Monday, March 6, 2017

"Let Nature Remain"

I opened my front door this morning to see this pair of birds getting ready to mate. 3-6-2017 Perryton, TX

Nothing can change the nature of male and female creatures except Satan. The bird population is exempt from that evil one. When I opened my front door this morning I was amused by these two love birds getting ready to mate. I watched them for fifteen minutes teasing, and preparing for the inception for a new life. It became boring, and I left them in privacy to do their job.

I am more than devastated at some of the gross, and unbelievable things I am seeing and hearing of today. God given human sex organs are trying to be changed by surgery and other kinds of physical endeavors. There are not enough psychiatrist in the world to take care of the growing transabled mentally disturbed people, not to mention the other confused thousands who are turning to body piercing for attention. No one in this world is perfect, but everyone will be judged according to their deeds. I will always declare that fact. The longer we stay silent on these Satanic attacks in our country the more we will be held accountable. I will be the first one to admit that we are living in a dangerous world, and we put ourselves up for a target to be shot at when we take a stand for God. There’s no getting around the scripture in Matthew 12:30. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” Maybe one prayer, or one spreader of God’s word can’t  change anything, but it does help to join the forces against evil.

I know I will be ridiculed for these remarks, but those who do that are just sharpening their own blades to be used against them. Life can no longer be guaranteed as all joy and peace like we used to do.  We have crossed that line. Maybe we should have never preached, “All is joy and  peace when you accept Christ.” Some may have taken it literally. I have always known there is a price to pay for salvation, even though Jesus paid the greatest price for all. We must submit to any, and all, commands that follow our request to be accepted by Jesus. We cannot be perfect, but the Lord told us to strive to be perfect.

I have delivered my heart for today. I will now engage in something I love to do. Paint the rest of my heart out. Nothing can be more enjoyable that explaining myself with paint. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s revealing. I believe everyone has a bit of artistic nature in them. I would like to see more people indulge in it. I love any kind of art that is Godly inspired. I don’t believe that means it has to be about angels or something relating to them. Art is art, and I have accepted it as such. I have to love the ugly images the ex-President, George W. Bush, created of so many famous people. They are all recognizable. But most of all they are work of an honest artist. I admire him for his honesty.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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