Saturday, March 25, 2017

"A Pregnant Rabbit Posing"

This pregnant mother rabbit stopped long enough for me to take her picture. 3-25-2017 Perryton, TX

We are happy to report .2 of an inch of rain yesterday. Every inch helps this dry county of Ochiltree. Our neighbors to the southwest was blessed with a good rain that helped put out three bad grass fires. It came just in time to save several homes that were in the fire’s path. We are rejoicing over that victory. The high winds keeps blowing down electrical lines which starts the fires. With thousands of acres of dry grass the wind spreads the fire fast. Beef in the stores was already highly priced, but with the loss of so many cattle, and the grass they fed on, we probably will not be able to eat any beef this summer. People may go fishing more this year.

There is a pregnant mother rabbit living in my back yard. Every time I step outside she runs for the exit. This morning I saw her jump out of her nest and dart for the opening in the fence. She stopped at the exit door just long enough for me to take her picture. It is obvious that she is very pregnant. This year she made her nest in a place where we don’t run the mower so I don’t have to worry about chopping up baby rabbits this summer. I still have to worry about her eating all my young, tender, exotic grass and vegetables. I would not miss her if she moved away. The rabbits, and the squirrels are not my friends any more, although I do have to live with them.

I am looking forward to another night out this evening. The widowed men and women will be sharing dinner this evening at a nice restaurant called Margarita’s. All interested persons are welcome to attend. This is also a time of sharing our joys and concerns. The food is always good, and the fellowship is most encouraging. My Saturdays are reserved for this one event. I also save most of my carbs for this dinner. The menu is adequate for this low-carb diet everyone loves. I thank God that He provided a place for grieving singles to gather and share their loneliness‘, although no one would ever guess we were lonely. Much spiritual strength is entwined within this group of loving, caring, friends. My joy overflows every Saturday after a week of being tested by destructive forces.

Needless to admit I am greatly dismayed at my GOP lawmakers who would not approve our President’s healthcare bill. There is only one reason I can’t hate everyone of them who would not vote for this bill. The reason is this. The night before the bill was to be voted on I asked God to have His way. I felt sure His way would be to pass the bill, but I have to accept the fact that I was wrong. This bill was not God’s plan. He has a much better one, and it will work out to everyone’s benefit. Therefore I cannot hate those who would not vote for it. I feel like President Trump feels the same way as I. He did say he was not against those GOP members who would not vote for it. That tells me I believe the President prayed the same prayer that I did. There will be victories, and defeats, but we, as a Christian nation will be winners in the end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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