Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Few More Days To Enjoy My Innocent Friends"

 This little red breast robin was the focus of my out door scenery today. 3-8-2017 Perryton, TX

This is the most beautiful day we’ve had yet this spring. A little robin red breast caught my eye and I had to capture the beauty of this pretty little bird. It was finding lots of good stuff to eat in my neighbors yard. They watered yesterday, and today the bugs were crawling everywhere. I hope the robin builds another nest in my plum tree to hatch her little ones like she did last year. I enjoyed several weeks of watching the beautiful little blue eggs hatch out three little robins. I have pictures of the whole process, and even the new baby birds in the nest. What an awesome sight.

I did some watering this afternoon, but I still need to rake the yard first. This is the first nice day we’ve had in awhile. The wind has finally laid, and we hope the long burning fires will soon be put out. Our county and several surrounding counties have lost thousands of acres of grass, and lots of cattle, with at least six known deaths at this time. It has been a nightmare. I sat by a lady today at the Citizens Center who said the fire was within 3 t0 4 miles of her place. Hopefully it got put out before it reached her land. Everyone was talking about fires today. There was definitely concern from all the folks eating there. I didn’t see or hear as many laughs as the usual trend. Sometimes we have to get serious about our blessings that we so often take for granite. Life is not without reality, and when the bad things happen in our back yard we know it is real and not just hearsay. Little children run to their parents when they become frightened, and we grown-up children are no exception. We may act like we are not afraid, but my wisdom tells me all people are human, and whether they show it or not, they are  thinking more seriously than usual. I have a feeling the fire was just the tip of the iceberg that we are fixing to see soon. Many of we small town communities have been isolated from all the violence that has been going on in the world, but we know it’s more than just hearsay. I believe it’s going to be worse than a wild fire burning our lively hood. The wind will not lay for an awful long time. The fire I see mentally will spread all over the world, and people will not be able to combat it. Too much evil has been allowed to grow, and the enablers of it are now being drawn up in the reapers there of. When the final verdict is in, there is going to be bloodshed in the greatest way. I can’t read my bible without revealing this. Some will ridicule and mock, but never doubt the power of God’s Word. I will be praying for all unbelievers, because they are going to need a lot of prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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