Sunday, March 26, 2017

"Scorching Fires Continue"

                         Table at the entrance of our church. Nice setting. 3-26-2017 Perryton, TX.

The wind is still blowing this cool. Sunday morning. As of last night the fire a few miles south of us was still burning. It was only 95 percent contained, but the wind keeps spreading it. Fires, and human violence keeps increasing every day. What is in store for us? Things are looking bad everywhere we turn. We may have declared victory too soon. For some reason I felt uncomfortable in church this morning. I believe the Lord was speaking to me, but I’m not sure what He was saying. I left church early. When I got home I felt fine. I don’t understand, but I’m not going to surmise. My only comment would be that people are very confused, I do believe. The road to heaven from now on may be very rough. I don’t believe there is any room to find fault with others about anything. We all have a life to answer to, and we make our own choices. If we make mistakes we must correct them ourselves, but we must not condemn others for what they do. We can either follow the Christian faith, or follow the non-Christian faith. It is that simple. There may have been a time when we needed to preach hell fire and brimstone, but certainly not now. It’s too late for that, in my opinion. It’s time now to accept what happens, and pray for mercy. We heard our President say this week, ”no more negotiating. It’s time to vote on the bill.” The bill died for lack of support. Now the punishment phase begins. Probably every American voter will have some blame in this important bill failing. Only God knows why it failed. I trust Him to be the reason for it failing regardless of the human cause. Therefore at this time I cannot curse anyone. I do believe God does put actions upon people, even when He is against what is happening. There is a time, and a season for all things, and in God’s time the victory for Christians will come.

I took this picture I have posted of the welcome table at the entrance of our church when I left this morning. This display of God’s Word is powerful, and everyone needs to view it often. This is the last thing I remember about church this morning. It seemed like I was tuned out to most everything else. I accept my fault in feeling like that, but I felt I needed to leave. I am still not sure if something will change in my life, or if something changes in the church. Do we ever ask ourselves if we have fallen in the ditch? If not, maybe we should. The bible tells us if we are lukewarm He will spew us out of His mouth, Revelations 3:16, but what does that mean? Romans 2:1. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O Man, whosoever thou art that judgest another thou condemns thyself; for thou that doest the same things. I find myself more and more doing things that I used to condemn others for. I believe this scripture is correct. If we condemn others we are condemning ourselves for we do the same, or worse than they. We all need to love one another, and pray for ourselves as much as we need to pray for others.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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