of our family. I am so thankful to my lord.
Memorial services were held today for my sweet sister-in-law, Lou O’Brien, my husband’s baby sister. She was the last living sibling of my husband. She has three wonderful sons who will be mourning her loss for a long time. She lived in Oklahoma City, and just a short service was scheduled, so I didn’t try to go. I sent my love and prayers to her children, and I know they understand that their aunt is older than their mother, and it is very hard for me to travel except when necessary. Even though I didn’t get to see Lou very often I thought about her nearly every day. I have lot’s of wonderful memories of her. I would like to say to her now, “Lou if you see my husband, and your brother, tell him I still love him and look forward to seeing him again.” I’m not sure what heaven will be like, but I want to imagine it is like what I understand the bible is telling me when I read “ye shall know as ye are known.” By faith I am living this promise, and I know it will even be more wonderful than I can imagine.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Few Limbs Left On The Tree"

Jean's Comment's: "The Few Limbs Left On The Tree": Since the ice storm breaking off so many limbs on the Red Bud tree, there is just enough blooms to cap the top of the tree.3-19-2017 Perry...

"The Few Limbs Left On The Tree"

Since the ice storm breaking off so many limbs on the Red Bud tree, there is just enough blooms to cap the top of the tree.3-19-2017 Perryton, TX

There could never be a more beautiful day than what this Sunday morning brought us. It has been ninety degrees in the shade most of the day. I have watered all afternoon getting ready to spread fertilizer and weed killer tomorrow. The grass is already green and needs to be mowed. I am going to wait about mowing till the grass seeds. We need a thicker stand of grass. I am already enjoying the outdoor freedom. I see beauty all around me, and the birds are enjoying also. They are darting through the trees, and singing to the top of their lungs. I sat out on my porch and watched people walking a whole family at a time. This day is a blessing to all.

Church services this morning was also a blessing. I always enjoy the pastor’s sermon. I am so thrilled at the good number of young married couples who are faithfully attending church now, and teaching their little ones in the way they were brought up. It was for awhile that our church suffered the loss of young married people. It was feared by some that when the older members passed on, the church would die also. Not so now. There are now more younger people than older ones. We are praising God for that answer to prayer. I guess I’ve just been revived, and I sure needed to be. Most of the time when we blame our discontent of the church on others it’s usually us, and not someone else who is making us discontent. It may take awhile for us to build our faith back to where it used to be, but in time the faith we thought we had lost just doubled. How wonderful to be a chosen vessel for God.

The widowed men and women’s group who met at the Pizza Hut last night was another happy place to be. I am enjoying these meetings more and more all the time. It is such a nice group of people, and they always bring with them a cheerful note of laughter. Even the pizza gets better every time we eat there. The group meets at a different place every Saturday evening, until all eating places have been visited, then they start around the table again. Retirement is more fun than I thought it would be. I like being free to go or do, whatever I choose anytime I so do. We are the older, and wiser of the ex-laborers who walked by sight and not by faith. Our calendars and clocks told us it was time to go to work, so by sight we saw to that that every morning. We don’t have bosses anymore, and since we, the widowed, don’t have spouses we can go to bed anytime we want. Retired is one thing, widowed is another thing. Both at the same time can be confusing sometimes. Some day I think I will realize just how blessed I am.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "St. Patrick's Day Celebration"

Jean's Comment's: "St. Patrick's Day Celebration":      More joy to my heart. Slowly, but surly, the flowers are blooming. 3-17-2017 Perryton, TX “Happy are the days when blooming flowers...

"St. Patrick's Day Celebration"

     More joy to my heart. Slowly, but surly, the flowers are blooming. 3-17-2017 Perryton, TX

“Happy are the days when blooming flowers surround you.” The tulips will be open shortly. I just enjoy my flowers so much. The pictures I have posted of these crocuses and buttercups, are down the steps of my front door. They are just out of my house enough to call them outside flowers. Several other kinds in this bed will be in full bloom right away. How nice it is to live with spring weather.

I am grieving the loss of a sister-in-law who passed away yesterday. She was my husband’s last sibling. I loved her so much, and her three sons also. She will be missed by many. She had lived in Oklahoma City every since she had been married. While going to beauty school there she met and married her husband. He preceded her in death about five years ago. One by one our family are being called to their eternal home. I must spend as much time as I possible can with the remaining ones. God has a plan for all of us, and I know it is the right thing. “Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”

My St. Patrick’s dinner at the Center last night was nice. Several attended, and the food was delicious. I didn’t get pinched because I was wearing bright green earrings, but I got to pinch a friend. She immediately ran to find a green beaded necklace to put around her neck. It was a time when everyone forgot about their troubles, and laughed the evening away. I will be attending the luncheon today at the same place, with the last-night left-over’s  made up into Reuben sandwiches, potato salad, and a frozen delight for dessert. After this luncheon I will be anxiously awaiting the Widow and Widower’s meeting tomorrow night at the Pizza Hut. I am making up for all the times I stayed at home, and didn’t want to go anywhere. The more I go now, the more I want to go.

