Thursday, April 9, 2015

"A Little Child Shall Lead Them"

My little grandson, Austin Sharp age 2, and my sister, Betty, helping Austin to get his bass off the hook. Austin caught it by himself with no one helping him. It scared him so bad till my sister helped him pull it in. This was taken in 1995 at Sanford Lake, Sanford Texas. Austin graduates from Texas Christian University next month, May 9, 2015. --4-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Just happened onto this picture of my grandson, Austin Sharp, and my sister, Betty Koch. The picture was taken in 1995 at Sanford Lake in Sanford Texas. My sister bought the little rod and reel for Austin and helped him bait it. She threw it out, then gave the rod to Austin and told him to hold it still. After awhile Austin got tired of fishing and wanted to pull in the line. His aunt Betty was showing him how to reel it in and just as it got to the edge of the water something happened. We all thought it got hung on a rock, but then we could tell something was on it. Everyone started getting excited and Austin got scared and wanted someone to take the rod. Betty helped him pull in the large bass. Austin was a bit scared to touch it, but he sure was fascinated while watching his aunt take it off the hook. It seems impossible that this was twenty years ago.

Austin will be graduating from Texas Christian University May the 9, 2015 with a degree in electrical engineering. He was hired some time ago by a major oil company in Midland, Texas. There are some things that people are not suppose to brag about, but grandchildren are not one of them. I am so proud of the many years of hard work Austin has mastered with the end results being exceedingly great. I wish him lots of happiness, and thank God for his desire to achieve in all he takes part in. Sometimes I wonder why God has been so good to my family. I can never thank Him enough. We have had to deal with some unpleasant issues, but the good always trumps the bad.

I am always aware of times of test. Just like my grandson, I have to study daily in order to make a good grade. If I know my bible well I will not be stumped when I am being examined. It is the one book that no one person has ever been commissioned to write the answers. I guess that is why I love it so much. My instructor is the Holy Spirit, and I will always trust His teaching. There will never be a graduation from the bible school I attend. It is a life long study. The longer I attend my class the harder it gets to interpret. But since I’m not having to dig for a certain answer, by the grace of God I will, by faith, get it right. The spirit that we all are, is not to be judged by human flesh. This is the most important thing I ever learned in life. These spirits will soon have a new body, and it will then be worth all the hard work we have done in this life. I believe the brains will have turned into jewels and we will wear them on our heads. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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