Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Take Matters Into Your Own Hands If It Really Mat...

Jean's Comment's: "Take Matters Into Your Own Hands If It Really Mat...: Just west of the bright moon at 8:00 p.m. the sky was a glowing red. How interesting it is to view all the beauty in the sky. 3-31-2015 Pe...

"Take Matters Into Your Own Hands If It Really Matters"

Just west of the bright moon at 8:00 p.m. the sky was a glowing red. How interesting it is to view all the beauty in the sky. 3-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                   It is still daylight and the moon is this bright. 8:00 p.m. 3-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After buzzing through a busy day I took my normal last look for the day toward the sky. I saw beauty that I just couldn’t pass up from taking pictures there of. It is at times like these that I feel so close to God. I treasure these pictures, and the feelings that they give me. I can go to bed and rest in peace.

I made a trip to Liberal, Kansas today to get some frame work done for some of my paintings. I made the usual trip to Walmart’s and shopped for several items there. When I returned home it was almost time to go to the Center for “breakfast at night.” I was a little tired, but did enjoy the food and fellowship a lot. It has been a good day and hopefully I will fall asleep quickly tonight.

Each day before I retire for the night I recall all the things that I have met with during the day. Whether in be physical, mental, or imaginary. It is during this thought process that I decide if I am crazy or just plain impossible. This quite, and devoted time, is spiritual food for my soul. I finish my day with a prayer, and the reading of a whole chapter in the bible. Many of you will never know how often your name is mentioned by me when I am praying my nightly prayer. I believe God lays every soul on someone’s heart so that no one is left out of His merciful, tender loving care. Someone, somewhere, is praying even for the evil one’s who cut off the heads of innocent people. We might say, “not me,” but someone is. That’s why I ask myself sometimes if I am crazy or just impossible. I cannot dwell on that thought or I would become un-level  headed and be headed for a home for the blanks. My prayers are always for those who are responsible for keeping the better part’s of the world safe and risking their own lives to do so. This does not mean just soldiers in uniforms, but men and women making quick, and dreadful decisions sometimes. Leaders so to speak, Missionaries and the lists goes on. Let us always remember to pray for them. Pray is what keeps the world going. When prayer is gone the world is gone, and I wonder just how much further we have to go. I don’t like the change I’ve seen this world make in just the past very few years. Whether you want to admit it or not, this world is full of evil and getting worse by the day. Some of us has the advantage with our age, but how I hurt for the younger ones who cannot escape that horrible and notable day. It’s time for those who have been pitying themselves for less important things to stop and take notice of what you are doing. Everyone knows their heart and I hope they reconsider some of the pity they have been plagued with.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Blessings To All"

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Blessings To All": I am an old lady, but I still love EASTER baskets and colored eggs. A certain amount of the child never leaves us. 3-30-2015 Perryton, Tex...

"Easter Blessings To All"

I am an old lady, but I still love EASTER baskets and colored eggs. A certain amount of the child never leaves us. 3-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While working with my flower bed this morning I decided it would be nice to add an Easter basket with eggs, and a bunny to the colorful attraction. I will never lose my love for coloring eggs and hiding them on Easter Sunday for the little ones to hunt. As the young mother was putting my groceries in my car this morning, she was excitedly telling me all the interesting things she was doing in getting ready for Easter. Surly all the little ones who will be sharing Easter with her will have a happy time of their lives. There will be several festivities going on in our town this week, and I plan to attend some. Yesterday was Palm Sunday at church, and that was quite touching. An 18 month old baby girl led the march holding a palm leaf in one hand and holding her mother’s hand with the other. The long line of followers had to walk as slowly as the baby girl. It thrilled the spectators clear down to their stomachs. How touching it was to imagine the crowd lining the path with palm leaves that Jesus was riding on a donkey into Jerusalem for the Passover. His crucifixion was very close at hand. Some at the special event had a crown of thorns ready to place on Jesus’ head when He arrived. It is still that way today. While some praise and worship Jesus, others are ready to crown Him with thorns. I am one of those thankful ones who will always praise and worship Jesus.

I have nothing pro nor con to say about the movie that was seen all over the world last night called, ”killing Jesus.” I watched a little bit of it, and decided it was nothing I wanted to continue to watch. My heart is fixed on Jesus, and nothing else matters. I will not accept anyone’s theory about the most miraculous thing God ever did for a lost and sinful world when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. I need nothing but the King James Bible to keep me strong in my faith. People can, and will be disagreeing as long as they live about the Son of God who died on the cross for all sin. I will boast, and shot for glory for the rest of my life because I found this truth in a way that no one can ever take from me. My live is in His hands, and has been for many years. When He is ready for me He will take me in some way or another. I am standing firm on His word, and no other theory will ever change that. The way of the cross is the only way and I hope I can be influential in making people believe that. Without the influence others had made on me in past years I would not have known how to ask Jesus to save me. Thank God for His faithful people who have always claimed His redemptions power.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Us"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Us":                      Day time moon shinning through the red bud tree. 3-28-2015 Perryton, Texas. As I sat on the front porch this aftern...