I still have time to do some painting, and work in the yard. I will be posting a portrait of Melania Trump posing in a blue formal, sitting in a Royal type chair at her home in the Trump Towers. I have worked on this piece for quite some time. It was just hard to make the feathers correct, since I didn’t like the way she was wearing her hair. Knowing that this pose was an elegant one, made me understand that the hair could not be flowing like in most of her other shots, but I still wanted to fix it that way. I just didn’t like her expression, but I finally got it somewhat right. Someone needs to take it from me so I won’t be changing anything else. I do like the portrait, and will frame it soon. Until then, keep watching.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Dog Gone Sight"

Jean's Comment's: "A Dog Gone Sight": My friend, Molly, just came over to say good morning. Headed back home now. She knows I still love her. 3-16-2017 Perryton, TX It’s go...

"A Dog Gone Sight"

My friend, Molly, just came over to say good morning. Headed back home now. She knows I still love her. 3-16-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s going to be a lovely day. I was out checking the blooming flowers when my little next-door friend, Molly, came over to say good morning. She has to stay in her yard, except she is allowed to come see me when I go out. She has just a minute then she has to head back home. It’s very important to her that I pat, and say hello to her. After that she is satisfied, and goes back to her yard. Her master has trained her well, and she is very smart. Molly is loved by all the neighbors. She is a quite dog, and never barks except when something strange comes up, and she is sure her family needs to be notified. That is not very often. When I used to have the paper thrown in my yard, Molly would bring it to me if she saw me outside. She did expect a treat. My next-door neighbors on the other side leave their garage door open so Molly can come in every day and receive her treat. She has been doing this for years. These neighbors are Molly’s dog setters  when her family goes on vacations. Although Molly don’t talk she understands every word you say to her. She is an outside dog, and seldom ever goes in the house. At night she sleeps in the garage. Her owners barely know she is a dog, but they believe dogs are not suppose to live in their master’s house.

I had a few things I needed to do this morning before starting my yard work. If I do the yard work first, then I can’t do anything else the rest of the day. It really takes the zip out of me. I can only work about an hour and one-half until I am exhausted. That’s what age does to you. That is a good amount of exercise though. I am a pretty limber old lady. My bones do screech a little, but they are still operative. I am always so pleased to look upon my finished work at the end of the day. That makes the pain more bearable. Taking a break often, also makes the pain go away when I do something I really enjoy doing, like going on a short trip. I am always ready to get back home, and start to work again.

Mostly I enjoy listening to the news. There comes a time when I have to break from that also. There is no doubt in my mind that our country is beyond fixing to the original state. We must learn to live with great turmoil, and flexibility if we continue to live at all. Too many people have turned away from God, and are ignoring every reasonable, measure of wisdom. It is, no doubt, a time of pay-up, for everyone. I am prepared to settle my debt, and live with what I have left. One day at a time is all I ask, ”Dear Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "It's Time To Quit When The Sun Goes Down"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Time To Quit When The Sun Goes Down":        Day's end. Beautiful day, and got a lot of outside work done. 3-15-2017 Perryton TX I am late with my blog today, but I have...

"It's Time To Quit When The Sun Goes Down"

       Day's end. Beautiful day, and got a lot of outside work done. 3-15-2017 Perryton TX

I am late with my blog today, but I have been busy outside taking advantage of this nice weather. I made a big showing in getting things done in the yard. I sawed a tree up so I could get it through the gate. I clipped all the dead stalks of asparagus to the ground, and raked all the leaves and dead grass out of the flower beds. The sundown almost beat me to the camera. It was a pretty one, and I had to capture it. If we have another nice day tomorrow I should almost finish my yard work. I have aching bones tonight, but that is good for me. A good night’s sleep will take care of that. This will be one of those nights that I am ready for bed without any coaxing. I probably will be sore tomorrow, but that will also fade away as the day goes by.

I had two long visits by phone today with my sister and a friend. Both live some distance away from me, and it’s always nice to talk with them. My sister had made reservations for three nights in Norman. Oklahoma for myself, and my three sisters to be together, for an early Memorial Day week-end. It will be the latter part of April when we meet. I am looking forward to this get together. I haven’t seen my sister in Albuquerque, NM for over two years. She will have two of her daughters with her also.

