Thursday, April 16, 2015

"Beware Of God's Anger"

Tornado was reported today from this cloud. It was on the ground about 65 miles south west of Perryton, Texas.4-16-2015 Perryton, Texas

I got a little shaken up today when suddenly the outside became dark and rain was pouring down. I immediately got a call from my son, Rick, in Fort Worth checking to see If I was ok. He had heard there was a tornado  on the ground just a little south of me. Then a few minutes later I got another call from Olney. A friend was calling to be sure I knew a tornado was headed my way. A little later I got still another call from my son in Abilene warning me to go to a storm shelter. Chuck and I were watching the weather news and we knew it wasn’t bad enough to go to a shelter. However it was scary for awhile. The storm clouds have missed us by a few miles to the east, and are still looking dark and threatening. I am ok as long as I am at home for my next-door neighbor’s have a basement bedroom. They have told me not to even knock, just come on it. The thing I worry about is traveling in tornado weather. You never know when one might start following you. I have to make a trip to see my doctor in Oklahoma City next week. That is the area where most of the tornado’s strike in our part of the country. I do dread that trip. The nights are also scary since I don’t wake up when it starts storming. Chuck always watches the storms at night so I feel pretty safe. I know he will call me.

We did get several inches of rain, and I am thankful for that. I believe we might get more tonight. I just hope we don’t get hail, which some of the area around us did get some today. I stayed busy painting and didn’t worry too much about the weather. I cooked a roast with potato’s and carrots, and made gravy for supper. I usually don’t have a big meal in the evenings, but I was so busy today I didn’t take time to eat much. I’m sure I won’t get hungry till breakfast in the morning. I will skip my late snack of cereal with milk tonight.

It has been a good day even with all the anxiety involved. I feel so happy to be safe and sound with not too much worry about anything. Somehow I feel as though something great is happening, but I just haven’t heard the full story yet. God is so good all the time. It sounds like I contradict myself sometimes, but I believe most people think even the bible contradicts its self also. I call it a natural way to balance things out. Our lives are a balance scale. We are neither up nor down. We are staying on the level of things. What more could we ask for? I believe in spite of my disbelief. That’s the way to be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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