"Beauty Is All Around Us"

                     Day time moon shinning through the red bud tree. 3-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I sat on the front porch this afternoon I noticed a white moon shinning through the branches of the red bud tree. On the other side of my house to the west was the brightest sun I think I have ever seen just about to go down over the house tops. The moon and the sun shinning at the same time, will surly brighten up your day. This has been a lovely day. I did a lot of yard work, and cut a mess of asparagus. That will be my Sunday dinner vegetable tomorrow. I have never tasted store bought asparagus as delicious as this I raise. I am praying that we don’t get a late freeze because all my fruit trees are loaded with blooms. I have had a long conversation with two of my children today also. It is so good to talk to them when they are enjoying a time of excitement with their children, and grandchildren. I love all my family so much and when they are happy I am happy. A third child who lives near me has been here and visited in my home today also. My last and youngest child will probably be calling before the day is over. How blessed I am to have these loving children to worry about me. They have kept their promise to their dad that they would take care of me . That was my husband’s last concern, leaving me. He told the doctor that.  When the doctor heard him say those words, he made a quick release possible, and the soul departed the body hurriedly. Thank God for His greatness.

As Easter is approaching I am thinking more about how real life after death  is. As was with Jesus so will it be for all humanity. Jesus came out of the grave in three days. I cannot say when man will come forth from their graves, as many didn’t have a grave, but the soul will be resurrected somehow. Easter is a time to renew our faith in Jesus’ resurrection, and worship with millions who will be celebrating that fact. Every day this coming week some kind of remembrance will be expressed by many who appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for them. On Easter Sunday most church sanctuaries will be filled with Easter lilies and palm branches to show respect and gratitude to our Lord. It is usually very touching and emotional to be part of this celebration. Every since I can remember all little girls had to have a new outfit for Easter Sunday. Somehow our parents always provided it for us. To this day I don’t know where this idea came from, but it still holds true today. I must admit I enjoy so much watching the little children parading down the aisles in their new outfits tossing palm leaves all along the way. How precious are the little children whom Jesus loved, as spoken of in the Word. May you have a blessed and happy Easter week.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Dog With A Lot Of Love"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Dog With A Lot Of Love": My next door neighbors have a new yard  ornament. A very nice golf cart ready to be driven. Wish It was mine. 3-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"A Little Dog With A Lot Of Love"

My next door neighbors have a new yard  ornament. A very nice golf cart ready to be driven. Wish It was mine. 3-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Mollly is puzzled about this strange vehicle and is checking it out. 3-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I noticed this super nice golf cart parked close to my patio today. My next door neighbors are gone at this time, but someone left their cart parked there for awhile. I was taking a picture when my neighbor on the other side walked over to chat about it. His little dog, Molly, was quick to notice something strange about the house she visits every day for treats. She looked it all over then began to smell for footprints around it. My neighbor and I watched while she investigated. She went to the garage door where there is always a treat left for her, but the door was closed. She went back to golf cart again and looked the wheels all over. This time she went to the front door, but still no one came to answer her concern. Finally she walked over to me as if to say “I can’t find out anything.” This little girl is the smartest little dog I have ever seen. She knows everything her owner says to her. He has treated her like a child every since he got her as a pup about 6 years ago. She used to bring my paper and put it on the porch. She stopped doing that, and Doug, her owner, said it was because I wouldn’t give her a T-bone steak. From the looks of her figure I wouldn’t doubt that. I don’t ever want to get attached to a pet again so I ignore Molly in every way except to pat her when she comes over to say hello. As soon as I pat her she goes back home just like Doug has told her to do. I would miss her a lot though, if something happened to her.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. It is always nice to  visit with friends and catch up on all the news. We have a very humorous group at our table, and the laughs are always belly-tickling. Oh what fun to eat, drink, and be merry. Of course the drink is ice tea, but it does a good job of boosting our spirits. I do love this group so much. I will be sharing some of my paintings at the Center shortly. I need to stay busy because I am not quite ready yet. A different artist is picked each month to share their art work. Maybe my art will be just the right thing to make everyone at the Center laugh and joke. There certainly is a need for more joking and less serious talk now-a-days. The bad news around the world is making most of the conversation at the Center any more. I, for one, would like to see this change. I think we need more laughter than frowns. “Lord help us all to express our talents more.” Also I would like to see more hugging than we now see, although there is a lot being done. Sending my love and best wishes out to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "It Was Real But Hard To Believe"

Jean's Comment's: "It Was Real But Hard To Believe": A little bow-legged bird visited with me this evening. I am never alone 3-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.                    The white streak i...

"It Was Real But Hard To Believe"

A little bow-legged bird visited with me this evening. I am never alone 3-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                   The white streak is a jet flying over Perryton, Texas. 3-26-2015 7:30 p.m.