Tomorrow night I will be attending a St. Patrick’s dinner at the Citizen’s Center here. A great night of fun has been planned, and I know I will enjoy it. I am on the move again now-a-days, and  I feel excited most of the time. It has taken me four years to get back to normal after giving up my husband to go to his eternal home. I am just beginning to come out of the shock. For these past four years it has been like, who am I, what am I doing here, where am I at, why am I all alone? Of course it was only at times that I felt like that. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that death of a loved one don’t leave it’s mark on you forever. The wounded heart never heals. It just lets you live with it and manage the pain. I have lots of work left to do here on this earth before I can leave. I’m trying hard to do as much as I can. I don’t want to be a waster of time. I cannot reclaim the time I’ve wasted, but I can work overtime to catch up a little. I could not handle my life without the help of God. That’s why I give Him thanks every day for every blessing He gives me. My joy is the salvation of the Lord. Let this be heard far and near.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Fable And A Reality"

Jean's Comment's: "A Fable And A Reality":          St. Patrick's pinwheel is blowing in the wind this morning. 3-14-2017 Perryton, TX Another strong, cold wind is keeping me ...

"A Fable And A Reality"

         St. Patrick's pinwheel is blowing in the wind this morning. 3-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Another strong, cold wind is keeping me out of the yard this morning. The little pinwheel I posted has stood the winter well. I needed a movie camera to show how fast it was turning. I have several of these little pinwheels stationed around to keep the birds out of my berries and grapes. They work very well. I need to find something to keep the rabbits out of my garden. They also like certain kinds of flowers and oriental grass. I noticed this morning that a flower which was almost in full bloom yesterday is eaten off  now. I find pecans lying all over the yard that the squirrels put there last winter. So much for friendly pets.

I am still feeling up-beat this morning. I have several more places of being an attendant to this week. I am enjoying myself more and more every day. I am not sure what changed my stay-at-home attitude, but maybe the Lord gave me a work-over that I wasn’t aware of. I can’t seem to be gone from home enough now, except I still want to follow the news every day. Too much excitement is going on that I don’t want to miss. I am able to face the fact that a sweet sister-in-law is almost at heaven’s gate. It hurts to give her up, but not so much that I can’t keep moving on toward that goal myself. Pain and suffering are but minor when I fully complete the work I am doing for God each day. It may seem unimportant to some, but I am positive it is great in God’s big eyes. How thankful I am for that everlasting love of my Heavenly Father. Me, a speck of dust, my Father, the creator of all heaven and earth. How could I not ignore the pain and grief just to know I am a child of the “Great I Am?” I get punished by Him when I am rude or uncaring of others. I am grateful for that punishment because it keeps me singing when the punishment is over. The golden rule is still effective. “Do not unto others as they do unto you, but do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We as human nature mortals, cannot  live within that rule without the love of Christ in our lives, and I dare say we cannot live without this rule  if we have the love of Christ in our lives. This is a deep thought that requires much prayer, and consecration, to our biblical knowledge. Judgment day is not coming, it has already come to many. I am sorry if you don’t believe that, but I believe it with all my heart. I believe it because the Word of God teaches that. Yes, there will be a “Great Judgment Day” when the time comes to enter into God’s Eternal Rest, but for now we are being judged daily. I won’t run from punishment, I need it to guide me in the right direction. “Thank You God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: St. Patrick's Day Church Dinner"

Jean's Comment's: St. Patrick's Day Church Dinner":                             St. Patrick's Day lunch at church. 3-13-2017 Perryton, Texas. I am so happy to report the wonderful feel...

St. Patrick's Day Church Dinner"

                            St. Patrick's Day lunch at church. 3-13-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I am so happy to report the wonderful feeling I had yesterday at First Christian Church, Perryton, Texas. It was St. Patrick’s day lunch after church, and the food and fellowship was great. Due to a number of reasons I had not been to church in quite awhile. Mainly because of the loss of my husband who was always beside me at church. The Church family didn’t give up on me, and was so gracious to include me in every special event the church had. This past week it seemed as though a dark cloud just lifted up from my brain, and I was feeling my old self again. I know I will still have to battle with the “serpent-type evil,” that fills the air, and never stays still for long. By God’s grace I will be an over comer of that situation.

I suppose the best thing I got from attending church was the Pastor’s sermon. He is young, but preaches the Gospel truth when it comes to, “telling it like it is.” Christ called every member of His church body to use their talents for His sake. So many of us don’t want to take this serious. We reach a place where we think we can retire from all duties, and let others do the jobs. The Pastor preached hard about that theory, and I for one felt the impact. I have excused myself from many things I was asked to do, but I thought I had a good reason. The best reason was to find an excuse not to go to church. I’ve heard this same messaged preached several times before from this pastor, but I suppose he is still needing to preach it. From the eyes view it seems like everyone is doing a great job in performing the church duties, but without these kinds of sermons it might not happen.

