Thursday, April 30, 2015

"A Bird Party Is Interesting"

I think the wrens' are having a party this evening. They are flying and buzzing around like crazy. At one time a dozen or more were sitting on the porch of the bird house. 4-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had to notice a group of wrens’ in my back yard who were acting like they were high on something. They were flying and darting in and out of a porch on their little two-story house, making happy-like noises as they danced and flew from one place to another. Several times the entire house was covered with birds. I got my camera and started trying to capture some of their unusual stunts, but of course I could not get anything in action to take on my still camera. I had to be amazed at the way the little feathery creatures could act so much like humans act sometimes. It must have been some kind of celebration they were having. They may have been celebrating the eradication of all the squirrels. The squirrels used to destroy the birds nest with eggs hatching, and  even killed the ones that did hatch. Now that the squirrels are gone, the birds are very happy. Life without fun, even for the birds, is too dreadful. I want my share, and will get it somehow.

Today has been more productive for me than usual. I mowed my yard, trimmed the sidewalks and swept up all the dead pine needles that had accumulated. I then went to visit a friend in the nursing home, and stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few goodies. I then filled the lawn mower gas tank, and plan to mow the back yard tomorrow. That is just a few things I did today. A friend called from another city and we visited for an hour. I am thankful for all the work I got done today. I never thought that 2/½ years after my husband’s death I could be even near this strong and contented. Of course every day is not this great. Life is made up of good and bad times. Like the little birds we have to deal with many setbacks. But when the time comes for us to rejoice over something, how wonderful it can be. I am sure I will fall asleep tonight naming my blessings. Tomorrow will be even more productive I do believe.

I have a long list of things to do, but haven’t been in any hurry to do them. I have been very occupied with my painting, but need to do some other stuff also. I have learned to wait for the right time before trying to do something that just don’t interest me yet. Without the interest nothing seems to ever please me when I am finished. Not to mention I wasn’t pleased while I was doing it. Some things can just wait until I am ready to hit it with full force. At least I am usually busy doing something that I think is necessary in order for me to be satisfied. I never want to let my life go by without knowing I am doing something for Jesus.  Even if it may seem little, God can make something large out of it. I am on my way to heaven.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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