Saturday, March 4, 2017

"Not A Bed Of Roses"

                         Waiting for last summers roses to bloom again. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX

I just needed some flowers this morning to cheer me up. The latest news is really bad. It looks like we are headed for a showdown. Seems as though the Obama Administration is not leaving the White House alone. The word now is that the past President is getting ready to roll. What does that mean? Take America down is my best explanation. If they can take the Trump Administration down, then America is no longer  America. I have been saying for some time now that this war going on now between the left and the right is much bigger than anyone imagined. I believe it’s actually a war between America and the Muslim population. Sorry to say, but the democratic party claiming to still be supporting America, are behind this Obama opposition. They are in so deep till they can’t get out. They have bankrupted our country, and are determined not to let our great President, Donald Trump, build it back. They are going to fail, but how many more policeman, and innocent people, will have to die before they surrender? The God that controls this world is bigger than all the Muslim and democratic  population combined. He is putting us to the test, but He will never leave nor forsake His followers. Judgment day is at hand. What a horrible day that will be. I would like to be as some of the more liberal ministers who only preach peace, and love, but the bible doesn’t lie, and judgment is real. Those who are failing to preach the whole truth of God’s Word will have to give account also. They may believe in Christ, but they must tell it like Christ told it. “Be not deceived: God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall  he also reap.” Galatians 6:7. This is a New Testament quote. Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am come to fulfill the law.” Matthew 5:17.

God is angry. People are angry, and time will take care of it all; However, I believe that time is now. God is as real as I am sitting here writing this message. He sees, He hears, and He answers our prayers, if we honestly seek Him. It’s time to choose this day whom you will serve, God or man. God’s army is equipped to win this war, but we must chose which side we will be on. I know I am on God’s side because He has been drilling me for years. I am able to fight for God and country. The Christian, and the American flag will be flying when the opposing army is fleeing. I know God’s word is true, and I will forever trust Him. God is still calling for volunteers. Not because He needs them, but because they need Him. I am hid behind the cross, and there is where I want to stay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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