As little as I am in body, mind, and soul, I still have a job to do for my Lord. I would to God that I unequivocally say, “yes I will,” to all request I am presented with. It will make a difference in my life, and maybe some one else’s. We walk by faith and not by sight. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. I will repay. So many scriptures are written for those of us who feel like we’ve been wrongly judged, or just overlooked when we felt we were in God’s will. More of us need to practice this teaching, and go our own merry way while leaving the punishment phase to God. We don’t have to answer for others mistakes. Let us check, and double check, our own work. I believe I am speaking to members of all churches. No one is without sin, even though some think they are. I read on face book recently this little quote. “The world revolves around the sun, disappointing some who thought the world revolved around them.” Time to rethink our thoughts.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Up In Time To Say Good Bye"

Jean's Comment's: "Up In Time To Say Good Bye":                                      The moon at 6:30 this morning 3-12-2017 Perryton, TX. I got up at 6:30 this morning, yesterday it w...

"Up In Time To Say Good Bye"

                                     The moon at 6:30 this morning 3-12-2017 Perryton, TX.

I got up at 6:30 this morning, yesterday it would have been 5:30. It was still dark outside, and I saw this bright moon in the west as I looked out my kitchen window. In the picture I took it doesn’t show the brilliant yellow color, but it was glowing with a large halo of different colors around it. “I must take a shot of that moon,” I said to myself. In my stocking feet and pajamas, I walked outside and took this picture. I hope the moon didn’t take a shot of me also. One never knows these days.

I had gotten up early to make chicken and egg noodles for the dinner at church today. I had to bake the chicken then make the noodles. I expect to have a good day at church since I haven’t been for awhile. I have renewed my contract with God, and am holding true to the many events that’s on my schedule. No more playing hooky for me. Excuses are not accepted by God. Oh my! How I hate to be nice, and get the job done when asked to do something. I can, and I will, as long as I can walk on my own two feet.

I told the group last night before I left the dinner, Not to forget to set their clocks up an hour. I said tomorrow is Sunday, and you might get the surprise I got one time. :What is that,” they asked?” I told them about the time my husband and I went to Sunday morning church as usual. There was no cars on the parking lot. I almost panicked. I said to my husband did we miss the rapture? He nor I either were aware of the time change, so he seriously answered, “I hope not.” I went on in the church to see what was going on in there. Luckily the door wasn’t locked. I saw a lady who had come early to prepare for the communion. I asked her what had happened? She said, what? I said well where is everybody? She looked at me like I was an idiot, and said the time changed. What a relief, but I didn’t let her know what I had been thinking. The group all laughed, because they all are knowledgeable about the rapture that certainly will take place some day. I am always quick to tell people to be sure and set their clocks up when that time of the year comes.

I had enjoyed the evening visiting with friends and eating a nice dinner. It is good to assemble ourselves together with Christian believers, and share our joys and concerns. Fifteen members were present and the fellowship was great. “From the heart the mouth speakth,” and the hearts were speaking a lot last night. I’m so glad to be a part of this blessed group.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Give Me Flowers Instead Of Thorns"

Jean's Comment's: "Give Me Flowers Instead Of Thorns": The crocus are looking pretty this morning. They are the second flower in my garden to bloom this year. 3-11-2017 Perryton, TX I’m still...

"Give Me Flowers Instead Of Thorns"

The crocus are looking pretty this morning. They are the second flower in my garden to bloom this year. 3-11-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m still being hindered this morning from spraying the fruit trees, and working in the yard. No rain yet, but the skies are cloudy, and it’s very cool. I am seeing more of my flowers growing from bulbs, blooming every day. They make my heart sing. I just wish I could bloom and be that pretty. I am my own flower, and I like to see myself in full bloom every day. I have always had this desire, but it’s hard for a flower to bloom when it’s covered with grief and sorrow. I am working on improving that set-back. Like the flowers in my garden, I can look pretty today, and fade away tomorrow. It takes a daily talk with God to keep encouraged. I am so thankful for all His help to me, and I tell Him so every day. Since I can’t work in the yard today I can have most of the day to primp, and get ready for a dinner with the singles group this evening. This time of fellowship is my special occasion of the week. I see friends who are dealing with the same, every day problems, that I deal with. It always reminds me that I am not alone as a human being still on this earth. Most of us give ourselves the best beauty treatment possible when we prepare for this meeting. I believe that pleases God. It shows that we still have respect for the person that God chose to put our spirit in. This is good enough to make a person dance a little gig, even though there is no music. A little jazz might be fun.

Years ago we used to sing this song in church, “The move is on my Lord the move is on.” Some people took it literally and started moving on. It got to be a happy time of self-dancing, and shouting out to God. I think those kinds of songs have long been removed from the church hymnals. They have been replaced with noise from rock-star artist which older people can’t even understand the words. Not because they’re deaf, but because they didn’t learn that language. We were tried to be made fools of, but instead the new generation made fools out of themselves. “What a day that will be when my Jesus they shall not see.” I will not back away from the word of God that teaches us how to live no matter how hard it may become. I am not close to being a religious fanatic, but neither am I close to being a
Satan follower. There is a level playing field out there, and more people need to find it. Is there a petition out there that I can sigh to bring back common-sense thinking, and replace the demon ideologically that is so rampant?  I’m searching everywhere, but have not seen one trace of any such petition. I still have the assurance that the Christian believer if they have truly been vetted by God will win over all odds.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does The Wind Blow"

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does The Wind Blow": My first flowers to bloom this spring. The daffodils are hid behind a plant stand. 3010-2017 Perryton, TX The weather has changed from y...

