Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Bird Party Is Interesting"

Jean's Comment's: "A Bird Party Is Interesting": I think the wrens' are having a party this evening. They are flying and buzzing around like crazy. At one time a dozen or more were si...

"A Bird Party Is Interesting"

I think the wrens' are having a party this evening. They are flying and buzzing around like crazy. At one time a dozen or more were sitting on the porch of the bird house. 4-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had to notice a group of wrens’ in my back yard who were acting like they were high on something. They were flying and darting in and out of a porch on their little two-story house, making happy-like noises as they danced and flew from one place to another. Several times the entire house was covered with birds. I got my camera and started trying to capture some of their unusual stunts, but of course I could not get anything in action to take on my still camera. I had to be amazed at the way the little feathery creatures could act so much like humans act sometimes. It must have been some kind of celebration they were having. They may have been celebrating the eradication of all the squirrels. The squirrels used to destroy the birds nest with eggs hatching, and  even killed the ones that did hatch. Now that the squirrels are gone, the birds are very happy. Life without fun, even for the birds, is too dreadful. I want my share, and will get it somehow.

Today has been more productive for me than usual. I mowed my yard, trimmed the sidewalks and swept up all the dead pine needles that had accumulated. I then went to visit a friend in the nursing home, and stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few goodies. I then filled the lawn mower gas tank, and plan to mow the back yard tomorrow. That is just a few things I did today. A friend called from another city and we visited for an hour. I am thankful for all the work I got done today. I never thought that 2/½ years after my husband’s death I could be even near this strong and contented. Of course every day is not this great. Life is made up of good and bad times. Like the little birds we have to deal with many setbacks. But when the time comes for us to rejoice over something, how wonderful it can be. I am sure I will fall asleep tonight naming my blessings. Tomorrow will be even more productive I do believe.

I have a long list of things to do, but haven’t been in any hurry to do them. I have been very occupied with my painting, but need to do some other stuff also. I have learned to wait for the right time before trying to do something that just don’t interest me yet. Without the interest nothing seems to ever please me when I am finished. Not to mention I wasn’t pleased while I was doing it. Some things can just wait until I am ready to hit it with full force. At least I am usually busy doing something that I think is necessary in order for me to be satisfied. I never want to let my life go by without knowing I am doing something for Jesus.  Even if it may seem little, God can make something large out of it. I am on my way to heaven.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Is Being A Good Sport"

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Is Being A Good Sport": My poor apple tree is needing a face-lift. But not this year. It is loaded with apples now. I took this picture for the clouds. I was so e...

"Happiness Is Being A Good Sport"

My poor apple tree is needing a face-lift. But not this year. It is loaded with apples now. I took this picture for the clouds. I was so engrossed with those beautiful white clouds. 4-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been amazingly good for me. Last evening I was met with a terrible disappointing evaluation from a person that I expected the most to be complemented by. It hit me hard since I was troubled at what the person had to say, because it just didn’t sound normal for this dear one to define me as the way they did. I believe this disapproval of me was triggered by anger about something else, and the only way to get back at me was to criticize  something about me unfairly. I knew I had to brush it off, and know in my heart that something terribly wrong was bothering this loved one. I feel sure most everyone has encountered such instances as this. I vowed I would not go to bed with vengeance in my heart. This morning I had almost completely forgotten the conflict. I have been blessed above any worthiness I might have. Thank God for testing our faith from time to time. It is that exercise that keeps us growing. Plus we have another prayer need to add to our list. We know without a doubt this person needs prayer.

I enjoyed a good lunch at the Center today. I had missed several times due to being gone from home, and some bad weather also, so today I was excited to be back with friends. Nothing can cheer you up more than getting with friends and catching up on everyone’s  “joys and concerns.” Mother’s Day dinner is taking front stage right now. That will be an awesome Sunday since so many mothers and their children will be present. This Center does not lose any time planning and sending out invitations to everyone. The tables are decorated with lovely flowers and Mother’s Day verses. I said all of that to say I can’t be there. My grandson, Austin, will be graduating from Texas Christian University on the 9th in Forth Worth, Texas. The Mother’s Day dinner is the 10th. I am sure I will enjoy dinner with my children and grand children on Mother’s Day at their home.

I will be having an exciting week-end coming up. My son, Rick, will finally be here to spend some time with me. We have several things planned, and will be doing a lot of visiting. He will be driving me to Fort Worth for the graduation, and will be part of a family get together there for a week. I feel safer traveling with someone since tornados are know to strike anytime, anywhere. God has a way of taking care of us, and I thank Him every day for His goodness. I seek His will for everything I do. I know He will not lead me in the wrong direction, neither will He leave me guessing what I should do. What a wonderful Heavenly Father we all have. I continue to keep you all lifted up in my prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "This Beautiful Baby Grew Up"

Jean's Comment's: "This Beautiful Baby Grew Up":                      A dear doll in my collection. Bailey Sharp. 4-28-2014 Perryton, Texas.              Portrait of my grand daughter, ...

"This Beautiful Baby Grew Up"

                     A dear doll in my collection. Bailey Sharp. 4-28-2014 Perryton, Texas.
             Portrait of my grand daughter, Bailey Sharp. Senior year. 4-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I said yesterday I am calling it quits on this portrait of my grand daughter. I can’t say I’m exactly satisfied with the outcome, but for some reason I can’t change anything about it for the better. When I try it always looks worse. Funny thing, art is. I am working on two more paintings, and hopefully they won’t take much longer. I have made a full time job out of my painting. I will continue to write a blog, but that doesn’t take long. When my son, Rick, gets moved in with me he will help me to create a website for all my paintings. They will all be priced. No greater pleasure could I have than to paint my love for originality and imagination.

It has finally stopped raining here, but we are very thankful for all the moister. We see many blessing ahead, thanks be to God. The news is all about riots and evil forces taking over our country with great hast. I am here to tell you those who have no worry or concern for this terrible calamity will without delay be struck down when God announces its time for a roll call. He has a way of knowing who they are. Again this is bible content that everyone should read. Ezekiel chapters 8 through 11. We may sleep for awhile, but then the time will come when there will be no sleep at all. I find it hard to believe that anyone could be so preoccupied that they are not concerned a bit about their future. Its like, “just live for today.” If only they knew what suffering will meet them before they realize what its all about. Rejection will be given to many when they do decide to stop their foolish living. That’s what I have to be proud about. I knew I might not be accepted when I finally got ready to be serious, but by His grace He did receive me into His Kingdom. Who wouldn’t be proud to be a child of the King? But some might not know we are not children of the King until He adopts us. We were born in sin, and are children of sinful nature until the Heavenly Father adopts us. We must be born again by the spirit before we can be called children of God. It is not by our works, nor by our hopes, that we are accepted by Jesus, the savior, but by the power of the holy spirit who moves on us to accept Him, It is then that we have a chance to be accepted. There definitely has to be a conformation by the sinner before they are accepted. Too many people have altered this request by our Lord and Savior, and will be held accountable for a possible misinformed soul being lost in the end. The sleeping giant needs to be awaken in the leaders of our nation. I believe after the sinner has been accepted, they are born again, and God does love and stays near His children. The bible tells us He will never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Windows Of Heaven Are Open"

Jean's Comment's: "The Windows Of Heaven Are Open": Perryton has been getting rain for 24 hours straight. My flower beds are standing in water. Praise the Lord! 4-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"The Windows Of Heaven Are Open"

Perryton has been getting rain for 24 hours straight. My flower beds are standing in water. Praise the Lord! 4-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I believed God has opened the windows of heaven and poured us out a great rain. How thankful we are. Green is beautiful while it lasts. My flower beds are standing in water. Woe be to my lawn mowing when it does get dry. The farmers are expecting a bumper crop of wheat this year, after nearly seven years of draught. Everyone in Perryton is excited at this time. Although we know that surprises are still possible. Green bugs or hail, and other things as well. Our faith is anchored in the good Lord to keep us blessed.

