Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"Better Days Ahead"

                              Pouring down rain in our city. 3-28-2017 Perryton, Tx

We finally are getting that long needed rain. It’s still raining and I can’t get to the rain gage, but I’m sure we have had about 2 inches already. The lightning knocked the electricity off for about two hours. I was concerned about not having television for the rest of the day, but it came back on quicker today thWe finally are getting that long needed rain. It’s still raining and I can’t get to the rain gage, but I’m sure we have had about 2 inches already. The lightning knocked the electricity off for about two hours. I was concerned about not having television for the rest of the day, but it came back on quicker today than usual. I think the storm is over, but it continues to rain slowly. My yard was supposed to have gotten mowed today, but it looks like we may be getting rain the rest of the week. The grass will be a foot tall if it does rain several more days.

A meatloaf had just finished cooking when the electricity went off. Chuck hasn’t made it over for lunch yet, and I don’t know if he will get out in this rainy weather or not. I was glad I got lunch cooked  before the electricity went off. I can have left-over’s for a day or two. I will be eating lunch at the Center tomorrow, but Chuck will have lunch already cooked here. This rain is such a blessing. The wild fires has done so much damage to our county lately so now maybe everyone can have hope again of getting back to normal. Several people lost their homes, their cattle, and all their grassland. A few even lost their own lives while fighting the fires. Most people had time to evacuate before getting trapped in their homes. It has been scary around here for nearly a month. Fires were blazing in every direction from our town. The high winds blew every day, and fires kept starting up and continued to spread. Now since this rain maybe we can relax some.

A friend called this morning from a long distance and talked for over an hour. She was getting rain in her city also. We had a long discussion about the terrible mess our world is in. We covered a lot of the Old Testament, and part of the New. We decided we were very blessed to be living under Grace, and needed to thank our Lord more every day. Only those who believe, and trust in Jesus will be saved from eternal damnation. No fool is smart enough to fool God, and no wise is wise enough to even try. We are either with Him or against Him. Those are Jesus’ own words. I try to stay within a prayer’s distance from my Jesus. I don’t have to look for Him, because I’m afraid of getting lost from Him, and I would die of fear. When I call His name, He answers me, Nothing could be sweeter, nor more encouraging, than to hear Him  say, “Trust Me.” I have heard those words for many years, and I do trust Him with my life

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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