"Why Does The Wind Blow"

My first flowers to bloom this spring. The daffodils are hid behind a plant stand. 3010-2017 Perryton, TX

The weather has changed from yesterday. Today it is chilly and cloudy outside. My outside working mood is probably going to change. I was ready to hit the yard early this morning and finish with the dead leaves and flowers that collected through the winter. I won’t be able to do it today. We need rain, but wish it could have waited one more day. This is the day I was also suppose to spray the plum trees for the second time. Rain would wash off all the spray so I must put that off too. It’s chancy if I do or don’t. The worms will be ready at any moment they see a chance to move into the blooms.

My first flowers to bloom this spring are the daffodils. They are hid behind a plant stand because I didn’t know any were left when I dug up the bulbs last summer. They did make me smile when I discovered them yesterday. The crocuses are blooming, but not fully open yet. They are another beautiful flower that I love.

The rabbits are starting to mate now, unfortunately. I saw a pair chasing each other this morning in my back yard. They always raise their little ones in holes they dig in the grass. Sometimes they don’t get the holes deep enough, and we chop up the babies with the lawn mower. The rabbits also eat some of my tender, oriental grass setting it back several weeks. They strip it to the ground, and it has to come out from the roots again. I had to give up on the strawberry plants because the rabbits always ate the strawberries when they started turning red. I have tried to use animal repellent, but it hasn’t worked for me. I still love spring, and will share it with all my animal, and bird friends. 

Today is the fifth day the fires have been blazing all around the Panhandle area. There hasn’t been a tally yet as to how many lives and cattle have been lost. Neither has it been published how many homes have been destroyed. One very nice home owned by the author of “Hank The Cow Dog,” has been completely burned. That house stood about 15 or 20 miles south of Perryton where I live. The house had already burned last Wednesday when I had lunch at the Citizen’s Center where Chriss Erickson, was also eating. She came in later than I so I didn’t talk to her, and didn’t know her house had burned till I saw it on face book. I am so sorry as these people are wonderful Christians, and I don’t understand the reason other than they were in the range of a terrible grass fire. The fires started from very high winds blowing down electrical lines and sparking fire causing the many acres of dry grass to burn. Lines were torn down in several states where the wind was blowing so hard, and lasted for several days. I heard on the news last night that fires had been contained in several places, but crews were being kept on for safety measures. The Perryton area fire was just 85 percent contained. How thankful we who were not affected should be. My thoughts and prayers are for all those dear people who did get caught up in these terrible fires. May they be blessed in a healing way that only God can provide.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Just Clowning While I work"

Jean's Comment's: "Just Clowning While I work":                Laughing to keep from crying. Raking leaves is not funny. 3-9-2017 Perryton, TX I just finished working in the yard for t...

"Just Clowning While I work"

               Laughing to keep from crying. Raking leaves is not funny. 3-9-2017 Perryton, TX

I just finished working in the yard for three hours. I filled a dumpster half full of broken limbs and dead leaves. I will have to do this several more days to get it all done. We had a bad winter and lots of high wind. I trimmed the dead limbs from the rose bushes, and cut down little trees that were coming up from roots of big trees. I must say I am tired. I slapped a pizza in the oven and had a quick lunch so I could write my blog. My neighbor came over while I was working and I tried to hire him to help me. He said no that he was retired. I told him it paid good money, and he said he didn’t’ need money. I can’t tell you how many times this guy has tried to do my yard work, but I always say no, I need the exercise. Very nice neighbors. My neighbors are one reason I do not want to sell my house and move away. All up and down this two or three block area I have amazing neighbors. This house has been my heaven for fifty years. It is hard for me to keep it up now, but somehow I can do it. I feel safer here than any place else in the world, and I say that because I feel like this world is a very dangerous place to be any more.