I have been working on a portrait of my grand-daughter for some time now. I have done and redone it over so much till I have decided to leave it like it is. Bailey probably will be unhappy with me for posting it so everyone can see who grandmother thinks she really is, but sometimes the real person shows up in paintings that wasn’t meant to be. I see her as beautiful, composed, talented, brilliant, and a rising star young lady. Others may not recognize these characteristics from this portrait, but I am certain I have made it as plain as I possibly can. “Forgive me Bailey if I didn’t gain your pleasure. You are dear to me.” I will be posting this portrait tomorrow, April 28, 2015 if nothing happens to stop me. There comes a time when every artist has to say its time to quit. I have made that decision. Like it or not, that’s it. Bailey will be graduating from Gainesville, Texas high School June 1, 2015. She has made that school proud, they will miss her much.

My spiritual thought for the day is this. Galatians 6:7  Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. I do not like to keep telling people this scripture, because it is positively true, and I don’t like to see people punished, but I, along with everyone else has been born with this command, and it is not possible to escape it. If we will engrave those words upon our mind we will always be aware of the consequences if we make quick decisions without thinking them through. Of course one has to allow God to prompt them instead of trusting their own brainwork. The bible tells us that the human being is as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6. All of us have become like one who is unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags. We shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. For those who don’t believe in the old testament, God forbid. The old testament is proving its self every day. Woe be to those who leave the old testament teachings out of their curriculum. There may be some bible schools that just teach new testament theology, but I don’t know of one. My advise is, “don’t try to find one.:

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: A Sheppard And A King"

Jean's Comment's: A Sheppard And A King": I am so excited about painting this old historical castle-house till I couldn't wait to finish it before I shared with you. I will pos...

Jean's Comment's: A Sheppard And A King"

Jean's Comment's: A Sheppard And A King": I am so excited about painting this old historical castle-house till I couldn't wait to finish it before I shared with you. I will pos...

A Sheppard And A King"

I am so excited about painting this old historical castle-house till I couldn't wait to finish it before I shared with you. I will post again when I am finished. It is located 8 or 9 miles south of Perryton, Texas. 4-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After hearing a great sermon this morning I came home feeling refueled and ready to travel on. I finished the dinner I had started before church, ate and came to my computer to unload a little enthusiasm. The sermon was about the good Sheppard, and it was different than any I had heard before on that subject. The minister had 100 percent of the attention with not even a sound from a baby. If I had know the title of the sermon before I went to church I might not have gone. Its such an old story, that one gets tired of hearing it over and over. What a surprise this morning. I wish I could recall and print the entire sermon, but that is impossible. It did one thing for me that made me feel ashamed of my desire to have every prayer that I pray answered. This minister knew exactly why that doesn’t happen, and since I have been reading the book of Ezekiel I could understand the reason more clearly. My friends, we are not that spoiled child who our parents loved so mush that they failed to punish us for our bad attitude. We are that child who God loves, but will punish us as severely as needed to make us listen to Him. We either obey, or “oh my butt.” A sermon like I heard this morning makes me want to grow-up quickly. No more self pity or doubting God’s love for me. I will take my mistakes for what they are and not try to explain them away.

I sometimes wonder why certain people have been so extremely successful with wealth. I would take some of that cash in a minute if I could do it without feeling dishonest, otherwise, keep it I don’t want it. I will work for my living, and take what I get with thankfulness in my heart. It is with this feeling that I became interested in the old house that looks like a castle built on the side of a hill in rattlesnake country. I decided to paint the part that can be seen from the highway. Half of the house is hidden under a hill. I know nothing about the originality of this house, but I plan to find out. The present owner has made an interesting curiosity site of it. A locked gate keeps anyone from entering, and tall wire fences surround the vast space. I don’t think anyone lives there, but it is being preserved for a reason unknown to me. I am painting what I can see, but much more lies underneath the hill. An oil well pump jack is busy pumping wealth out of the ground. That can be seen. What a pleasant reminder of some of God’s wealth I will have hanging on my wall when I get it finished. This piece of art is not for beauty, but for progression. I love the word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "This Orchid Blooms Year Round"

Jean's Comment's: "This Orchid Blooms Year Round": My year round, blooming orchids are blessing me today. One plant sits in my kitchen window while the other sits on a table in my computer ...

"This Orchid Blooms Year Round"

My year round, blooming orchids are blessing me today. One plant sits in my kitchen window while the other sits on a table in my computer room. These flowers are great cheerleaders. 4-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been one of those days when you want to tell someone you don’t care any more what they do. Its like all patience has been exhausted, and nothing has worked to improve a terrible bad situation. The nicest word I can think of to describe these kind of people is too stupid to be just plain stupid. The reason for that definition is because many times over the offer has been made to them to join the happy band. Death is knocking on someone’s door, but the ignorance of some don’t believe it. They just come out with the excuse, “when its my time I will go no matter what.” This is an answer I get when I beg this person to go to the doctor. They are covered with full insurance, but refuse to use it. When a human being just weighs 80 pounds, coughs constantly, and sleeps sitting up in bed, I say they are long over due in going to the doctor, but It might still help if only they would try. For years I have tried to be a mentor to this person, and I have to say it worked out fairly well for a long time. Then one day this loving soul decided to walk alone in making important decisions, and it has been a complete failure. You might have already guessed that this person is special to me, since she is almost like a daughter. There comes a time when we have to tell God that He will have to do what He can because I can’t do anything else. That does not stop the pain, and the love I feel for this poor wretched soul. This person is not or has never been an addict except for stupidity. I have to correct that, she is addicted to tobacco, which is normal for her. That could be the reason for her health problem, but not for the “stupid” problem. For 65 years now this little girl has never grown up. She loves, and helps anyone if she possible can. She sacrifices her own well being to help someone else. That is a good trait she has, but it still requires simple thinking to go as far as she does sometimes. I guess this blog is my last possible effort to help this dear loved one. I need your prayers for her release from Satan’s prison. My beautiful blooming orchids have encouraged me today to send out this message. I am claiming victory once and for all for her happiness and good cheer. I know that the prayer of faith shall heal the sick, and who knows who out there might just have that faith. Maybe I have given up on my own prayers for this soul, but I haven’t given up on yours. I will send out a testimony when this prayer is answered. I just ask that you help hold my hands up while I keep praying. Thank you in advance.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Who Owns These Cattle"

Jean's Comment's: "Who Owns These Cattle": Cattle by the score. Hard to see, but a large herd of cattle are grazing this native grassland a few miles south of Perryton, Texas. 4-24-...

