Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"It's Time To Quit When The Sun Goes Down"

       Day's end. Beautiful day, and got a lot of outside work done. 3-15-2017 Perryton TX

I am late with my blog today, but I have been busy outside taking advantage of this nice weather. I made a big showing in getting things done in the yard. I sawed a tree up so I could get it through the gate. I clipped all the dead stalks of asparagus to the ground, and raked all the leaves and dead grass out of the flower beds. The sundown almost beat me to the camera. It was a pretty one, and I had to capture it. If we have another nice day tomorrow I should almost finish my yard work. I have aching bones tonight, but that is good for me. A good night’s sleep will take care of that. This will be one of those nights that I am ready for bed without any coaxing. I probably will be sore tomorrow, but that will also fade away as the day goes by.

I had two long visits by phone today with my sister and a friend. Both live some distance away from me, and it’s always nice to talk with them. My sister had made reservations for three nights in Norman. Oklahoma for myself, and my three sisters to be together, for an early Memorial Day week-end. It will be the latter part of April when we meet. I am looking forward to this get together. I haven’t seen my sister in Albuquerque, NM for over two years. She will have two of her daughters with her also.

Tomorrow night I will be attending a St. Patrick’s dinner at the Citizen’s Center here. A great night of fun has been planned, and I know I will enjoy it. I am on the move again now-a-days, and  I feel excited most of the time. It has taken me four years to get back to normal after giving up my husband to go to his eternal home. I am just beginning to come out of the shock. For these past four years it has been like, who am I, what am I doing here, where am I at, why am I all alone? Of course it was only at times that I felt like that. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that death of a loved one don’t leave it’s mark on you forever. The wounded heart never heals. It just lets you live with it and manage the pain. I have lots of work left to do here on this earth before I can leave. I’m trying hard to do as much as I can. I don’t want to be a waster of time. I cannot reclaim the time I’ve wasted, but I can work overtime to catch up a little. I could not handle my life without the help of God. That’s why I give Him thanks every day for every blessing He gives me. My joy is the salvation of the Lord. Let this be heard far and near.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp .

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