It took me over four years to take all my husbands cloths out of the closets and haul them to a give-a-way place. I just laid them on the hangers on the floor of the trunk. The stack become so tall I had to finish by laying the back seat full clear to the back windshield. He never wore anything out, so we just kept collecting cloths for him. I was exhausted by the time I finished, and I cried the rest of the day. That was two days ago, and I am still feeling the loss. I’m now trying to work off the heart-breaking pain by killing my self in the yard. Then today while I was resting my back pain I got a call from My husband’s nephew telling me they had put his mother in hospice care. She is the last one of my husband’s siblings. Eternity is becoming more real every day, although I don’t expect to be leaving anyway soon. I still have dreams to be fulfilled yet. I am having fun while I wait for them. I hope when it’s my time I will be taken on a jet cloud, and will be flying into that heavenly air port with angels everywhere to greet me. That is one of the dreams I cherish and hang onto. Only by faith do I live and breath each day. Only by faith will my dreams be fulfilled. “Faith without works is dead,” so I must hit the yard again tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: A Few More Days To Enjoy My Innocent Friends"

Jean's Comment's: A Few More Days To Enjoy My Innocent Friends":  This little red breast robin was the focus of my out door scenery today. 3-8-2017 Perryton, TX This is the most beautiful day we’ve had...

A Few More Days To Enjoy My Innocent Friends"

 This little red breast robin was the focus of my out door scenery today. 3-8-2017 Perryton, TX

This is the most beautiful day we’ve had yet this spring. A little robin red breast caught my eye and I had to capture the beauty of this pretty little bird. It was finding lots of good stuff to eat in my neighbors yard. They watered yesterday, and today the bugs were crawling everywhere. I hope the robin builds another nest in my plum tree to hatch her little ones like she did last year. I enjoyed several weeks of watching the beautiful little blue eggs hatch out three little robins. I have pictures of the whole process, and even the new baby birds in the nest. What an awesome sight.

I did some watering this afternoon, but I still need to rake the yard first. This is the first nice day we’ve had in awhile. The wind has finally laid, and we hope the long burning fires will soon be put out. Our county and several surrounding counties have lost thousands of acres of grass, and lots of cattle, with at least six known deaths at this time. It has been a nightmare. I sat by a lady today at the Citizens Center who said the fire was within 3 t0 4 miles of her place. Hopefully it got put out before it reached her land. Everyone was talking about fires today. There was definitely concern from all the folks eating there. I didn’t see or hear as many laughs as the usual trend. Sometimes we have to get serious about our blessings that we so often take for granite. Life is not without reality, and when the bad things happen in our back yard we know it is real and not just hearsay. Little children run to their parents when they become frightened, and we grown-up children are no exception. We may act like we are not afraid, but my wisdom tells me all people are human, and whether they show it or not, they are  thinking more seriously than usual. I have a feeling the fire was just the tip of the iceberg that we are fixing to see soon. Many of we small town communities have been isolated from all the violence that has been going on in the world, but we know it’s more than just hearsay. I believe it’s going to be worse than a wild fire burning our lively hood. The wind will not lay for an awful long time. The fire I see mentally will spread all over the world, and people will not be able to combat it. Too much evil has been allowed to grow, and the enablers of it are now being drawn up in the reapers there of. When the final verdict is in, there is going to be bloodshed in the greatest way. I can’t read my bible without revealing this. Some will ridicule and mock, but never doubt the power of God’s Word. I will be praying for all unbelievers, because they are going to need a lot of prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Spring Blooms Of Hope"

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome Spring Blooms Of Hope":                 Welcome spring. Please don't leave even for one day. 3-7-2017 Perryton, TX The first notable day of spring and anoth...

"Welcome Spring Blooms Of Hope"

                Welcome spring. Please don't leave even for one day. 3-7-2017 Perryton, TX

The first notable day of spring and another disastrous event struck the Panhandle area yesterday. Thousands of acres of grassland has been destroyed, and the fires are still spreading. My town of Perryton, Texas is surrounded by fires. Some as close as forty five miles from us at last news. Part of highway 83 has been closed, and the town of Higgins has been evacuated. No report yet of how much damage has been done. We know some firefighters have been injured, but not heard of any deaths. The extremely high winds yesterday caused the fires to spread rapidly. At least one fire has been reported in my town, but no word yet on the damage here. These uncontrollable fires follow a previous freeze disaster about a month ago, that left our city covered with broken tree limbs and downed trees. We are still cleaning up the debris from that ice storm. 

Is America reaping what she sowed? I have to answer yes to that. The Texas/Oklahoma, Panhandle is just a small area compared to the entire United States that is experiencing horrendous hate, and downfall among our, once-upon-a-time, Christian nation. That fireball is growing more intense every day. The left is demanding violence more and more every day among the police departments, and now today have even taken our tax paid, women teachers out of the class rooms to protest our President. They are calling it, “without a woman day.“ This country is over-populated with mad people who are hopeless to overcome their sickness. I believe they have crossed the line of rehabilitation. No one but God can help them, and I doubt that God is going to go to that much trouble. The bible tells us that God’s spirit does not always strive with man. Genesis 6:13.

