Friday, April 17, 2015

The Sky Is Blue And The Clouds White Tonight"

There is quite a difference in the clouds this evening than last evening. Sun is shinning so bright the cherry tree in next photo is sparkling. 4-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The cherry tree is looking great. I found some bees breeding in the leaves. I ran for my spray. Chuck said no. The bees have to pollinate the trees before they bear good fruit. o k.  4-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We survived the tornado's hitting the ground all around us last night, but not without a lot of concern. We didn’t even get hail like several other places close to Perryton got. We did get a lot of wonderful rain, and we are thankful for that. I just came in from looking over the yards. Everything looks so refreshed and green. The sun is absolutely giving off its heat waves, and the entire tree and foliage crop is sparkling with splendor. No fertilize can be bought like the kind the rain supplies. Wow! What a blessing we got last night. A friend called from one of the towns where a tornado was seen last night. She said they got a down pour of rain, and the ground was covered with hail. Some was as large as golf balls. Her car was in the garage, but some people there got their windshields cracked. It is times such as these that I really appreciate my home. This friend lives 75 miles southwest of me. That tornado traveled all the way through Oklahoma, or at least some tornado did. Several were seen, and some touched the ground doing a lot damage. It could have been the same one.

I will be spending a couple of days with my two sisters next week. I haven’t seen them in a while. I am anxious about the trip as it is in the path of where a lot of tornado’s are often spotted and even hit the ground doing lots of damage. Several deaths resulted from some of these storms. I have to go because I have put my doctor’s appointment off already three times now. I am two months past due my annual check-up. I am getting my prescriptions filled on borrowed time. I have to travel 175 miles to get there. I am hard to please when it comes to doctors. I trust the Lord to keep me safe while I make these trips. Visiting with my sisters do me about as much good as seeing my doctor. When we get together we forget about all our troubles and just have fun together. All three of us has lost our husbands, and we were very close to our parents, so we have a lot to talk about. We were taught to leave our troubles at home when we get together, and live like we have a million dollars. Our parents were the best ever to appreciate the dollar. They did not care if they just had sufficient to live comfortably on. Life was full of happiness for them. As long as there wasn’t any sickness, they were satisfied. I must say my dad trusted God for his families health. And my mother knew how to make just about any kind of sickness go away. She was the doctor and nurse that we knew, and only she. There was just never any need to go to a town doctor, except for the dentist occasionally. We had a good life and my sisters and I like to reminisce. I am so happy for the family I have left to share and enjoy the present with.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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