Friday, March 3, 2017

"How Much Longer Will You Wait"

  Bad news. The war on terrorism is becoming more intense each day. 3-3-2017 Perryton, TX

How big will this war on terrorism get? It is growing by leaps and bounds every day. I truly believe God has opened up the gates of hell to punish His own people who have ignored His teachings for too long. San Francisco Police Department has now suspended ties with the FBI Joint Terrorism Force. The terrorist activists are being identified more each passing day. The world may be surprised to find out how many terrorists have been working  vigorously in America’s  respectful departments of human interest and protection, including our highest levels of government. Many would be terrorists are showing up every day, even though they have been hiding behind their offices of vowed protection to serve America faithfully. Far too many hypocrites are exposing themselves every day, but still trying to deny the fact. The war is on!

On the other side on the hypocritical aisle sits several who are trying very hard to stay hid behind their money supporters who are paying them to play along. “Pay to Play.” Dishonest is not the proper noun to give them. They are more criminal than dishonest. Our President knows who they are, and by his guided wisdom he will finally cull them out. There is no doubt about it America is indeed a dangerous place to be during this crises. The easy-going, God-fearing, people are going to have to take up arms, spiritually speaking, and join the ongoing battle to fight against evil. There is no place for occupied easy chairs. The battles that were fought in ancient times did not always have the biggest army, but they won when they listened to God. That is going to happen again in America. I cannot say this civil war with America will be quick or long lasting, but I will say I will not quit believing in God, no matter what. It’s all up to Him.

It is so obvious that the Commander-in-Chief’s life is seriously, or critically, being guarded more than I have ever witnessed before. The body guards know things that no one else knows, but their actions tell the story. People, this country is in extreme danger of being overtaken any minute by the multitudes of foreign “Christ haters,” who have been waiting for years to complete their mission. Sad to say that millions of has-been “Christ believers” have been given over to a reprobate mind and now are traitors to America. Some don’t know that yet. My last few words here is to you who are still hanging by a thread. Go to your knees and cry out to God like never before. He is waiting for you to do that, and until you do there will never be peace again in your heart. Many whom you are guessing have never done that has done exactly that, but have wisdom enough to obey Jesus command, and not boast about it.  It will show up on your countenance, and everyone can tell you are a genuine true believer of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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