Sunday, March 12, 2017

"Up In Time To Say Good Bye"

                                     The moon at 6:30 this morning 3-12-2017 Perryton, TX.

I got up at 6:30 this morning, yesterday it would have been 5:30. It was still dark outside, and I saw this bright moon in the west as I looked out my kitchen window. In the picture I took it doesn’t show the brilliant yellow color, but it was glowing with a large halo of different colors around it. “I must take a shot of that moon,” I said to myself. In my stocking feet and pajamas, I walked outside and took this picture. I hope the moon didn’t take a shot of me also. One never knows these days.

I had gotten up early to make chicken and egg noodles for the dinner at church today. I had to bake the chicken then make the noodles. I expect to have a good day at church since I haven’t been for awhile. I have renewed my contract with God, and am holding true to the many events that’s on my schedule. No more playing hooky for me. Excuses are not accepted by God. Oh my! How I hate to be nice, and get the job done when asked to do something. I can, and I will, as long as I can walk on my own two feet.

I told the group last night before I left the dinner, Not to forget to set their clocks up an hour. I said tomorrow is Sunday, and you might get the surprise I got one time. :What is that,” they asked?” I told them about the time my husband and I went to Sunday morning church as usual. There was no cars on the parking lot. I almost panicked. I said to my husband did we miss the rapture? He nor I either were aware of the time change, so he seriously answered, “I hope not.” I went on in the church to see what was going on in there. Luckily the door wasn’t locked. I saw a lady who had come early to prepare for the communion. I asked her what had happened? She said, what? I said well where is everybody? She looked at me like I was an idiot, and said the time changed. What a relief, but I didn’t let her know what I had been thinking. The group all laughed, because they all are knowledgeable about the rapture that certainly will take place some day. I am always quick to tell people to be sure and set their clocks up when that time of the year comes.

I had enjoyed the evening visiting with friends and eating a nice dinner. It is good to assemble ourselves together with Christian believers, and share our joys and concerns. Fifteen members were present and the fellowship was great. “From the heart the mouth speakth,” and the hearts were speaking a lot last night. I’m so glad to be a part of this blessed group.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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