Friday, March 10, 2017

"Why Does The Wind Blow"

My first flowers to bloom this spring. The daffodils are hid behind a plant stand. 3010-2017 Perryton, TX

The weather has changed from yesterday. Today it is chilly and cloudy outside. My outside working mood is probably going to change. I was ready to hit the yard early this morning and finish with the dead leaves and flowers that collected through the winter. I won’t be able to do it today. We need rain, but wish it could have waited one more day. This is the day I was also suppose to spray the plum trees for the second time. Rain would wash off all the spray so I must put that off too. It’s chancy if I do or don’t. The worms will be ready at any moment they see a chance to move into the blooms.

My first flowers to bloom this spring are the daffodils. They are hid behind a plant stand because I didn’t know any were left when I dug up the bulbs last summer. They did make me smile when I discovered them yesterday. The crocuses are blooming, but not fully open yet. They are another beautiful flower that I love.

The rabbits are starting to mate now, unfortunately. I saw a pair chasing each other this morning in my back yard. They always raise their little ones in holes they dig in the grass. Sometimes they don’t get the holes deep enough, and we chop up the babies with the lawn mower. The rabbits also eat some of my tender, oriental grass setting it back several weeks. They strip it to the ground, and it has to come out from the roots again. I had to give up on the strawberry plants because the rabbits always ate the strawberries when they started turning red. I have tried to use animal repellent, but it hasn’t worked for me. I still love spring, and will share it with all my animal, and bird friends. 

Today is the fifth day the fires have been blazing all around the Panhandle area. There hasn’t been a tally yet as to how many lives and cattle have been lost. Neither has it been published how many homes have been destroyed. One very nice home owned by the author of “Hank The Cow Dog,” has been completely burned. That house stood about 15 or 20 miles south of Perryton where I live. The house had already burned last Wednesday when I had lunch at the Citizen’s Center where Chriss Erickson, was also eating. She came in later than I so I didn’t talk to her, and didn’t know her house had burned till I saw it on face book. I am so sorry as these people are wonderful Christians, and I don’t understand the reason other than they were in the range of a terrible grass fire. The fires started from very high winds blowing down electrical lines and sparking fire causing the many acres of dry grass to burn. Lines were torn down in several states where the wind was blowing so hard, and lasted for several days. I heard on the news last night that fires had been contained in several places, but crews were being kept on for safety measures. The Perryton area fire was just 85 percent contained. How thankful we who were not affected should be. My thoughts and prayers are for all those dear people who did get caught up in these terrible fires. May they be blessed in a healing way that only God can provide.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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