I had gone out to watch the jet go over as it does every evening about this time. 7:30 p.m. While I was waiting this little bird landed on a line above me. For once I got a picture of a bird facing me. Its legs were wide apart. Looked very bow-legged. A few minutes later the jet appeared so I took another picture of it. It was traveling from the south to the north. These jets are probably corporate jets, and keep the skies pretty busy over Perryton. I like to watch them because they leave a trail of smoke. The plane is a tiny black speck at the front of the smoke trail. If it wasn’t for that trail one could not see nor hear them going over. The show doesn’t last long, but it is interesting while it plays. My little bird companion stayed with me till the show was over. Then it was time for me to write. I had already spent several hours painting. I love my busy life, and hope I can keep it that way for a long time. I always have a friend or two I can call and chat with if I need a break from deep concentration. Painting a portrait does require plenty of that. It’s like solving a hundred problems one at a time, with no one to help you. Its either right or wrong. Never do I get them all right. I just turn it in and take what I get.

Everything we cherish on this earth will soon be taken from us. Life is just that way. We leave it all behind, and go to sleep never to wake up again. With this fact in mind I wonder why people work so hard to have things so perfect, and enjoyable. I believe it is a little thing called challenge. We like to be the best we can be in all things. Or at least we should. Many don’t look at life that way, but I happen to be one who does. I do covet some people I know who seem to be like a walking dust cloth, or water and soap rag. It appears to me like they are magic. Everything around them are sparkling clean, without any effort haven’t been made to make it that way. I do have high respect for those lucky ones. On the other hand I came upon a totally different situation in my city this week. I was trying to help a friend find a place to move since she has been given notice to vacate her rent house. I saw a house that was situated on a corner lot that was the worst disgrace I had ever seen. It had no fence and the back yard looked like a land fill. The house was fixable, but would require a lot of work. I stopped to look around and was about to find out why the place hadn’t been condemned by the city. I walked around the house to see cats running in all directions to find cover. Trash and garbage  were piled high right out the back door. I had to pick a path and stumbled anyway on all kinds of junk that had been discarded in the back yard. There was no house numbers to be seen. It looked like no had lived in this house for many years, until I though about the trash that looked like some of it was fairly recent. I decided to go next door and inquire. A high fence was separating the two houses, and on the other side of the fence sat a very nice house where a deputy sheriff lived. When he answered my knock I was shocked when he told me a man was living in that house. I asked a question or two, but he didn’t know much about the guy. He said that the man never came out of his house, except to throw trash out the back door. I wondered how food was managed if he never went out. It was just that the deputy didn’t know anything to tell me. I mentioned condemning the place, and he said they had talked to the city about it, but they wouldn’t do anything. The deputy did know that the fellow living in the house had retired several years ago from being a mechanic at the John Deer place. Also the unconcerned man I was talking with said he had been living in his place for ten years. I thought ten years and you have never seen him or barely seen him. I felt lucky that I had not been shot or yelled at for prowling around that house where someone lived. I thanked the deputy and left. Now I have another mystery to try and solve. Does it ever stop?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Speak My Lord To Others For Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Speak My Lord To Others For Me":                     When God closes one door He opens another  3-25-2015 Perryton, Texas. When I lost my husband two years ago I was sh...

"Speak My Lord To Others For Me"

                    When God closes one door He opens another  3-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

When I lost my husband two years ago I was showered with so many inspirational gifts of love. In the picture the little plate held by a stand displays this message. “When God closes one door He opens another.” The angel on one side, and a cross with a bow on the other was healing for my broken heart. Today they, along with many other gifts of love are still helping to cheer me on. Some of these gifts were given to me by not so perfect people, if I may say so. They have a perfect sparkle, but are not gold. Here is where I get the inspiration to write this message. An old adage that says “ everything that sparkles is not gold,” will make a good example of what I am trying to say. Some of the most loveliest  expression given to me were from those I love with all my heart, but have chosen to disregard their Christian up-bringing and live the wayward life. The thing that hurts the most about these dear souls is while I am sure their life is going to end up in regret for their uncaring life style, I have to keep silent and let them learn the hard way. Am I right or wrong?  Two years later I see one of these dear ones suffering terribly with cancer, and another is at the brink of a nervous breakdown. A young loving mother, that I will always love. I wonder if there is a possible way to warn someone that they are about to plunge off of a high cliff, and need to turn around and go back. I haven’t found out how to do that yet. It is a fact that Christian people living the best life possible may die young from cancer or another sickness. But it is, in my opinion, a double fact that people who have turned their back on God, and are living very reckless lives are sure to be more miserable and will die sooner than later. Pain and more pain comes to those who are enduring the sinful live their loving parent, spouse, or close relative, friend or whatever, is practicing. Some of the awful feelings come from dealing with loved ones with drug abuse or an alcohol problem. Some are very open to sex partners. Others are involved in almost anything that will help satisfy their unhappiness. All of which will only bring more unhappiness. I read where a young unwed mother wrote this message just recently. She said. “ it is taking me a long time to unlearn what I was taught growing up. A very sad statement coming from a person brought up in a loving Christian home. I am even sadder for the precious baby who will be brought up in this psychopathic environment. The worst of evil is now prevalent, and is destroying lives rapidly. By chance I will continue to pour out my heart to anyone who might listen. I will seek all the wisdom I  possibly can, and hope I can show my love in a helpful way. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

"Step Into The Light Of Happiness"

Here it is again. The sun has been around the world in the past 24 hours and is going around again. It is moving swiftly, much faster than a jet. 3-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

