Friday, March 24, 2017

"They Tell Me Of An Unclouded Day"

                                       Birds are praying for rain. 3-24-2017 Perryton, TX
                                          A quick peek at the sun. 3-24-2017 Perryton,TX

The wind and hail storm missed us last night, but it took all the rain with it. This morning the rain clouds surround us with hope of maybe rain today. I did feel a few sprinkles while I was out taking pictures. The high wind yesterday caused a few more bad grass fires close to our location. The rain missed those fire areas also. I wonder just how much longer we will be threatened. I feel danger from sea to shinning sea. A mighty powerful God is trying to tell us something. All Christians need to get onboard and ride this train to Glory Land. I don’t think it will be long before the train pulls out. I am not worried, because I know in whom I believe, but I do worry for others. I don’t know of any place in this world where there is peace. No doubt the violence is increasing everyday, everywhere on this earth. No longer are just the unborn babies being brutally murdered, but the born, and the reborn are getting some of the same. It seems as though a life has lost all right to be respected, and treated as God commanded they be. I feel like some people live on someone elses blood. I know this is a gross way to be talking, but we must fight blood with blood, it does seem. Mr. and Mrs. Nice had to lay down their effort to keep it, and join the bloody forces of, God anointed people, who will do whatever they have to do to proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ as the only blood that can save the world. Do we understand just how great this battle between Jesus and Satan really is?

I just want to say to everyone who can hear or read my message, open your eyes, and if you cannot see the facts of what is going on, open your ears to God. I’ve been giving out this message for a few years now, but I feel like few have taken it seriously. At least I have keep my promise to God to be His messenger. I am not like the stiff-necked fool who would not listen to God when I heard Him calling to me. On this earth I am nothing but clay molded into a figure with the breath of God being breathed into me. I was made to live to be a servant of God, which I believe everyone is, but many have refused to be His servant. I would not give myself a high score for my achievements, but I do expect to pass the test. That means everything to me. I am happy, I am blessed, I am excited, and I am one thankful servant. Sometimes I feel like I’m sinking, sometimes I feel like I am floating, and sometimes I feel like I’m going to fly to heaven. A quote I love. “Only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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