Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"By Faith We Are Made Whole"

One of the older nicer homes first built in Ochiltree county Texas. Part of the house in hidden by a cliff. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.
The gate leading into the older home. Such a lovely entrance to the old historical house. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.
One of the oil well's that's been added to this land where the old house is located. 4-21-2014 Perryton, Texas.

It was good to be back in Ochiltree county after being gone two days away from home. I enjoyed every bit of my trip, but it is always good to be back home. I took some time and stopped a lot to take pictures of interesting things that make Ochiltree county so rich and prosperous. Mostly oil and gas, and farming and ranching. This place is called “The Wheat Heart” of the Nation” by many. Cattle graze off the wheat before it is ready to be left to grow to maturity. Also thousands of acres of pasture land supplies many herd’s of cattle for food. I passed lots of cattle grazing in pastures along the highway. I took pictures of Black Angus, and White Face as well as other breed‘s, but they didn’t turn out too well. Oil and gas wells were seen pumping everywhere. Nothing could be more uplifting than to see all the rich resources our county has. Everything looked especially good after several nice rains we have had lately. Green was really green today.

I got to visit with two of my sisters and a sister-in-law while I was gone. That was extra enjoyable, since I don’t get to see them very often. My sisters and I spent one nigh in a nice motel in Norman, Oklahoma. We dined and shined for twenty-four hours like never before. No one was around to bother us. We covered a lot of mental territory and did not leave out some devotionals.  I sang two songs for my sisters while we relaxed in the room. No 1, “Nobody Answered Me,” and no. 2, “One Day At a Time.” It was a heartfelt time for all of us. I believe we were all made stronger in the Lord after this short visit. God knows we certainly needed to be made stronger, and more faithful to Him than we had been the past few months. I felt more faith than I had felt in a long time. I believe this trip was made possible by the hand of God for His own reason. He just answered prayer without us realizing it. I feel positive now about some things I was in doubt about. I stopped at a city where an old school friend had recently been admitted to a nursing care facility. She had developed Alzheimer’s and only knew me slightly. We attended church together all our childhood lives so I knew this friend loved the Lord. I put my hand on her and together we prayed. She still remembered how to pray. I spoke with her daughter later and told her about our prayer. I said to the daughter, God heard her prayer, but she didn’t hear His answer. That’s ok because she will feel a change resulting from it. The daughter was very appreciative of me stopping in to see her mother. She told me a little of how difficult it was to see her mother in this shape. I will be praying for this loving daughter also.

I must go now and mow my yard. It is waving me down every time I stick my head out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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