“Great balls of fire.” There it is again another day and much  needs to be done today. My lunch schedule is at 11:30 a.m. I can’t do any yard work till after that, so I will have to work in the house, after I am finished writing this blog. I prefer to start painting now, but will have to wait. I am determined to get this portrait of my granddaughter finished, framed, and on my blog within a week. I just let the cat out of the box. She doesn’t know I am doing her. Hope she likes it. She is very beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Is it possible that I get all of these characteristics on canvas? I have sure tried. I discovered long ago that one never finishes a  painting. There is always something else that needs to be improved, but there comes a time when you have to say, “that’s it.” I’m through. If the reflection from a painting sends pleasure to the artist that painted it, then it’s time to quit. This portrait makes me smile with pleasure. It has to be time to quit. Someone else may say, “you needed to do this or that,” but I say, “it’s finished.” Of all of the millions of famous, and non-famous artists in the world, there is only one like me. I am an original. That is what makes everyone proud to be a body of sound mind, spirit, and soul. We are all one of a kind. No one can change that. We can be coaxed or flattered, but never be changed. A quote by Mark Twain is on my mind at this time.  “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down -stairs a step at a time.” What a wise man Mark Twain was. Paintings are as numerous as books. The work in both has been given many hours of hard strenuous work, with only few making it over a hundred year life. The messages received from both works are sometimes framed into a mind that can never be destroyed. Oh! If only humankind could grasp the powerful message in that statement and reach for something to pour their feelings out on, weather paper, canvas, metal, wood, or rock. One never knows how much lasting results might be used to prompt someone to go all the way instead of turning back, or ending it all. Claiming nothing but the best is what we all are made for. That is to say, never settle for anything that you could have done better. At the time we might think we can’t do better then it’s time to quit. After the book has been published, or the paint has dried, it cannot be re-done, but we can always press on for more perfection in other works. Beauty is all around us, but we cannot see it if we look at the garbage that helps make up the world. We may have to wade through the trash that has been dumped on our cities, states, and nations, but the sun shines on all earthly matter whether good or bad. Keep moving toward that hope of better and more loving life.  It’s there for everyone. Just let the sun shine in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Later I Will Paint This Sun"

Yes, this is the sun shinning down on Perryton, Texas USA. At 2:00 p.m. 3-24-2015. Something amazing about all the red, green, and yellow border around it. Also the sky looks dark. These effects have nothing to do with my camera.

Another wonder of the world moved me today. I needed to have a picture of the bright sun to use for a pattern on a painting. Now I don’t think I can use the one I took, because it has a border around it of green and yellow, and red blocks enclosing it. I have never seen the sun look like this before. Something else for me to study and think about. WOW! It is a frightful thing to get too close to some of God’s creation. I am glad I am just a body, that will be destroyed at death. Maybe my soul will be more equipped for the utopia I can’t even imagine. One day at a time we are planning this trip that is sure to happen. I, like most everyone else, am afraid of what’s out there, but when we have the Lord to trust, we know it will be more than wonderful. I keep praying every day that I can help someone who is having a hard time dealing with life. Peace, joy, and happiness is for everyone, but many dear souls do not have it. “Help me Lord to help others,” is my prayer every night before going to bed. I trust I am accomplishing this in some small way every day. I am not living because I want to, but I am living because God said He was not through with me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I live to be over a hundred years old, I still will be praying the same prayer, because I believe when God is through with me He will call me home. I don’t believe He will leave me here without a good mind, and body to do His work. No relative on my mother’s or dad’s side either ever went into a nursing home, or was confined to being cared for by someone else. Not to my knowledge. With the exception of a short period, after being told by a doctor that they were not going to live long. Both my parents died from a sudden heart failure. That is fine with me if God lets me die the same way. 

There are times when we wonder why we can’t see some results of our labor. When I clean my yard and flower beds they look so pretty. It is not always that noticeable when we have worked hard to help others, but by faith we know the results are there. Unlike the yard and flower beds, people could let it be known when someone has made a difference in their lives. But like the ten lepers Jesus healed, only one returned to give Him thanks. I know I am the chiefest of all lepers who don’t return to give thanks. What a shame. The oppornity soon passes and the unthankful leper is sorry that he failed to say, “thanks.” This has to be one of my biggest mistakes. I pray I will improve on this fault. Its my loss, and not the one who blessed me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Don't Stop To Look Or Listen Just Move On"

Sky watching again. Sun was going down fast, but flashed a gorgeous light before it went out. 3-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The sky was still blue while the sun was about to set. This jet was flying so fast I could hardly keep it on the screen long enough to snap a picture. 3-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

At the end of another day the sky was so lovely and so serene. I couldn’t resist  taking a picture of the sun as it was about to set. The sky was so clear and blue. I noticed this fast traveling jet leaving a trail of smoke behind as far as I could see. Time is going by fast and the sun, and the jet. just made that more believable. Both were moving so fast I could hardly get a picture. Darkness was near, and another day was almost here. The jet was probably going to land in a few minutes, after traveling several thousand of miles in less than three hours. We sit in our comfortable homes, sometimes not even thinking about how fast time is speeding on. We get so use to a routine that time doesn’t mean a thing. When I stop and think about it I wonder how many thousands of hours I have wasted by just enjoying my own life. That’s really something to think about. After all a record is being kept on all of us. I have never been a real energetic person. I like to take my time, and as I have said many times before, do it right. The fact is many people can do it right, and do it fast. Its too late for me to change now. I trust God will give me credit for doing something, even though it may not be a lot.