I am happy to report that I have victory today. I believe the Christian’s prayers are being answered, and I am a “born again Christian,” Nothing in this world can be greater than that. I must not give up because the Word also tells us, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.“  Isaiah 40:31. I can answer truthfully to that promise. I am as high as an eagle, and am running and walking every day without fainting once. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. I am not worried, but maybe a little anxious to see the end of this hellish fire be put out. Glory, glory, to the name of the Lord. He is still on the Throne, and He answers prayer. Sometimes I feel like I could almost fly away to Glory. I love this blessed feeling, and hope the Lord lets me keep it forever. I do pray for my enemies, because they have fallen from grace, and need a lot of prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Let Nature Remain"

Jean's Comment's: "Let Nature Remain": I opened my front door this morning to see this pair of birds getting ready to mate. 3-6-2017 Perryton, TX Nothing can change the nature...

"Let Nature Remain"

I opened my front door this morning to see this pair of birds getting ready to mate. 3-6-2017 Perryton, TX

Nothing can change the nature of male and female creatures except Satan. The bird population is exempt from that evil one. When I opened my front door this morning I was amused by these two love birds getting ready to mate. I watched them for fifteen minutes teasing, and preparing for the inception for a new life. It became boring, and I left them in privacy to do their job.

I am more than devastated at some of the gross, and unbelievable things I am seeing and hearing of today. God given human sex organs are trying to be changed by surgery and other kinds of physical endeavors. There are not enough psychiatrist in the world to take care of the growing transabled mentally disturbed people, not to mention the other confused thousands who are turning to body piercing for attention. No one in this world is perfect, but everyone will be judged according to their deeds. I will always declare that fact. The longer we stay silent on these Satanic attacks in our country the more we will be held accountable. I will be the first one to admit that we are living in a dangerous world, and we put ourselves up for a target to be shot at when we take a stand for God. There’s no getting around the scripture in Matthew 12:30. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” Maybe one prayer, or one spreader of God’s word can’t  change anything, but it does help to join the forces against evil.

I know I will be ridiculed for these remarks, but those who do that are just sharpening their own blades to be used against them. Life can no longer be guaranteed as all joy and peace like we used to do.  We have crossed that line. Maybe we should have never preached, “All is joy and  peace when you accept Christ.” Some may have taken it literally. I have always known there is a price to pay for salvation, even though Jesus paid the greatest price for all. We must submit to any, and all, commands that follow our request to be accepted by Jesus. We cannot be perfect, but the Lord told us to strive to be perfect.

I have delivered my heart for today. I will now engage in something I love to do. Paint the rest of my heart out. Nothing can be more enjoyable that explaining myself with paint. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s revealing. I believe everyone has a bit of artistic nature in them. I would like to see more people indulge in it. I love any kind of art that is Godly inspired. I don’t believe that means it has to be about angels or something relating to them. Art is art, and I have accepted it as such. I have to love the ugly images the ex-President, George W. Bush, created of so many famous people. They are all recognizable. But most of all they are work of an honest artist. I admire him for his honesty.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes It Takes A China Buffet"

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes It Takes A China Buffet":            My lovely night out for dinner last night at the China Buffet. 3-5-2017 Perryton, Texas I am feeling encouraged  this beautif...

"Sometimes It Takes A China Buffet"

           My lovely night out for dinner last night at the China Buffet. 3-5-2017 Perryton, Texas

I am feeling encouraged  this beautiful Sunday morning in spite of all the continuing bad news. I had dinner last night with friends at the China Buffet, and It was time well spent. Great food, interesting fellowship, and lovely atmosphere. I gained a pound, but I will take it off today.

In times like we are facing today we need to put ourselves under the umbrella of Christian friends shielding all gossip and political ideas. Laughs are still the best medicine for healing the grieving spirit. How simple they are when one says such things as, “we didn’t want to sit by you all anyway,”  when the table became too short for everyone to sit. It does make it easier to hear even though there are now two different groups. If someone laughs too loud the other table demands to have it repeated. The club I am part of is made up of Christians from all different churches. Everyone is serving the same God, and are headed to the same heaven of eternal blessings.

The Christian widow, and widower’s group that I am proud to be a part of, never talks religion nor politics. This is an aspect that never has to be discussed or debated. If ever it is, it’s done with a sense of humor. The only act of openly showing sincere emotion from this group is when all join hands and someone leads in a short prayer before the meal. Several people attend this meeting who have experienced tragedies. Others have lost precious loved ones, while others are just trying to stay out of depression. I admire them all for their courage, and continuance effort to succeed. A good motto for this group is this. “We Shall Overcome.”

Being a part of this widow, and widower’s group does not make me any less active in my countries need for Christian fighters. I am busy every day working for my Lord in His army against evil doer’s. There is a time, and a place, for all things. There is no time not to be busy for God, except when our shift has ended for the day. I never want to be given an dishonorable discharge from God’s army. Not even an honorable one. I want to work as long as I possible can to keep America safe and sound. God always needs enlistees. My hope and prayer is that more people will volunteer for His service. Satan’s army is over staffed with volunteers. I hope some of them will finally decide to desert that evil, cast-out, angel, who turned his face from God. This is not a sweet message from me, but it is a true one. It’s time to get back to the God of this universe and stop playing around with danger. For some it may be too late, but for others it is worth the try. “Seek Him now while He may be found.” No price is too great to pay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Bed Of Roses"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Bed Of Roses":                          Waiting for last summers roses to bloom again. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX I just needed some flowers this morning to...