"Who Owns These Cattle"

Cattle by the score. Hard to see, but a large herd of cattle are grazing this native grassland a few miles south of Perryton, Texas. 4-24-2015.

This will probably be the last picture of the several I took while traveling home a few days ago from Oklahoma City. I truly wanted the picture of the cattle to show up better because it was such a pretty sight, but because of the distance they were not very plain. If I zoomed in then I could only get two or three cattle on the screen. Ochiltree county furnishes a great amount of the beef that many of you eat every day. We have two large feed lots here and one near Turpin, Oklahoma just thirty miles away.

I think I have been interested in all the cattle that grows here in Ochiltree county because of the bible reading I have been doing lately. Almost every chapter I read speaks of cattle in some way. Psalms 50:10 says, “ God owns all the cattle on a thousand hills. The rolling plains of Ochiltree county has many hills with cattle grazing on most all of them. According to the scripture God is the owner of all these cattle. He sure does have lots of cowboys, and I see them a lot  here in town. Hats, boots, jeans, and sometimes spurs, makes the cowboy’s quickly recognizable. I do like the western life, but I never wanted to be a cowboy’s wife. I have trouble understanding why all the animals were slaughtered for sin back in bible days. Blood was the only atonement for sin, and this had to be practiced at every worship service. The animals were slaughtered on the alter, and blood was spread about. Then God chose to offer His Only  Begotten Son for a blood sacrifice once and for all. How could anyone brush it off as, “so what?” It’s sad to know what is coming for those kind of people. I can never do enough to pay even a part of what God did for me. But I want to try anyway. I think He demands us to spread His word, and help to educate the poor and unlearned. We may thank its useless, but we must do it anyway. The bible tells us that God’s word does not return unto Him void. That means that every effort we make to spread His word will be used to help someone someway. We may never know how, but by faith I believe it. “Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never be mine so for my sake I will speak every day, Lord for thine.”

I almost missed putting this blog on today. As you can see it is late at night, but I couldn’t let the day pass by without speaking out. Every day I need to try harder to cover ground that I haven’t covered yet. It takes a determination to spend time trying to help others. I want to be determined. Not because I want to, but because, yes I do want to. The true love of God will make everyone want to help others. And that without judging.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "No High Rises But Plenty Of Ground Interest"

Jean's Comment's: "No High Rises But Plenty Of Ground Interest": The winding road south of Perryton is rich with cliche pits. Mile after mile of cliche can be seen on both sides of highway 83. 4-23-2015 ...

"No High Rises But Plenty Of Ground Interest"

The winding road south of Perryton is rich with cliche pits. Mile after mile of cliche can be seen on both sides of highway 83. 4-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Oil tanks are a common sight in Ochiltree county. Oil is continuously pumping into them. How nice that must be. 4-23-2015 Perryton, Texas

I will post a few more pictures of Ochiltree counties rich national resources. I started a painting today of one of the oldest houses built in Ochiltree county. It is very interesting and is sporting a pumping oil well near the entrance gate. At one time just a few years ago the owner stocked the ranch with Elk. They could be seen while driving down highway 83. Some were near the tall wire fence grazing away on Texas grass. I haven’t gotten the history of this place yet, but I plan to do that since I am painting it. Caliche  pits are always busy loading trucks to haul to new construction road sites   or to repair old roads. And of course as I mentioned before sections of wheat or grass land are heavily populated with fat cattle. A nice lake is situated about I I/2 miles of the highway 83. It is equipped with R V  hook-ups, a nice eating place called “The Lobo,” and restrooms. Minnows are always available for those who like to use live bait. That would be me. A walk way built out over the lake is leading on to a real nice covered deck. We take our lawn chairs, and ice cooler and forget that time is clicking on. I only fish for crappie, but sometimes bass or trout get on my line. I have caught catfish also. Most of the time I just catch crappie. They are good eating. This lake is called Lake Fryer, and is 15 miles south east of Perryton on highway 83. For anyone who is not addicted to the busy, go-go life of large cities, Ochiltree county is first class of its kind of entertainment. I am always glad to be back in its safe and sound environment.

It is within my home walls that I can feel the presence of God so vividly. At the end of any day I am truly exhausted. I am full of sorrow for some of my family and friends who are suffering from lack of good fortune. When I am away from home I slip into bed without relieving myself of these depressing feelings. On the contrary every night at home I unload my sorrow and find a most relaxing spirit that equals the spirit of my father who always assured me that everything would be alright. I believed him, and it was true. When I grew up I had to find that same source of knowledge that my father had. I was on my own and no longer could depend on my dad to kiss my sore, so to speak. It didn’t take me long to discover that same divine guidance that my dad had. I know I am dependant upon one place for my prayers to be answered, but I do believe people lose their faith so often by changing locations with their alters. I am positive that my alter is anywhere my heart is, but too often our heart is fixed on something else besides God. I am thankful that my home is still my heaven, and pray that I can keep it that way for a long time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"I Was Lost But Now Am Found"

One of the farm houses in Ochiltree county with irrigated wheat by sections. 4-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This old mail box is still being used. Some rancher back up in the valley is not to good to keep his mail box. 4-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I am still posting pictures I took on my way home from Oklahoma City. I saw section after section of green irrigated wheat. Some farmers will be made a lot richer in about two months. I also passed an overhead gate leading into an old ranch house that had a cattle guard with an old mail box with some of the writing missing. It was clear to see that it was still being used every day. I began to feel more appreciative of my homeland of Perryton, Texas. I had just left a large city with dozens of smaller cities surrounding it so you never knew when you left one and entered another. Highways were built over other highways, and it seemed like you were traveling in space as much as the ground. Vehicles were whizzing by you and it was ever so nerve-wracking. If ever you made a wrong turn it took an hour to get back where you needed to go, not to mention the extra gas you used. Now I was in the rolling plains again where most farm houses could not even be seen. Somehow the rich owners of those homes want to be isolated from the public eye. The herds of cattle grazing on pasture were quite visible with wind mills blowing with the wind. Quite and peaceful was two words to describe this totally different atmosphere. Go as slow as you wish, but don’t honk. Someone might hear it and think a tornado was approaching. I noticed the cattle stopped grazing and turned to look at me when I got out of the car to take their pictures. One big bull was distinctively noticeable and I dared to upset him in any way. I grew up on a farm and I know the characteristic of bulls. I quickly snapped a few shots and returned to my car and shut the door.

