Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"A Fable And A Reality"

         St. Patrick's pinwheel is blowing in the wind this morning. 3-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Another strong, cold wind is keeping me out of the yard this morning. The little pinwheel I posted has stood the winter well. I needed a movie camera to show how fast it was turning. I have several of these little pinwheels stationed around to keep the birds out of my berries and grapes. They work very well. I need to find something to keep the rabbits out of my garden. They also like certain kinds of flowers and oriental grass. I noticed this morning that a flower which was almost in full bloom yesterday is eaten off  now. I find pecans lying all over the yard that the squirrels put there last winter. So much for friendly pets.

I am still feeling up-beat this morning. I have several more places of being an attendant to this week. I am enjoying myself more and more every day. I am not sure what changed my stay-at-home attitude, but maybe the Lord gave me a work-over that I wasn’t aware of. I can’t seem to be gone from home enough now, except I still want to follow the news every day. Too much excitement is going on that I don’t want to miss. I am able to face the fact that a sweet sister-in-law is almost at heaven’s gate. It hurts to give her up, but not so much that I can’t keep moving on toward that goal myself. Pain and suffering are but minor when I fully complete the work I am doing for God each day. It may seem unimportant to some, but I am positive it is great in God’s big eyes. How thankful I am for that everlasting love of my Heavenly Father. Me, a speck of dust, my Father, the creator of all heaven and earth. How could I not ignore the pain and grief just to know I am a child of the “Great I Am?” I get punished by Him when I am rude or uncaring of others. I am grateful for that punishment because it keeps me singing when the punishment is over. The golden rule is still effective. “Do not unto others as they do unto you, but do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We as human nature mortals, cannot  live within that rule without the love of Christ in our lives, and I dare say we cannot live without this rule  if we have the love of Christ in our lives. This is a deep thought that requires much prayer, and consecration, to our biblical knowledge. Judgment day is not coming, it has already come to many. I am sorry if you don’t believe that, but I believe it with all my heart. I believe it because the Word of God teaches that. Yes, there will be a “Great Judgment Day” when the time comes to enter into God’s Eternal Rest, but for now we are being judged daily. I won’t run from punishment, I need it to guide me in the right direction. “Thank You God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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