Sunday, March 5, 2017

"Sometimes It Takes A China Buffet"

           My lovely night out for dinner last night at the China Buffet. 3-5-2017 Perryton, Texas

I am feeling encouraged  this beautiful Sunday morning in spite of all the continuing bad news. I had dinner last night with friends at the China Buffet, and It was time well spent. Great food, interesting fellowship, and lovely atmosphere. I gained a pound, but I will take it off today.

In times like we are facing today we need to put ourselves under the umbrella of Christian friends shielding all gossip and political ideas. Laughs are still the best medicine for healing the grieving spirit. How simple they are when one says such things as, “we didn’t want to sit by you all anyway,”  when the table became too short for everyone to sit. It does make it easier to hear even though there are now two different groups. If someone laughs too loud the other table demands to have it repeated. The club I am part of is made up of Christians from all different churches. Everyone is serving the same God, and are headed to the same heaven of eternal blessings.

The Christian widow, and widower’s group that I am proud to be a part of, never talks religion nor politics. This is an aspect that never has to be discussed or debated. If ever it is, it’s done with a sense of humor. The only act of openly showing sincere emotion from this group is when all join hands and someone leads in a short prayer before the meal. Several people attend this meeting who have experienced tragedies. Others have lost precious loved ones, while others are just trying to stay out of depression. I admire them all for their courage, and continuance effort to succeed. A good motto for this group is this. “We Shall Overcome.”

Being a part of this widow, and widower’s group does not make me any less active in my countries need for Christian fighters. I am busy every day working for my Lord in His army against evil doer’s. There is a time, and a place, for all things. There is no time not to be busy for God, except when our shift has ended for the day. I never want to be given an dishonorable discharge from God’s army. Not even an honorable one. I want to work as long as I possible can to keep America safe and sound. God always needs enlistees. My hope and prayer is that more people will volunteer for His service. Satan’s army is over staffed with volunteers. I hope some of them will finally decide to desert that evil, cast-out, angel, who turned his face from God. This is not a sweet message from me, but it is a true one. It’s time to get back to the God of this universe and stop playing around with danger. For some it may be too late, but for others it is worth the try. “Seek Him now while He may be found.” No price is too great to pay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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