I did not ever before feel so appreciative of home when I returned as I did this time. I sometimes think age has something to do with it, but I doubt that. It could be that I have grown up. Anyway I am contented and busy again with my hobbies. I love being just me and free to do whatever I want. I wish this same boon on everyone else. A perfect way to be happy is to hold back nothing that enriches your interest. Push everything out of your way and plunge in with all you’ve got. If your heart is right with God he will be there to rescue you if you start to sink. Just shake it off and try harder the next time. A day at a time is the best way to predict your future. Tomorrow may never be thine so enjoy today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "By Faith We Are Made Whole"

Jean's Comment's: "By Faith We Are Made Whole": One of the older nicer homes first built in Ochiltree county Texas. Part of the house in hidden by a cliff. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas. T...

"By Faith We Are Made Whole"

One of the older nicer homes first built in Ochiltree county Texas. Part of the house in hidden by a cliff. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.
The gate leading into the older home. Such a lovely entrance to the old historical house. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.
One of the oil well's that's been added to this land where the old house is located. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.

It was good to be back in Ochiltree county after being gone two days away from home. I enjoyed every bit of my trip, but it is always good to be back home. I took some time and stopped a lot to take pictures of interesting things that make Ochiltree county so rich and prosperous. Mostly oil and gas, and farming and ranching. This place is called “The Wheat Heart” of the Nation” by many. Cattle graze off the wheat before it is ready to be left to grow to maturity. Also thousands of acres of pasture land supplies many herd’s of cattle for food. I passed lots of cattle grazing in pastures along the highway. I took pictures of Black Angus, and White Face as well as other breed‘s, but they didn’t turn out too well. Oil and gas wells were seen pumping everywhere. Nothing could be more uplifting than to see all the rich resources our county has. Everything looked especially good after several nice rains we have had lately. Green was really green today.

I got to visit with two of my sisters and a sister-in-law while I was gone. That was extra enjoyable, since I don’t get to see them very often. My sisters and I spent one nigh in a nice motel in Norman, Oklahoma. We dined and shined for twenty-four hours like never before. No one was around to bother us. We covered a lot of mental territory and did not leave out some devotionals.  I sang two songs for my sisters while we relaxed in the room. No 1, “Nobody Answered Me,” and no. 2, “One Day At a Time.” It was a heartfelt time for all of us. I believe we were all made stronger in the Lord after this short visit. God knows we certainly needed to be made stronger, and more faithful to Him than we had been the past few months. I felt more faith than I had felt in a long time. I believe this trip was made possible by the hand of God for His own reason. He just answered prayer without us realizing it. I feel positive now about some things I was in doubt about. I stopped at a city where an old school friend had recently been admitted to a nursing care facility. She had developed Alzheimer’s and only knew me slightly. We attended church together all our childhood lives so I knew this friend loved the Lord. I put my hand on her and together we prayed. She still remembered how to pray. I spoke with her daughter later and told her about our prayer. I said to the daughter, God heard her prayer, but she didn’t hear His answer. That’s ok because she will feel a change resulting from it. The daughter was very appreciative of me stopping in to see her mother. She told me a little of how difficult it was to see her mother in this shape. I will be praying for this loving daughter also.

I must go now and mow my yard. It is waving me down every time I stick my head out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: The Sky Is Blue And The Clouds White Tonight"

Jean's Comment's: The Sky Is Blue And The Clouds White Tonight": There is quite a difference in the clouds this evening than last evening. Sun is shinning so bright the cherry tree in next photo is spark...

The Sky Is Blue And The Clouds White Tonight"

There is quite a difference in the clouds this evening than last evening. Sun is shinning so bright the cherry tree in next photo is sparkling. 4-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The cherry tree is looking great. I found some bees breeding in the leaves. I ran for my spray. Chuck said no. The bees have to pollinate the trees before they bear good fruit. o k.  4-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We survived the tornado's hitting the ground all around us last night, but not without a lot of concern. We didn’t even get hail like several other places close to Perryton got. We did get a lot of wonderful rain, and we are thankful for that. I just came in from looking over the yards. Everything looks so refreshed and green. The sun is absolutely giving off its heat waves, and the entire tree and foliage crop is sparkling with splendor. No fertilize can be bought like the kind the rain supplies. Wow! What a blessing we got last night. A friend called from one of the towns where a tornado was seen last night. She said they got a down pour of rain, and the ground was covered with hail. Some was as large as golf balls. Her car was in the garage, but some people there got their windshields cracked. It is times such as these that I really appreciate my home. This friend lives 75 miles southwest of me. That tornado traveled all the way through Oklahoma, or at least some tornado did. Several were seen, and some touched the ground doing a lot damage. It could have been the same one.

I will be spending a couple of days with my two sisters next week. I haven’t seen them in a while. I am anxious about the trip as it is in the path of where a lot of tornado’s are often spotted and even hit the ground doing lots of damage. Several deaths resulted from some of these storms. I have to go because I have put my doctor’s appointment off already three times now. I am two months past due my annual check-up. I am getting my prescriptions filled on borrowed time. I have to travel 175 miles to get there. I am hard to please when it comes to doctors. I trust the Lord to keep me safe while I make these trips. Visiting with my sisters do me about as much good as seeing my doctor. When we get together we forget about all our troubles and just have fun together. All three of us has lost our husbands, and we were very close to our parents, so we have a lot to talk about. We were taught to leave our troubles at home when we get together, and live like we have a million dollars. Our parents were the best ever to appreciate the dollar. They did not care if they just had sufficient to live comfortably on. Life was full of happiness for them. As long as there wasn’t any sickness, they were satisfied. I must say my dad trusted God for his families health. And my mother knew how to make just about any kind of sickness go away. She was the doctor and nurse that we knew, and only she. There was just never any need to go to a town doctor, except for the dentist occasionally. We had a good life and my sisters and I like to reminisce. I am so happy for the family I have left to share and enjoy the present with.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Beware Of God's Anger"

Jean's Comment's: "Beware Of God's Anger": Tornado was reported today from this cloud. It was on the ground about 65 miles south west of Perryton, Texas.4-16-2015 Perryton, Texas ...

"Beware Of God's Anger"

Tornado was reported today from this cloud. It was on the ground about 65 miles south west of Perryton, Texas.4-16-2015 Perryton, Texas

I got a little shaken up today when suddenly the outside became dark and rain was pouring down. I immediately got a call from my son, Rick, in Fort Worth checking to see If I was ok. He had heard there was a tornado  on the ground just a little south of me. Then a few minutes later I got another call from Olney. A friend was calling to be sure I knew a tornado was headed my way. A little later I got still another call from my son in Abilene warning me to go to a storm shelter. Chuck and I were watching the weather news and we knew it wasn’t bad enough to go to a shelter. However it was scary for awhile. The storm clouds have missed us by a few miles to the east, and are still looking dark and threatening. I am ok as long as I am at home for my next-door neighbor’s have a basement bedroom. They have told me not to even knock, just come on it. The thing I worry about is traveling in tornado weather. You never know when one might start following you. I have to make a trip to see my doctor in Oklahoma City next week. That is the area where most of the tornado’s strike in our part of the country. I do dread that trip. The nights are also scary since I don’t wake up when it starts storming. Chuck always watches the storms at night so I feel pretty safe. I know he will call me.

