Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"An Instant Of Surprise"

A few drops of rain came down while the sun was still shinning. Just enough to wash off the bug spray I put on the trees yesterday. 7:15 p.m. 4-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Taken a few minutes before the first one. The sun popped out quickly. 4-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I know I write a lot, but as long as people keep reading I will keep writing. My meter shows several are reading my blogs. God Bless you. I do enjoy writing since I don’t have anyone around to talk to much anymore. I am processed with seeing neat things to take pictures and write a story.
Sometimes two or three times a day. My ever wondering mind keeps on seeing things. So thankful that I still have my senses of mobility. I always have a lot of brainy ideas to digest every night when I go to bed. That’s why I usually don’t fall asleep until nearly 2:00 a.m. Each morning I am back on the routine of eating, drinking coffee while watching the news, taking a walk through my yards looking for photography shots, looking up for interesting images that may be in the sky, going to my computer and unloading all pictures, write a blog or two, and then start painting. All in one sentence. By the time the day is over I am ready to unwind by going to bed and rethinking it all over. There is always time for visiting with family and friends on the telephone. That’s really what my life is all about. They come first then others whom I have learned to love and appreciate next. I know my writing is not done professionally, but I do not want to be anything but me. I am simple and plain spoken. I believe most people understand my phrases so what difference does it make if I just be me. I did learn proper English in school, but one of my college teachers told me once while we were not in class, It’s o k to speak improper if we’re not in class. I’ve been speaking improper English ever since. People don’t have to guess who I am.

It has begun to flash some lightning streaks. We may be fixing to get a bad storm before long. I think I will sign off and watch the clouds awhile. I don’t want to miss anything, especially a tornado. Everyone stay safe and say your prayers before going to bed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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