Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Thank God For Help In Times Of Need"

I just had to snap this pretty red cloud this evening. The next snap is a dark cloud west of the red cloud. 4-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This is part of several black clouds in the west over Perryton, Texas this evening. Looks like maybe stormy weather is near. 4-8-2015. 8:30 p.m.

Its amazing how the sky can be so pretty in the east while very ugly black clouds surrounds us in the west. At 8:30 p.m. the temperature is still 78 degrees. I heard today of earthquakes and tornados being reported in Oklahoma, my next door neighbor. It makes me want to seriously watch the clouds for awhile. We do need rain, but not storms. 

The past three days have been devoted to my yards. I have gotten a lot of work done to them. I’m so pleased at how nice they are beginning to look. I managed to paint about a couple of hours today also. I think I have hit a high now a days, because I seem to be getting a lot accomplished. I just hope I can stay on it for awhile. I must say getting rid of those pestie squirrels has made me a lot happier. I had began to think I was going to have to deal with them the rest of my life, which wouldn’t have been long if my neighbor had not of helped me out. I now feel free from bad squirrelly thoughts. I suppose they will come back in time, but not for awhile. I like the birds and the butterflies. They are good company for me, and they never make messes. The birds sing a lot and do their bird talk to each other. The butterflies flutter around like ballerina dancers. They jump from one flower to another. A beautiful sight I must say.

Tomorrow is a day for which I have to do something for someone else. I have been asked to visit a lady in the nursing home and find out if she would like mail from an old acquaintance. A friend of mine lives in another town, but when she heard from me that this lady was in the nursing home, she wanted to write to her. This dear friend has a list of nursing home residents which she writes to faithfully. She has a great talent for cheering older persons up. I am so thankful that I have her for a friend. I will go tomorrow and find out if this lady would like to get letters from this past familiarity.  There is no doubt she will be overjoyed to get mail from her. The mind and body are good, but she can’t walk. This lady used to be an Ochiltree County Deputy Sheriff. She and my husband used to arrest law breakers sometimes together. She had put her life on the line, and still talks about some of the close calls. The little things we do for others are sometimes greatly appreciated. I want to always be ready to heed the call to help someone. This is a request that I have on my list to ask God for every night before I go to bed. “Let me help someone tomorrow.” God always answers that request in some way. I may not always be aware of it, but I know I have been used some how.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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