We did get several inches of rain, and I am thankful for that. I believe we might get more tonight. I just hope we don’t get hail, which some of the area around us did get some today. I stayed busy painting and didn’t worry too much about the weather. I cooked a roast with potato’s and carrots, and made gravy for supper. I usually don’t have a big meal in the evenings, but I was so busy today I didn’t take time to eat much. I’m sure I won’t get hungry till breakfast in the morning. I will skip my late snack of cereal with milk tonight.

It has been a good day even with all the anxiety involved. I feel so happy to be safe and sound with not too much worry about anything. Somehow I feel as though something great is happening, but I just haven’t heard the full story yet. God is so good all the time. It sounds like I contradict myself sometimes, but I believe most people think even the bible contradicts its self also. I call it a natural way to balance things out. Our lives are a balance scale. We are neither up nor down. We are staying on the level of things. What more could we ask for? I believe in spite of my disbelief. That’s the way to be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "An Instant Of Surprise"

Jean's Comment's: "An Instant Of Surprise": A few drops of rain came down while the sun was still shinning. Just enough to wash off the bug spray I put on the trees yesterday. 7:15...

"An Instant Of Surprise"

A few drops of rain came down while the sun was still shinning. Just enough to wash off the bug spray I put on the trees yesterday. 7:15 p.m. 4-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Taken a few minutes before the first one. The sun popped out quickly. 4-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I know I write a lot, but as long as people keep reading I will keep writing. My meter shows several are reading my blogs. God Bless you. I do enjoy writing since I don’t have anyone around to talk to much anymore. I am processed with seeing neat things to take pictures and write a story.
Sometimes two or three times a day. My ever wondering mind keeps on seeing things. So thankful that I still have my senses of mobility. I always have a lot of brainy ideas to digest every night when I go to bed. That’s why I usually don’t fall asleep until nearly 2:00 a.m. Each morning I am back on the routine of eating, drinking coffee while watching the news, taking a walk through my yards looking for photography shots, looking up for interesting images that may be in the sky, going to my computer and unloading all pictures, write a blog or two, and then start painting. All in one sentence. By the time the day is over I am ready to unwind by going to bed and rethinking it all over. There is always time for visiting with family and friends on the telephone. That’s really what my life is all about. They come first then others whom I have learned to love and appreciate next. I know my writing is not done professionally, but I do not want to be anything but me. I am simple and plain spoken. I believe most people understand my phrases so what difference does it make if I just be me. I did learn proper English in school, but one of my college teachers told me once while we were not in class, It’s o k to speak improper if we’re not in class. I’ve been speaking improper English ever since. People don’t have to guess who I am.

It has begun to flash some lightning streaks. We may be fixing to get a bad storm before long. I think I will sign off and watch the clouds awhile. I don’t want to miss anything, especially a tornado. Everyone stay safe and say your prayers before going to bed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Early Morning Bird Shower"

Jean's Comment's: "Early Morning Bird Shower": Its been fun watching the birds taking a bath in my sprinkler this morning. They dart in and out of the water so fast I can't get a pi...

"Early Morning Bird Shower"

Its been fun watching the birds taking a bath in my sprinkler this morning. They dart in and out of the water so fast I can't get a picture, but there is a little black bird at the right of the sprinkler. 4-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My grandson, Josh and great granddaughter, Ellie, 18 mos. old.  Helping daddy. 4-15-2014 Perryton, 

I had to continue with the watering today even though the wind was blowing. I was amazed at how many birds needed a shower. They seem to stand in line waiting for the shower to be turned on. They dart in the water, shake themselves a bit, then fly away before I can get a picture. I finally did get one little bird’s picture while he was waiting to fly into the water. He is sitting to the right of the sprinkler on the street. Happy, happy, do they make me feel so early in the morning. I am reminded of when my kids would stand in line at the swimming pool waiting to jump off the diving board. It almost seems like yesterday. My, how time goes by fast. I am now loving the times when I see pictures of my great grandchildren doing sweet little things. This is almost daily because of computers. Thank God for miracles. When God says its time to call me home, I will leave Him in charge of things my children and grand children can’t do, keep my love and memories in their hearts. He will never let them forget how much I loved them, because He will smile at them each day in my place. I hope to be buried in the family, spiritual burring place created many, many years ago. A burying plot that does not exist where man can see. I believe I have a few more requests to be answered yet by God, before I will be ready to say, “Lord I am ready now.” By faith I am claiming that promise, which will be a miracle by all means. “Love covereth a multitude of sins,” So God said, therefore, I forgive a multitude of sins made against me. I will still remember, but not as much as I forget. I pray that every bad thought that comes to me will continue to fade away completely. They are not accepted in heaven, therefore I have to doubt that they are accepted here on earth. “Teach me Lord to forgive and forget.”

With that all said I must clear my thoughts on forgiveness, and see how much trouble I can make for someone who isn’t keeping me informed on plans that include me. I suppose I can go ahead and make my plans in this case, and hope everything will be o k. Why did I even think I had to know everything in the first place? God forbid. This week-end is the time my son, Rick, was suppose to be moving in with me. He lives in Fort Worth and has retired. This week-end I am going to Oklahoma City, for a doctor’s appointment. I just must be here when my home-sharer unloads all his stuff in my house. I do not know if he will be here this week-end or not, because he is one of those who thinks, “when it happens, it will happen. You know I am moving in with you. Lottie-da.” Can anyone beat that?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Lord Let Me Blossom From Bottom To Top"

Jean's Comment's: "Lord Let Me Blossom From Bottom To Top": This is the second year that red bud blossoms have sprung out of the trunk of the tree. Some bloomed on the limbs, but a lot have come rig...

"Lord Let Me Blossom From Bottom To Top"

This is the second year that red bud blossoms have sprung out of the trunk of the tree. Some bloomed on the limbs, but a lot have come right out of the trunk of the tree. My neighbors and me are bumfuzzled about this. 4-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Never to old to learn something. A red bud blossom coming straight out of the trunk of the tree all the way to the ground. 4-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Once again I am posting wonders from my yard. Lively pink, red bud blossoms are decorating the tree trunk from the bottom to the top. They are not on a limb, but looks as though they have been pasted to the tree’s large limbs that make up the trunk of the tree. This tree created a lot of attention last year, and now it is doing it again. So very unusual, but it is pretty. Wondering what to expect next year. I love the ever changing beauty God sends us from time to time. Whether above or below, something is always different. I have watered all day since there hasn’t been much wind to hinder the spray. Everything is growing fast. I even got to spray my fruit trees again for the last time this summer. I hope I have worm-free fruit. I have given it all I had to make sure I don’t have bad fruit.

