Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"I Was Lost But Now Am Found"

One of the farm houses in Ochiltree county with irrigated wheat by sections. 4-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This old mail box is still being used. Some rancher back up in the valley is not to good to keep his mail box. 4-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I am still posting pictures I took on my way home from Oklahoma City. I saw section after section of green irrigated wheat. Some farmers will be made a lot richer in about two months. I also passed an overhead gate leading into an old ranch house that had a cattle guard with an old mail box with some of the writing missing. It was clear to see that it was still being used every day. I began to feel more appreciative of my homeland of Perryton, Texas. I had just left a large city with dozens of smaller cities surrounding it so you never knew when you left one and entered another. Highways were built over other highways, and it seemed like you were traveling in space as much as the ground. Vehicles were whizzing by you and it was ever so nerve-wracking. If ever you made a wrong turn it took an hour to get back where you needed to go, not to mention the extra gas you used. Now I was in the rolling plains again where most farm houses could not even be seen. Somehow the rich owners of those homes want to be isolated from the public eye. The herds of cattle grazing on pasture were quite visible with wind mills blowing with the wind. Quite and peaceful was two words to describe this totally different atmosphere. Go as slow as you wish, but don’t honk. Someone might hear it and think a tornado was approaching. I noticed the cattle stopped grazing and turned to look at me when I got out of the car to take their pictures. One big bull was distinctively noticeable and I dared to upset him in any way. I grew up on a farm and I know the characteristic of bulls. I quickly snapped a few shots and returned to my car and shut the door.

I did not ever before feel so appreciative of home when I returned as I did this time. I sometimes think age has something to do with it, but I doubt that. It could be that I have grown up. Anyway I am contented and busy again with my hobbies. I love being just me and free to do whatever I want. I wish this same boon on everyone else. A perfect way to be happy is to hold back nothing that enriches your interest. Push everything out of your way and plunge in with all you’ve got. If your heart is right with God he will be there to rescue you if you start to sink. Just shake it off and try harder the next time. A day at a time is the best way to predict your future. Tomorrow may never be thine so enjoy today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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