Most of my days are filled with happiness. I am doing things that I enjoy a lot. I believe that is an A plus as far as being contented no matter what state we are in, like the Apostle Paul told us to be. I guess you could say I dream a lot because I have always been one to think creative. It’s fun and I intend to keep doing it as long as God will let me. I don’t always do everything that some people expect me to, but I am still my own manager. It looks like at this time none of us will be able to say that much longer, but for now I am still free. And I might add, I still am not surrendering my faith to that awful enemy called, evil. I am standing firm on the word of God. When its taken away from us, as has been predicted, I think I have enough of it hidden away in my heart to keep me strong. While I am still privileged to have my bible I read a chapter every night and have for many years. I like to think I am helping this world to get better. I know that is a big thought, but many others are thinking the same thing about themselves. If they were not, then there would be no reason to keep praying for our leaders to be wise and strong believers of God. Our prayers, by faith are doing the task God asked us to do. The men and women in powerful places can feel strength when we pray for them. Let us always pray for them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Waiting For A New Spring Wardrobe"

           Our huge pecan tree has been stripped of its covering. Nakedness isn't pretty. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.          
                 A fresh hair cut and shave for our pecan tree. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

 With a two day  rain that interfered it took three days for the workers to trim the pecan tree. It really was a very large tree. It shaded both mine and the neighbor’s yards. Plus it produced bushels of nice large pecans. We can be patient and wait till it dresses its self with nice green cloths again. It will be modeling a new spring look before long. My apple tree in the back yard could use the same undertaking, but not this year. Trees are nice to have, but they require a lot of expensive work. Just like the lawns require a lot of mowing and watering, plus trimming the sidewalk edges. My son, Rick, who is coming to live with me will be the yard person this year. We had it hired done last year. Even then I still had a lot to do myself. No matter how much I stay busy it doesn’t stop the tears from flowing since I had to give up my husband. I keep him in my presence all the time. Surly some day I can be free from this awful grief. I share lunches three times a week with men and women who are grieving like me. We are all trying to forget, but somehow the mind just won’t let go. I am ashamed of my selfishness. I try hard to hide my true feelings, but sometimes I unwind anyway. I thank God for the many years we had together.

The mornings always brings me good cheer, but I hate going to bed and waiting for them to arrive. Sleep just doesn’t want to help me. I have to fight for it. I have always heard that time would heal, but I am convinced that’s not true. Time just helps to endure. I really think that is a good thing, because nothing could ever take the place of a wonderful relationship we had with our loved ones. We can cherish that feeling forever. I do not know about the next life. Many ideas have been expressed about life after death, but I am not concerned about that. I am positive that my heavenly Father will take care of me. I trust Him with all my heart. I do believe He wants us to continue to work for Him until He calls for us. That is what I intend to do. I humbly seek His will daily. It is only by faith that I do the things I do in His name. I know the Word says that faith without works is dead, so I am putting legs to my faith each day. Our labor may not always be paid in cash, but never doubt it will be paid it time. We are assured of enough to live comfortably with. I can claim that blessing every day. I am thankful for my strength that lets me do about anything I want to. I must use it or lose it. I will use it by God’s help. My prayers are for you tonight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

"Let The Beauty Of Christ Be Seen In Us."

I went out to spray the fruit trees this morning and was shocked to see these two beautiful bloomed out daffodils. They must have came in the night. I didn't see them yesterday. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
While I was admiring the daffodils suddenly a little white bird landed on a line right above the flowers. He seemed to be agreeing with me that this was a beautiful Sunday morning with the lovely yellow flowers sharing their beauty with us. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I went out to spray the fruit trees again this morning, and something beautiful caught my eye. Two perfectly bloomed out daffodils were waiting for me to say good morning to them. I was admiring them when all at once a pretty white bird landed on a line right above the flowers. I am sure he was saying hello to us. It was such an inspiration on a beautify Sunday morning. “Thank you Lord for your wonderful, beautiful, creation you share with us.”

