Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Gold And Silver Have I None But such As I Have Give I Unto You"

Just discovered a gold mine in my back yard. Thinking about selling out. 4-12-2015 Perryton, Tx.
I really believe I have some rocks with gold and silver veins. They sparkle like it. Double click and you can see the sparkle. 4-12-2015 Perryton, Texas. 

A lovely Sunday morning and I just discovered some gold and silver in my rocks. They were hand picked and tugged up a steep bank in Colorado. I have had them for years, but never noticed before how much they sparkle at times. Good dreams are always better than bad dreams. I have decided to swear that my asparagus bed is surrounded by gold and silver rocks. Maybe I need to put some locks on my gates. As you can tell I am as good as new this morning. I can’t hardly remember being tired last night. I have a lot planned to do today, so I will probably be tired again tonight, but thank God for a good night’s rest.

I have been waiting for Hillary to announce her run for president. It is now 12:00 p. m  and still nothing. I sure hate to miss something this drastic, but I have things to do. If I don’t see it I won’t believe it. I dare say she is a dare devil if ever there was one. Sorry to have to say, about half of our country is made up of daredevils these days. The most of the other half are not devil darers. They are whinny, powerless, plugs not fit to stop anything. OMG! what is going to happen to us now? The biblical message is being fulfilled on every corner block. No need to deny it, the truth is before our eyes. This country has gone to the dogs. I will never quit believing in miracles, and I truly think we will see one soon. Some may say it was a disaster, but others will say it was a miracle. I will be among the positive thinkers whatever happens. Enough has been said to unbelievers and now it is time to rest our tired bodies and souls from any more exhaustion. Some will call us quitters, but not so. We will be called over comers by the Lord God Almighty. Until then I will rejoice and be glad that I am a winner in the biggest fight of any political battle that’s ever been fought. I am on the side of Jesus, the Son of God. The one who never lost a battle while here on earth, and the one who will not let His followers lose a battle either. We may get our heads cut off, but that will not mean we are losers. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Can’t we be equally as true to Him as He was to us? I am standing on the promise that god gave me years ago when I first met Him. He said, “I will not let my people suffer corruption.” Psalms 16:10. He calls them the holy ones. I am sure He was talking to me, because I was a new convert and needed help, not fear. This was a message for me. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me.” another message God gave me in John 3:16. “Keep on believing and never doubt is my message to all.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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