Sunday, March 19, 2017

"The Few Limbs Left On The Tree"

Since the ice storm breaking off so many limbs on the Red Bud tree, there is just enough blooms to cap the top of the tree.3-19-2017 Perryton, TX

There could never be a more beautiful day than what this Sunday morning brought us. It has been ninety degrees in the shade most of the day. I have watered all afternoon getting ready to spread fertilizer and weed killer tomorrow. The grass is already green and needs to be mowed. I am going to wait about mowing till the grass seeds. We need a thicker stand of grass. I am already enjoying the outdoor freedom. I see beauty all around me, and the birds are enjoying also. They are darting through the trees, and singing to the top of their lungs. I sat out on my porch and watched people walking a whole family at a time. This day is a blessing to all.

Church services this morning was also a blessing. I always enjoy the pastor’s sermon. I am so thrilled at the good number of young married couples who are faithfully attending church now, and teaching their little ones in the way they were brought up. It was for awhile that our church suffered the loss of young married people. It was feared by some that when the older members passed on, the church would die also. Not so now. There are now more younger people than older ones. We are praising God for that answer to prayer. I guess I’ve just been revived, and I sure needed to be. Most of the time when we blame our discontent of the church on others it’s usually us, and not someone else who is making us discontent. It may take awhile for us to build our faith back to where it used to be, but in time the faith we thought we had lost just doubled. How wonderful to be a chosen vessel for God.

The widowed men and women’s group who met at the Pizza Hut last night was another happy place to be. I am enjoying these meetings more and more all the time. It is such a nice group of people, and they always bring with them a cheerful note of laughter. Even the pizza gets better every time we eat there. The group meets at a different place every Saturday evening, until all eating places have been visited, then they start around the table again. Retirement is more fun than I thought it would be. I like being free to go or do, whatever I choose anytime I so do. We are the older, and wiser of the ex-laborers who walked by sight and not by faith. Our calendars and clocks told us it was time to go to work, so by sight we saw to that that every morning. We don’t have bosses anymore, and since we, the widowed, don’t have spouses we can go to bed anytime we want. Retired is one thing, widowed is another thing. Both at the same time can be confusing sometimes. Some day I think I will realize just how blessed I am.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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