Even with being busy most of the day I still had one of those days where I cried a lot. I can’t explain the feeling. It is just like I am laughing and crying almost at the same time. Sad thoughts from the past seemed to flood me today. I seemed to suddenly have regrets of the way I handled some things in the past. I guess you might call it blame on my part for the things that never got better, but did get worse. Somehow I can’t accept failure when it comes to any of my loved ones not having a happy life. Prayer and more prayer has not changed the terrible sorrow and suffering that some of my loved ones are still having. Only a miracle could possible change things, and after so long I feel that it will just never happen. I had resigned myself to accept things that I could not change, but days like today I tell myself that I failed to have enough faith or it would be different. I hurt so much when I think of all the hardships some of my loved ones are having. Yet I have done many physical things, as well as prayed for them, trying to get them past the disadvantage condition they were in. I have to be sure that something is missing from the mind of such ones that can never be fixed. That doesn’t make it any easier though. I will never stop asking God to help my loved ones, and even some friends, who are desperately unhappy. Some even to the point of, “kill me, I don’t care.” The love I have for these same people is killing me to have to think about it. Some days I am not able to turn it off my mind, but I always feel victory after I cry. I have to know and believe that God will not put more on us than we are able to bear. Those are His words. I pray I will never quit sharing the pain with those I love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty After The Beast"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty After The Beast":               Fresh chives for your baked potato. Have plenty. 4-13-2013 Perryton, Texas.     If you thought this was a river, you'r...

"Beauty After The Beast"

              Fresh chives for your baked potato. Have plenty. 4-13-2013 Perryton, Texas.    
If you thought this was a river, you're wrong. This is the sun shining on clouds taken in my backyard today. 4-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I find myself again today taking unbelievable pictures even from my yard. Some above, some below. There is always something that grabs my attention. The reason the sun and cloud picture isn’t in color is because there was no color. The bright sun was shining down on black and white clouds making it look like a river. I am thinking about painting this shot. It is amazing to me how such a good shot could be so unusually busy. The plants, the trees, and the grass is sparkling today under this bright sun. Glory be to the beauty of God. I am fed up with asparagus. I cut a mess every day. It is so good you can eat it by its self, but I have had an awful lot this spring. I may try and freeze some. I am just bubbling over with exciting things to do. That is without getting out of my yard. I have to feed and water my plants and trees nearly every day. I have to wash bird poop off my lawn chairs every time we want to sit in them because they sit under my big apple tree. I have to water the grass a lot since we don’t get much rain. I don’t like to work with the wind so quite often I just let it blow while I stay inside and paint or write. I count my blessings instead of my money. Money can’t buy happiness, and contentment. That’s a good thing or I wouldn’t have much.

This has been a week that I will have to admit I have flounced at the bit. The first part of the week was like everything was going wrong for me. My FOX channel on T V was off all day long. That is about the only channel I watch. Then the next morning it was still off. I have been upset with our T V service since it closed its local office here and sold out to a company far away. It takes forever to get to talk to anyone about problems. I usually have to listen to recordings and call several numbers before I can ever get what I need. The second morning I was still not getting FOX I went to the computer and started calling every number I could find that came under VYVE Broadband. It took me at least thirty minutes to get anyone to talk to me. I was fuming. The lady who answered me started asking me questions that I thought unnecessary. I snapped back at her every time, telling her to tell VYVE that I was changing service. She left the phone for awhile finally coming back on and telling me that channel 52, which had been FOX had been changed to 49. I griped her out because the company hadn’t notified me of the change. Of course the lady didn’t even work for VYVE. She was just an employ to help people having trouble from all T V company’s and that is why she had to ask me so many questions.. At that time a friend called and I was still fuming so I unloaded on her. She had some more reasons to tell me why I should move closer to her in another town. She said she has trouble getting me on my landline telephone many times. And last month My computer server notified me I either had to change email service or start paying for my current email. They couldn’t promise, me even though I stayed with them and paid, just how long it would last. I finally had to hire a technician to come to my house and get that all changed. Then everything else changed also. I had to learn the whole process all over again. I began to feel as though I was going to have to give up a lot of my interest, and start rocking away in my easy chair. For the past few days I have been blessed in so many ways I have already forgotten  the turmoil I went through earlier. I guess I am one of those who never want to experience hard luck. But thank God I never gave up, and now I am overflowing with happiness again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Gold And Silver Have I None But such As I Have Gi...

Jean's Comment's: "Gold And Silver Have I None But such As I Have Gi...: Just discovered a gold mine in my back yard. Thinking about selling out. 4-12-2015 Perryton, Tx. I really believe I have some rocks w...

"Gold And Silver Have I None But such As I Have Give I Unto You"

Just discovered a gold mine in my back yard. Thinking about selling out. 4-12-2015 Perryton, Tx.
I really believe I have some rocks with gold and silver veins. They sparkle like it. Double click and you can see the sparkle. 4-12-2015 Perryton, Texas. 

A lovely Sunday morning and I just discovered some gold and silver in my rocks. They were hand picked and tugged up a steep bank in Colorado. I have had them for years, but never noticed before how much they sparkle at times. Good dreams are always better than bad dreams. I have decided to swear that my asparagus bed is surrounded by gold and silver rocks. Maybe I need to put some locks on my gates. As you can tell I am as good as new this morning. I can’t hardly remember being tired last night. I have a lot planned to do today, so I will probably be tired again tonight, but thank God for a good night’s rest.

I have been waiting for Hillary to announce her run for president. It is now 12:00 p. m  and still nothing. I sure hate to miss something this drastic, but I have things to do. If I don’t see it I won’t believe it. I dare say she is a dare devil if ever there was one. Sorry to have to say, about half of our country is made up of daredevils these days. The most of the other half are not devil darers. They are whinny, powerless, plugs not fit to stop anything. OMG! what is going to happen to us now? The biblical message is being fulfilled on every corner block. No need to deny it, the truth is before our eyes. This country has gone to the dogs. I will never quit believing in miracles, and I truly think we will see one soon. Some may say it was a disaster, but others will say it was a miracle. I will be among the positive thinkers whatever happens. Enough has been said to unbelievers and now it is time to rest our tired bodies and souls from any more exhaustion. Some will call us quitters, but not so. We will be called over comers by the Lord God Almighty. Until then I will rejoice and be glad that I am a winner in the biggest fight of any political battle that’s ever been fought. I am on the side of Jesus, the Son of God. The one who never lost a battle while here on earth, and the one who will not let His followers lose a battle either. We may get our heads cut off, but that will not mean we are losers. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Can’t we be equally as true to Him as He was to us? I am standing on the promise that god gave me years ago when I first met Him. He said, “I will not let my people suffer corruption.” Psalms 16:10. He calls them the holy ones. I am sure He was talking to me, because I was a new convert and needed help, not fear. This was a message for me. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me.” another message God gave me in John 3:16. “Keep on believing and never doubt is my message to all.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Storm Without A Shelter"

Jean's Comment's: "A Storm Without A Shelter": Its so nice to be able to look out my kitchen window and see a wind vane that tells me what direction the wind is blowing. Today the wind ...

"A Storm Without A Shelter"

Its so nice to be able to look out my kitchen window and see a wind vane that tells me what direction the wind is blowing. Today the wind is blowing hard from the south east. 4-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
As you can see the wind is blowing in a dark cloud from the direction the wind vane is pointing to. 4-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today is one of those that keeps you on your toes wondering what the weather is going to do. We had a slight shower this morning, but nothing else but hard wind the rest of the day. A very large dark cloud is coming from the southeast and looks bad to me. The wind is still blowing hard, and its more than cool outside. I freak out when the clouds look like this one. I am not a discerner of which clouds are dangerous and which ones are not. I just know that tornados are striking somewhere almost every day. When one doesn’t have a shelter its quite uncomfortable to be alone in stormy weather. However I do feel sure that after I have done all I can do, then God will do the rest. I’ve always heard that April brings showers. Today is April 11 and we have only had a few drops of a shower. Maybe we are going to get a good one tonight. The wheat crop sure needs it.

I try to keep a positive attitude at all times. It certainly is a challenge almost everyday as we get older. I am learning things that I never thought about before. That is what age does for you. One never thinks about getting old until after they get there then they try to deny it. Whether we deny it or not facts are facts and nothing can change that. I don’t plan to argue with God about my age, but I may tell Him I am still young. My loving, heavenly father is never going to deny me because I am old. He tells us in His word that the older are the wiser. But no matter how wise we may become the body will still wear out. I am thankful that I am still able to walk and take care of myself. I grieve for my loved ones, and sometimes feel like I don’t have anything left to live for. But the fact is I am not living for me, but because God wants me to live. I cannot, or must not, tell Him I am ready to die. I would be guilty of desertion. I want to be faithful with my earthly duties for as long as God allows. If I stay able bodied I must make myself exercise my body, soul, and mind every day. I must use the wisdom God gave me to stay out of harms way, and I must pray for others every day also. I believe this is a command, and not just a choice I have. A pledge, so to speak, that I took when I was forgiven of my sins. Yes, I am still a servant of the King’s elite and I will be serving till my Lord calls me home. “Not my will, but thine be done.” How proud I  am to be able to speak those words.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Strong Injection Of Theory"

Jean's Comment's: "A Strong Injection Of Theory": The rhubarb plant makes as pretty a flower as any I have. Also makes good pies. 4-10-2015 Perryton, Texas. My tree of Heaven is looking ...

"A Strong Injection Of Theory"

The rhubarb plant makes as pretty a flower as any I have. Also makes good pies. 4-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My tree of Heaven is looking pretty. The yellow leaves will turn green after a few weeks of beautiful golden color. 4-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

There is nothing that elevates the soul more than going out in the yard at early spring and viewing all the colorful flowers, trees, fruit blossoms, and lavish green grass. The bright sun makes everything sparkle causing an even more refining feeling. I hesitate to leave the inspirational environment and go inside to my empty house. Although my house is full of precious memories of every sort, sometimes it seems dead, and nothing seems to talk to me. I am glad to say that in times like that I have many friends and family members who I can talk to always. Thank God for all of them. I believe the worst enemy one has to deal with is the enemy of withdrawal from friends and family. That is a sure way to rob one of all happiness and faith. I like the answer  I got from a friend recently after she had lost her husband. I asked her what she planned to do in the future. She answered with a few simple words, “I have never been, or will never be a loner.” Those few words have stuck with me, and have helped me to stay out of a shell. Friends do help a lot when we are groping around without seemingly any purpose or direction. It remains a fact that some just will not let go of the old steadfast ideas of, “my way or no way.” Misery moves those kind more quickly to their grave. They refuse the love and help they could have had simply because they were sure they were the only one who had it right. Self-pity is usually defined as someone who thinks they know it all, and want people to listen to them. Otherwise they would not be complaining all the time to those who have something they haven’t. I doubt that God would let any of His children suffer for a reason of self-pity when He has said to all, “ask and ye shall receive.” Only those who think they don’t have to ask God to receive are the losers. Somehow they think God is failing them when they are so extremely Godly. Fools are born every day, but there is grace to redeem all who will admit and ask in Jesus name.

When I sit down to write this blog this evening I had no idea what I would write about. I know by faith that God will put words in my ears to write. Today seems extremely different, but I am sure someone needed to hear these words. I pray they will reach the right persons, and help to bring a change in their lives. I can only obey, and do as I am lead to do. After I have done that my soul has been delivered of all responsibility. The rest is up to those whom have felt conviction form these words. Or maybe just direction from a lost journey they have been traveling. Either way I pray for the results to make a difference.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Child Shall Lead Them"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Child Shall Lead Them": My little grandson, Austin Sharp age 2, and my sister, Betty, helping Austin to get his bass off the hook. Austin caught it by himself wit...

"A Little Child Shall Lead Them"

My little grandson, Austin Sharp age 2, and my sister, Betty, helping Austin to get his bass off the hook. Austin caught it by himself with no one helping him. It scared him so bad till my sister helped him pull it in. This was taken in 1995 at Sanford Lake, Sanford Texas. Austin graduates from Texas Christian University next month, May 9, 2015. --4-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Just happened onto this picture of my grandson, Austin Sharp, and my sister, Betty Koch. The picture was taken in 1995 at Sanford Lake in Sanford Texas. My sister bought the little rod and reel for Austin and helped him bait it. She threw it out, then gave the rod to Austin and told him to hold it still. After awhile Austin got tired of fishing and wanted to pull in the line. His aunt Betty was showing him how to reel it in and just as it got to the edge of the water something happened. We all thought it got hung on a rock, but then we could tell something was on it. Everyone started getting excited and Austin got scared and wanted someone to take the rod. Betty helped him pull in the large bass. Austin was a bit scared to touch it, but he sure was fascinated while watching his aunt take it off the hook. It seems impossible that this was twenty years ago.

Austin will be graduating from Texas Christian University May the 9, 2015 with a degree in electrical engineering. He was hired some time ago by a major oil company in Midland, Texas. There are some things that people are not suppose to brag about, but grandchildren are not one of them. I am so proud of the many years of hard work Austin has mastered with the end results being exceedingly great. I wish him lots of happiness, and thank God for his desire to achieve in all he takes part in. Sometimes I wonder why God has been so good to my family. I can never thank Him enough. We have had to deal with some unpleasant issues, but the good always trumps the bad.

I am always aware of times of test. Just like my grandson, I have to study daily in order to make a good grade. If I know my bible well I will not be stumped when I am being examined. It is the one book that no one person has ever been commissioned to write the answers. I guess that is why I love it so much. My instructor is the Holy Spirit, and I will always trust His teaching. There will never be a graduation from the bible school I attend. It is a life long study. The longer I attend my class the harder it gets to interpret. But since I’m not having to dig for a certain answer, by the grace of God I will, by faith, get it right. The spirit that we all are, is not to be judged by human flesh. This is the most important thing I ever learned in life. These spirits will soon have a new body, and it will then be worth all the hard work we have done in this life. I believe the brains will have turned into jewels and we will wear them on our heads. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Help In Times Of Need"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Help In Times Of Need": I just had to snap this pretty red cloud this evening. The next snap is a dark cloud west of the red cloud. 4-8-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"Thank God For Help In Times Of Need"

I just had to snap this pretty red cloud this evening. The next snap is a dark cloud west of the red cloud. 4-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This is part of several black clouds in the west over Perryton, Texas this evening. Looks like maybe stormy weather is near. 4-8-2015. 8:30 p.m.

Its amazing how the sky can be so pretty in the east while very ugly black clouds surrounds us in the west. At 8:30 p.m. the temperature is still 78 degrees. I heard today of earthquakes and tornados being reported in Oklahoma, my next door neighbor. It makes me want to seriously watch the clouds for awhile. We do need rain, but not storms. 

The past three days have been devoted to my yards. I have gotten a lot of work done to them. I’m so pleased at how nice they are beginning to look. I managed to paint about a couple of hours today also. I think I have hit a high now a days, because I seem to be getting a lot accomplished. I just hope I can stay on it for awhile. I must say getting rid of those pestie squirrels has made me a lot happier. I had began to think I was going to have to deal with them the rest of my life, which wouldn’t have been long if my neighbor had not of helped me out. I now feel free from bad squirrelly thoughts. I suppose they will come back in time, but not for awhile. I like the birds and the butterflies. They are good company for me, and they never make messes. The birds sing a lot and do their bird talk to each other. The butterflies flutter around like ballerina dancers. They jump from one flower to another. A beautiful sight I must say.

Tomorrow is a day for which I have to do something for someone else. I have been asked to visit a lady in the nursing home and find out if she would like mail from an old acquaintance. A friend of mine lives in another town, but when she heard from me that this lady was in the nursing home, she wanted to write to her. This dear friend has a list of nursing home residents which she writes to faithfully. She has a great talent for cheering older persons up. I am so thankful that I have her for a friend. I will go tomorrow and find out if this lady would like to get letters from this past familiarity.  There is no doubt she will be overjoyed to get mail from her. The mind and body are good, but she can’t walk. This lady used to be an Ochiltree County Deputy Sheriff. She and my husband used to arrest law breakers sometimes together. She had put her life on the line, and still talks about some of the close calls. The little things we do for others are sometimes greatly appreciated. I want to always be ready to heed the call to help someone. This is a request that I have on my list to ask God for every night before I go to bed. “Let me help someone tomorrow.” God always answers that request in some way. I may not always be aware of it, but I know I have been used some how.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Be Unto You"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Be Unto You": April 7, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. the temperature is 80 degree in the shade. A beautiful day indeed. Tulips are looking good. Grass is growing...

"Happy Be Unto You"

April 7, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. the temperature is 80 degree in the shade. A beautiful day indeed.
Tulips are looking good. Grass is growing too fast. I fed and watered it too much.  Happy mowing for me. 4-7-2015. Perryton, Texas.

After spending a full day yesterday working in the yard it was nice to get up this morning and view all the results of my hard work. All the plum trees are loaded with little plums. The apple and peach trees are starting to grow tiny specks of fruit. We have already had several meals of delicious asparagus. So thankful for the bountiful supply this year. This morning I am watering the grape vines, and blackberry bushes. They will be bearing a little latter on. This past week has been a real blessing to me. The two-day trip I made with a friend to Dodge City, Kansas was like a shot of get-up-and-go. It all was very nice and relaxing. I came home feeling more blessed than ever. Surly something more wonderful is waiting for me to claim it. I will lose no time it making that move when it arrives. Isn’t it nice to always be expecting something great to happen to you any, and all times? It is the total opposite of depression. I believe if we will claim victory it will be ours. Our God has promised that. Even when we make mistakes He’s always there to look over them. But we have to believe Him because God doesn’t force anything on His children. He says “ask and ye shall receive.” I believe that with all my heart. If we truly believe that, we can smile through pain and fear. We can rise up against doubt and worry. We can enjoy life regardless of the obstacles facing us. “Trust and obey for there is no other way.”

My testimony for the week is this. Some of you know I had had a squirrel problem for a couple of years. They would chew holes in my attic boards and raise their little ones in my attic. My sons had done everything possible to keep them away, but not even the smell of strong animal repellant would work. Every time we would cover up the hole the squirrels would chew another one. My wise neighbor found a way to get rid of them once and for all without a possible way to call it animal abuse. It took awhile for this prayer to be answered, but in time God always answers. I no longer feel attacked by demons of deadly disease. Almost every week our local paper prints a new case of rabies. Several times the people have been warned of rabies being found in skunks running all over town. Every animal including ally cats and dogs, squirrels or other rodents were possibly rabid. I was so relieved when I finally was told there would not be any more squirrels living in my attic. Even the small things can sometimes turn into a big tragic thing. I thank God for answering this pray for me. I had worried many of nights about it. Now I am free from that worry. I Praise His Holy Name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Brightest Light Of All"

Jean's Comment's: "The Brightest Light Of All": The larger light to the left of the picture is the moon shinning over the parking lot of the Boot Hill Cassino in Dodge City, Kansas. 4...

"The Brightest Light Of All"

The larger light to the left of the picture is the moon shinning over the parking lot of the Boot Hill Cassino in Dodge City, Kansas. 4-4-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The dinning area of the Hampton hotel in Dodge City, Kansas. 4-4-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just arrived back home a few hours ago from a short trip to Dodge City, Kansas. A friend came by and picked me up and we spent two nights at the lovely Hampton Motel in Dodge City, Kansas. The rooms were large and very nice. The complimentary breakfast was the best I had ever been served before. The motel is adjacent to the very nice, large, casino on the outskirts of Dodge City, Kansas. The casino serves great food, and the price is reasonable. We enjoyed our stay there, and will plan to go back soon.

No matter where we go, how long we stay, or what we see or do, nothing can completely fill the void of being separated from our loved ones by death. However, it helps to carry us on a little farther each time we indulge. Its almost like going to the doctor for some illness we need to be treated for. We really don’t want to go, but know that it is best. When I am asked to go on a short trip now its like I would love to, but I can’t leave home. I need to stay home and grieve. If we don’t go to the doctor we may die. The same is true if we don’t get out of the house to lessen our grieving. The time comes when we do what is best no matter what. The roses still have the same lovely smell, but unless we put our noses close enough to the fragrances we smell nothing. I want to keep the loving memories of my dear ones with me forever, but I want to be strong enough to let them be just memories while I continue to travel down my journey. Day by day, little by little, I am growing stronger. I don’t ever expect to be pain free, but I know I can endure with the help of my Lord.

It was good to be back home, but I had to rest for several hours to adjust to this lonely house again. Everything is beginning to fall back in place. I am so thankful for friends and loved ones who do so much to make my life more pleasurable. What more could I ask? I pray that I can pay back just a small portion of what’s been given to me. I never fail each day to ask God for something that I can use to bless others. Even if I just quote His word, He has said to us that His word would not return to Him void. Surly I can do that. Today is Easter Sunday. I will be back in the saddle tomorrow doing the work along the trail. I am certainly planning to leave this house again soon for another time of refreshing and relaxation. Of course My home is always open for visitors to come and spend some time with me. Together we can make it work with God’s help.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp