Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"This Beautiful Baby Grew Up"

                     A dear doll in my collection. Bailey Sharp. 4-28-2014 Perryton, Texas.
             Portrait of my grand daughter, Bailey Sharp. Senior year. 4-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I said yesterday I am calling it quits on this portrait of my grand daughter. I can’t say I’m exactly satisfied with the outcome, but for some reason I can’t change anything about it for the better. When I try it always looks worse. Funny thing, art is. I am working on two more paintings, and hopefully they won’t take much longer. I have made a full time job out of my painting. I will continue to write a blog, but that doesn’t take long. When my son, Rick, gets moved in with me he will help me to create a website for all my paintings. They will all be priced. No greater pleasure could I have than to paint my love for originality and imagination.

It has finally stopped raining here, but we are very thankful for all the moister. We see many blessing ahead, thanks be to God. The news is all about riots and evil forces taking over our country with great hast. I am here to tell you those who have no worry or concern for this terrible calamity will without delay be struck down when God announces its time for a roll call. He has a way of knowing who they are. Again this is bible content that everyone should read. Ezekiel chapters 8 through 11. We may sleep for awhile, but then the time will come when there will be no sleep at all. I find it hard to believe that anyone could be so preoccupied that they are not concerned a bit about their future. Its like, “just live for today.” If only they knew what suffering will meet them before they realize what its all about. Rejection will be given to many when they do decide to stop their foolish living. That’s what I have to be proud about. I knew I might not be accepted when I finally got ready to be serious, but by His grace He did receive me into His Kingdom. Who wouldn’t be proud to be a child of the King? But some might not know we are not children of the King until He adopts us. We were born in sin, and are children of sinful nature until the Heavenly Father adopts us. We must be born again by the spirit before we can be called children of God. It is not by our works, nor by our hopes, that we are accepted by Jesus, the savior, but by the power of the holy spirit who moves on us to accept Him, It is then that we have a chance to be accepted. There definitely has to be a conformation by the sinner before they are accepted. Too many people have altered this request by our Lord and Savior, and will be held accountable for a possible misinformed soul being lost in the end. The sleeping giant needs to be awaken in the leaders of our nation. I believe after the sinner has been accepted, they are born again, and God does love and stays near His children. The bible tells us He will never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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