Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"A Last Call To Get Onboard"

                          April is sexual assault awareness month. 3-29-2017 Perryton, TX.

It was a great time of sharing, and enjoying a delicious meal at the Citizen’s Center today. The menu was as usual, a well balanced, delicious meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, buttered carrots, tossed salad, biscuits, and a three layer dessert. Everyone came in with a rain protector over their heads, but there was still a good crowd. People are rejoicing over the wonderful rain that has been falling for two days now. We had two ladies representing the Crisis Center to give us a report on the sexual assault cases reported every month. It is alarming. I have posted a short preview of what we all should do to help prevent the crime of sexual assault. It simply states if anyone sees or knows of anyone who is being sexually abused please call this number. The number is listed on the notice slip of paper. The ladies asked us to wear the little blue emblem the whole month of April. More people do have a duty to get involved with this disturbing situation. Can more of us show our support? I hope so. Just because we can feel free from this terrible crisis is no reason that we can ignore those who do have the problem. Let us open our eyes, and ears, to detect the least inkling of this terrible crime. It is no crime to report anything that may be suspicious looking. The name of the reporter will never be made known. The Crisis Center needs our help. A whistle blower is important in saving a child’s, or an adult’s, mental life.

I am on the hallelujah side today. I feel so encouraged, and full of vigor and aggression. I am of a small frame, but am strong when I need to hand over something to God. I belong to a large group of the unknown to the ordinary persons of self-control. My group of committed persons knows no boundaries when it comes to removing obstacles from our path. I encourage everyone who may be lacking in this respect, to join forces and fear not the future. You have already been given that right, but you just don’t claim it. If you feel as a loser, flex your spiritual muscles and show the world that you are not a loser. Drop all negative thoughts, and declare first class boarding on all jet-flown journeys. It’s your choice if you are committed to the “Great I Am.” Your cheers are yelling for you. Don’t stand them up. Now is the moment to get on board that first class flight. Your faults, and failures, are already forgiven, Your only criteria is to remember not to repeat them. You must submit to change your way of thinking, but it will be well worth the decision to do so. You have been grounded long enough. Get back into the rule of personal, not segregated thought, and learn to face your battles with only one rule of power, Your Heavenly Father. He needs no help from anyone but you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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