Monday, April 13, 2015

"Beauty After The Beast"

              Fresh chives for your baked potato. Have plenty. 4-13-2013 Perryton, Texas.    
If you thought this was a river, you're wrong. This is the sun shining on clouds taken in my backyard today. 4-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I find myself again today taking unbelievable pictures even from my yard. Some above, some below. There is always something that grabs my attention. The reason the sun and cloud picture isn’t in color is because there was no color. The bright sun was shining down on black and white clouds making it look like a river. I am thinking about painting this shot. It is amazing to me how such a good shot could be so unusually busy. The plants, the trees, and the grass is sparkling today under this bright sun. Glory be to the beauty of God. I am fed up with asparagus. I cut a mess every day. It is so good you can eat it by its self, but I have had an awful lot this spring. I may try and freeze some. I am just bubbling over with exciting things to do. That is without getting out of my yard. I have to feed and water my plants and trees nearly every day. I have to wash bird poop off my lawn chairs every time we want to sit in them because they sit under my big apple tree. I have to water the grass a lot since we don’t get much rain. I don’t like to work with the wind so quite often I just let it blow while I stay inside and paint or write. I count my blessings instead of my money. Money can’t buy happiness, and contentment. That’s a good thing or I wouldn’t have much.

This has been a week that I will have to admit I have flounced at the bit. The first part of the week was like everything was going wrong for me. My FOX channel on T V was off all day long. That is about the only channel I watch. Then the next morning it was still off. I have been upset with our T V service since it closed its local office here and sold out to a company far away. It takes forever to get to talk to anyone about problems. I usually have to listen to recordings and call several numbers before I can ever get what I need. The second morning I was still not getting FOX I went to the computer and started calling every number I could find that came under VYVE Broadband. It took me at least thirty minutes to get anyone to talk to me. I was fuming. The lady who answered me started asking me questions that I thought unnecessary. I snapped back at her every time, telling her to tell VYVE that I was changing service. She left the phone for awhile finally coming back on and telling me that channel 52, which had been FOX had been changed to 49. I griped her out because the company hadn’t notified me of the change. Of course the lady didn’t even work for VYVE. She was just an employ to help people having trouble from all T V company’s and that is why she had to ask me so many questions.. At that time a friend called and I was still fuming so I unloaded on her. She had some more reasons to tell me why I should move closer to her in another town. She said she has trouble getting me on my landline telephone many times. And last month My computer server notified me I either had to change email service or start paying for my current email. They couldn’t promise, me even though I stayed with them and paid, just how long it would last. I finally had to hire a technician to come to my house and get that all changed. Then everything else changed also. I had to learn the whole process all over again. I began to feel as though I was going to have to give up a lot of my interest, and start rocking away in my easy chair. For the past few days I have been blessed in so many ways I have already forgotten  the turmoil I went through earlier. I guess I am one of those who never want to experience hard luck. But thank God I never gave up, and now I am overflowing with happiness again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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