"Not A Bed Of Roses"

                         Waiting for last summers roses to bloom again. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX

I just needed some flowers this morning to cheer me up. The latest news is really bad. It looks like we are headed for a showdown. Seems as though the Obama Administration is not leaving the White House alone. The word now is that the past President is getting ready to roll. What does that mean? Take America down is my best explanation. If they can take the Trump Administration down, then America is no longer  America. I have been saying for some time now that this war going on now between the left and the right is much bigger than anyone imagined. I believe it’s actually a war between America and the Muslim population. Sorry to say, but the democratic party claiming to still be supporting America, are behind this Obama opposition. They are in so deep till they can’t get out. They have bankrupted our country, and are determined not to let our great President, Donald Trump, build it back. They are going to fail, but how many more policeman, and innocent people, will have to die before they surrender? The God that controls this world is bigger than all the Muslim and democratic  population combined. He is putting us to the test, but He will never leave nor forsake His followers. Judgment day is at hand. What a horrible day that will be. I would like to be as some of the more liberal ministers who only preach peace, and love, but the bible doesn’t lie, and judgment is real. Those who are failing to preach the whole truth of God’s Word will have to give account also. They may believe in Christ, but they must tell it like Christ told it. “Be not deceived: God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall  he also reap.” Galatians 6:7. This is a New Testament quote. Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am come to fulfill the law.” Matthew 5:17.

God is angry. People are angry, and time will take care of it all; However, I believe that time is now. God is as real as I am sitting here writing this message. He sees, He hears, and He answers our prayers, if we honestly seek Him. It’s time to choose this day whom you will serve, God or man. God’s army is equipped to win this war, but we must chose which side we will be on. I know I am on God’s side because He has been drilling me for years. I am able to fight for God and country. The Christian, and the American flag will be flying when the opposing army is fleeing. I know God’s word is true, and I will forever trust Him. God is still calling for volunteers. Not because He needs them, but because they need Him. I am hid behind the cross, and there is where I want to stay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "How Much Longer Will You Wait"

Jean's Comment's: "How Much Longer Will You Wait":   Bad news. The war on terrorism is becoming more intense each day. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX How big will this war on terrorism get? It is ...

"How Much Longer Will You Wait"

  Bad news. The war on terrorism is becoming more intense each day. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX

How big will this war on terrorism get? It is growing by leaps and bounds every day. I truly believe God has opened up the gates of hell to punish His own people who have ignored His teachings for too long. San Francisco Police Department has now suspended ties with the FBI Joint Terrorism Force. The terrorist activists are being identified more each passing day. The world may be surprised to find out how many terrorists have been working  vigorously in America’s  respectful departments of human interest and protection, including our highest levels of government. Many would be terrorists are showing up every day, even though they have been hiding behind their offices of vowed protection to serve America faithfully. Far too many hypocrites are exposing themselves every day, but still trying to deny the fact. The war is on!

On the other side on the hypocritical aisle sits several who are trying very hard to stay hid behind their money supporters who are paying them to play along. “Pay to Play.” Dishonest is not the proper noun to give them. They are more criminal than dishonest. Our President knows who they are, and by his guided wisdom he will finally cull them out. There is no doubt about it America is indeed a dangerous place to be during this crises. The easy-going, God-fearing, people are going to have to take up arms, spiritually speaking, and join the ongoing battle to fight against evil. There is no place for occupied easy chairs. The battles that were fought in ancient times did not always have the biggest army, but they won when they listened to God. That is going to happen again in America. I cannot say this civil war with America will be quick or long lasting, but I will say I will not quit believing in God, no matter what. It’s all up to Him.

It is so obvious that the Commander-in-Chief’s life is seriously, or critically, being guarded more than I have ever witnessed before. The body guards know things that no one else knows, but their actions tell the story. People, this country is in extreme danger of being overtaken any minute by the multitudes of foreign “Christ haters,” who have been waiting for years to complete their mission. Sad to say that millions of has-been “Christ believers” have been given over to a reprobate mind and now are traitors to America. Some don’t know that yet. My last few words here is to you who are still hanging by a thread. Go to your knees and cry out to God like never before. He is waiting for you to do that, and until you do there will never be peace again in your heart. Many whom you are guessing have never done that has done exactly that, but have wisdom enough to obey Jesus command, and not boast about it.  It will show up on your countenance, and everyone can tell you are a genuine true believer of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp