Saturday, April 11, 2015

"A Storm Without A Shelter"

Its so nice to be able to look out my kitchen window and see a wind vane that tells me what direction the wind is blowing. Today the wind is blowing hard from the south east. 4-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.
As you can see the wind is blowing in a dark cloud from the direction the wind vane is pointing to. 4-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today is one of those that keeps you on your toes wondering what the weather is going to do. We had a slight shower this morning, but nothing else but hard wind the rest of the day. A very large dark cloud is coming from the southeast and looks bad to me. The wind is still blowing hard, and its more than cool outside. I freak out when the clouds look like this one. I am not a discerner of which clouds are dangerous and which ones are not. I just know that tornados are striking somewhere almost every day. When one doesn’t have a shelter its quite uncomfortable to be alone in stormy weather. However I do feel sure that after I have done all I can do, then God will do the rest. I’ve always heard that April brings showers. Today is April 11 and we have only had a few drops of a shower. Maybe we are going to get a good one tonight. The wheat crop sure needs it.

I try to keep a positive attitude at all times. It certainly is a challenge almost everyday as we get older. I am learning things that I never thought about before. That is what age does for you. One never thinks about getting old until after they get there then they try to deny it. Whether we deny it or not facts are facts and nothing can change that. I don’t plan to argue with God about my age, but I may tell Him I am still young. My loving, heavenly father is never going to deny me because I am old. He tells us in His word that the older are the wiser. But no matter how wise we may become the body will still wear out. I am thankful that I am still able to walk and take care of myself. I grieve for my loved ones, and sometimes feel like I don’t have anything left to live for. But the fact is I am not living for me, but because God wants me to live. I cannot, or must not, tell Him I am ready to die. I would be guilty of desertion. I want to be faithful with my earthly duties for as long as God allows. If I stay able bodied I must make myself exercise my body, soul, and mind every day. I must use the wisdom God gave me to stay out of harms way, and I must pray for others every day also. I believe this is a command, and not just a choice I have. A pledge, so to speak, that I took when I was forgiven of my sins. Yes, I am still a servant of the King’s elite and I will be serving till my Lord calls me home. “Not my will, but thine be done.” How proud I  am to be able to speak those words.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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