While evil is flooding our great nation, a separation from the daily fear is available to all who will stay close to God. We, His children, are protected by Him if we don’t try to protect ourselves. It’s true He gives us guidance  and wisdom to move us in the right direction, but He is the Father who will always protect His children. Unbelievers are the ones who will surly suffer for their disobedience. It makes no sense to me when I see people who think they can tell God what to do. People can ask God for the desires of their heart, but they cannot demand it. Our Heavenly Father gives us what we deserve. He is no respecter of persons. Some people just have themselves elevated too highly. God knows the heart and mind of every human being. He will reward accordingly. The best and only way to keep obedient to our Father is to abstain from all evil if we have that choice. The word tells us if someone won’t listen to His voice while being delivered by His messengers, for the carrier of his message to wipe the dust from their feet as they walk away from their doorsteps. How much plainer can it get?  I interpret this scripture to mean this. If after a carrier of God’s word has spoken several times to those who will not listen, then its time to move on to someone who will. That may seem harsh, but the Word is the Word. We must obey or we will be taken astray also. “God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7. KJV. If one keeps sowing evil, they will keep reaping evil. How many of us has checked the purity of our seeds lately? Do we need to upgrade them? Every once in a while I have to do just that. Seeds do have to be upgraded regularly as far as I am concerned. Like the daffodil’s in my yard this morning looking so beautiful, our own daffodil plants in our hearts, have to be well kept or they will not produce beautiful flowers. I still have faith in those friends and loved ones whom I have been praying for so long to see the light. Little by little they are having their vision restored. I will keep on believing as long as I live. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 20, 2015

"A Little Bird Didn't Tell Me"

Happy Easter. The crocus are looking beautiful. My first blooming flower this year. Tulips are almost blooming. 3-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

What a happy feeling to see the flowers blooming in full force. Spring is here and I can feel it in my bones. Wonderful is the greatness of our God, and always to be appreciated. If our attitude is not right then we can never appreciate God’s beauty and more. Mine must be right because my heart is bursting with joy. Even the rocks in my flower beds looks prettier now. Come on sunshine and light up the beauty all around us. Chuck just came and heated up a corndog. I suddenly got a craving taste for a corn dog with mustard for seasoning. I need a glass of lemon aid to go with it. I may dance a little jig while I wait for them. I will hurry and finish this little message.

I don’t know exactly why I am so inspired today, but I am sure glad I am. I took a friend on a little tour while trying to find a place for her to move. She is a renter and has been given a notice to move. Her house is fixing to be sold. This friend is handicapped in more ways than one, but the worse thing is she has no family living here. Because I believe in miracles, I picked her up and we searched the neighborhood for empty houses. We didn’t have too much luck today, but I am sure something will turn up as a result of our effort. God has a way of changing our minds about a lot of things, and when He does its always for the best. I will not settle for anything less than God’s plan for our lives. I do believe when the time comes for us to rethink our own plans, God will let us know in a positive way. We should not fight with Him any longer, and surrender our all unto Him. I am waiting for a direct call from our Lord to show us where and how to do it. We will be listening for the ring, and promptly answer, since God doesn’t like to leave messages on our answering machine. I am sure I got His call today to go and pick up this friend. I knew not why, but I obeyed the request. We are now involved in a wait and see situation. Praise the Lord! He is so good, even when we don’t deserve His love and mercy. This day could be the beginning of a great change in several people’s lives. All for the betterment, I must say. I want to follow every step the Lord leads me to take. I cannot make anyone else follow in my steps, but God can do to others what He does to me. I feel so compelled to get this message out, because if we fail to do the thing we have been asked to do, it will be my loss and no one else’s. I then will pray for the selected one’s to listen and obey. “Be silent, and listen for that still small voice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

"Strange Sighting"

         Unidentified object in the sky at 6:30 a.m. this morning 3-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This morning was one of those mornings I woke up early. As usual I looked outside to see how dark it was. I noticed something with a reddish cast in the sky to the north of my house. It was just over the housetops, and I thought it might be an earthly object of some kind. At second thought I went for my camera. The object that shows up on the picture did not look that way on the camera screen. It appeared to be more like a huge reddish ball-like thing. I don’t know why the picture of this object looks so strange. We have had rain for the past couple of days, and it’s been very cloudy. No identification of this being anything from the sun. This object was in the north sky. It is just another one of the things that make me interested in looking up. How fun it is to look and wonder. Someday I might catch a big one. How exciting life gets sometimes. I am so glad I am retired and have time to enjoy so many things I didn’t get to before. My prayers are for everyone who cannot share this feeling with me. I do thank God for all He has given to me. As I sit here drinking my coffee and writing this blog, I truly appreciate everyone who has encouraged me to keep writing. I feel so connected with the rest of the world. Thank God for computers. Next to telephones they are priceless. The computer age has just about taken over the telephone and television business, and is working toward the postal service. A matter of privacy is becoming less every day. There is nothing safer than trusting God. The sooner people learn this the better off they are.

The clock never stops in God’s Throne, and time is running out for a lot of us. I want to do all I can before I leave this world to help someone find the true and glorious way of following Jesus. Every link we can add to this chain of redemption puts a smile on Jesus face. No, it’s not all about us, but all about others every since we were redeemed ourselves. If I would let Satan have his way with me I would cry the rest of my life just thinking about mine, and other people’s loses and pain. “I am sorry Satan, but you cannot control my life. He that is in me is greater than he who is without. God hears me when I cry, but He immediately wipes away my tears. You only had me for a moment. God has me for life.” When we pray like this, Satan has to leave quickly. He cannot stand in the presence of the Holy Spirit. He is terribly afraid of God, and runs for safety when we call out to Him. This has been proven to me many times. We are all human, and we are going to suffer some, but our loving Father will quickly comfort us if we only ask in Jesus name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Getting Rid Of Squirrels And Squirrely People"

          My neighbor is getting their pecan tree trimmed today. 3-18-2015. Perryton, Texas

I was surprised to see the neighbors trimming their pecan tree today. There won’t be any pecans this year for sure. I hope the squirrels will have to move on to another location to find something to eat this fall. They have been a terrible pest for us. I wouldn’t doubt that they have buried enough pecans in my flower beds, and garden place to live off of for another year. Many of them are even visible. Every morning the squirrels play on my windowsills. They won’t move even when I hit the window. I never knew this could ever happen to me. I have a son coming to live with me and I think he can get rid of them. I have tried everything, but nothing works.

I enjoyed a good lunch today at the Citizen’s Center. It is so nice to be with friends and share our recent interest. Yesterday I had lunch at the Happy Timer’s meeting. This is a place where the entire community gathers for lunch and entertainment. It attracts several people, and is always interesting. The church I attend provides this special event since we have such a large dinning area. There is no charge, but a donation plate is in place. The ladies preparing these meals are fantastic gourmet cooks, and we love going to a place once a month to be treated like celebrities. Sometimes I think I take all these blessings for granted. I know I live in a wonderful place where the abundance of friends and good food are available to anyone who will participate. I am thankful and express my thanks every night to my Lord before going to bed. I deal with my share of pain like most other retired persons, but I will not let it stop me from being active in my community. The best way to be happy is to help others to be happy. That’s what I live to do, more than anything else.

I must say that God answered another prayer for me today. Even though God had to knock down the United States President, Barrack Obana, He miraculously put Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, back in power. Obana  was supplying everything he possible could to have Netanyahu defeated, but he lost another big game. God always keeps His word. The announcement today of Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory should boost our faith to the highest mountain. I believe that we do have the enemy on the run, and we will be safe at home, and abroad if we will only keep believing in God. I am sorry for all of those who have lost their lives trying to do good, but we know for sure they will be rewarded greatly. I would like to ask one thing of everyone reading this. Don’t be one of the nine lepers who Jesus healed, but didn’t return to give Him thanks. Out of ten healed only one returned to thank Jesus. Jesus asked the one, “where are the other nine? Were they not healed also?” It is so important that we thank God for His blessings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 15, 2015

"A Beautiful Day A Beautiful Miracle"

Fruit trees are blooming vigorously. This is a plum tree, and it bears delicious plums. 3-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Well the season for fruit bearing is here again. I am so ready to start picking a variety of delicious fruits from my trees. I sprayed all of the trees yesterday. I do not want any worms invading my fruit. I will spray several more times before the fruit starts to show. The temperature at 6:00 this evening is 79 degree with almost no wind. A very beautiful day.

I cooked a big dinner today of Bar-B-Q ribs, potato salad, and baked beans. Had home-made light bread and fruit salad to go with it. I spent most of the afternoon painting. It seems like I’m getting no where fast, but I never give up on a portrait. It finally will jump out at me, and that’s when I feel so happy till I can’t wait to start another one. My next project will be a painting of the cabin we used to own in Stonewall, Colorado. Because this scene is so comprehensive I will be using a canvas measuring 48”x 24” My son, Kent, wants this painting because he loved the place so much. He was young when we built it, and he has lots of good memories of the beautiful scenery and the cabin he helped to build. He has just moved into a very large, beautiful home, so I hope I can do a good job of painting this subject. I thank my God every day for giving me something to keep me occupied. He never fails if we don’t fail to appreciate His blessings.

As I challenge new ideas every day I find myself too busy to enjoy the pleasures of life. I believe God wants us to be happy and joyful at all times. Even in times of grief I believe God wants to see a smile on our faces. It is like He is saying, “brush those tears away. I am your joy. Why do you not surrender it all to me?” Can anyone imagine the power and the love of God? No not one. He is the mystery that will always remain just that. All we have to do is trust Him. This past week I asked God for a miracle. I had a burden for a special person in my life. I had forgotten that I asked God for that miracle until I heard the good news. This dear soul has a very bad hearing problem. He is a young man with a family. As a 13 year old boy he had an ear drum removed because of a tumor on it. Over the years he has lost most of the hearing in the other ear. He wears hearing aids, and was able to be accepted for a position with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. He has worked there several years, but his hearing is getting worse. I asked God to work a miracle in this young man’s life and restore his hearing. Can God put new ear drums in deaf ears? I believe in miracles, but somehow I forgot about this request. This guy didn’t know that I had asked God for a miracle. A few days later I read this on face book.

“Well doctor today told me that he was sure that he could restore my hearing with a simple surgery that is 70% successful,  thinks he might could get it pretty close to normal. That is VERY encouraging news and recovery would only be a couple days or so. So just need to figure out when to do the surgery. Oh Lord, I pray that it be done.”

After I read this I was reminded of my request to God, but have to confess I was shocked. What is a wrong with Christians today?  Please pray earnestly with me and others that this surgery will be a success.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Just Remove The Stone"

Life after the stone is rolled back. Tulip leaps forward and is alive again. 3-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

          To the left of the larger tulip are some smaller ones.  3-12-2015 Perryton, Texas

A few days ago I was looking at some tulip plants that were coming through the ground nicely. My flower garden is adorned with a few rocks of different interest. To the right of the barley visible tulips I noticed some yellow sprigs trying to grow beneath a large sandstone rock. I quickly removed the stone, and, oh my! Two or three tulip bulbs had been buried under that stone all winter. They were trying to grow outward, but had no life support, but a little light from the edges of the rock sticking up. The yellow leaves with a touch of green were about six inches long. I was sure that the sudden exposure to the fresh air and sunshine would kill them quickly. I was wrong. This morning, about ten days later, after a week of snow on the ground, I found these vigorously growing tulips standing much taller than the ones that were undisturbed. My first thought was that I needed to look for more potential beauty covered by a rock. This scenario can be used in helping people who are buried under a rock, but are still alive. They are struggling to grow, but can’t get the sufficient light to nourish them. Normally speaking I believe I have removed many stones from people’s lives, but some just seem to large to move. Does this mean we should give up? No, not for sure. Remember it was an angel who removed the stone from Jesus burying place. If we really care enough about precious souls, we will trust the angels to help us remove the stone. It requires a lot of faith, but the beauty that will come alive is worth it all.

We are approaching the Easter season. Let us be reminded of the large stone that was rolled away from Jesus’ grave. Life was restored into the “LILY of The Valley,” Jesus Christ. Also know as The Bright and Morning Star. I have had temptations to retire completely from all work related efforts, and just relax doing nothing for the rest of my life. I do have that choice. but my initiative says keep going. I can’t look behind me and see how far I’ve come, but I can see ahead with certainty that I’ve not reached the finish line yet. I hope to be able to remove many more stones before I give up, but I have to be aware of which stones to remove. I can only know that by looking at the beauty all around me and noticing a few yellow sprigs that need to be helped. My taste for beauty is growing every day. Whether it be in my flower beds, on my computer, or around a table of wonderful friends sharing good food. I love to love everybody, and everything that reflects God. I invite you all to come to my discovery center and help yourself to a good and happy life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"I Heard Your Message God"

                                 Good morning sun. Rise and shine. 3-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This gorgeous sunrise is what I saw this morning from my front porch at 8:00 a.m. 3-11-2015  Perryton, Texas. Like Jeremiah the prophet, God spoke to me through this magnificent sun. I was having a little trouble with myself this morning about keeping my plans for today. I was definitely going to the Senior Citizen’s Center today for lunch. Somehow when I finally got up a few minutes before 8 O’clock, I decided not to go. I wanted to stay home and start painting on a portrait that I have almost finished. I poured myself a cup of coffee that was ready when I got up, and started to the living room to watch television while I drank it. As I sat down on the couch and glanced out the window, I was struck by the beauty of an awe-inspiring sunrise. I grabbed my camera, walked out on the porch and snapped this awesome sight. It was like God was speaking to me through this splendorous, glorious, symbol of creation. I was immediately motivated to hurry along with my original plans for today.

We never know what God’s plans are for us, but I feel like I was suppose to go to the center for lunch today. I will do just that. I may never know if my presence there was used for something by God, but I do know I will follow His instantaneity ultimatum. Other things I want to do can be put on hold. I am aware that my readers are not always impressed with my continuous posting of sunrises, sunsets, moon shines, and stars, but if I have a prompt emotion I cannot ignore the message I get from these signs. Everyone may not know this, but we all are messengers of God. If we chose not to deliver His message we must suffer the consequences. His message to all is, “go and tell the world that Jesus saves.” There are other times when God speaks to his messengers to do different things. Only those who are close to Him can hear His message. I would not say that I am always close to God, but I try not to stray very far. I never want to get lost to the point that I cannot find Him when I realize I have strayed. Its better to hold onto His hand than to get lost amongst all the confusion in the world. Its not like we can back up in a corner and wait for Him to find us. We have to find Him. He knows we’re lost, but He warned us not to seek other God’s or idols. That’s what happens when we feel big enough to take care of ourselves. I believe we need to hear from God every day. The word tells us if we will call Him, He will answer. Have you heard God’s voice today? If not I would call Him now. Listen for His voice and you will hear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Let Us Light Up The World"

3-10-2015,  8:00 a.m. Perryton, Texas. Moon still shinning in a clear blue western sky. No it isn't the sun, its the moon. Just a bit amazed.

This morning at 8:00 in Perryton, Texas the sun is shinning bright in the eastern sky while the moon shines bright in the western sky. My guess is if one fails the other will still shine. Of course that’s mentally speaking. As long as there is a world the light will shine on us.

Some people are walking around in spiritual darkness. They fumble their way through each day and night not knowing where they are going. Many are running into a suicide deathtrap because they cannot see it. Just as God gave the Israelites light to travel by night after He brought them out of Egypt, so will He also give his people today light to travel by. The problem is so many people want to light up their own lives, but they never seem to shine. The sun and moon are removed from their path because they want it that way. Those who have found the true light are struggling with issues they accumulated while walking in darkness. This includes all born-again Christians. While the light shines on Christians today, they have a mind that wants to keep looking back to the dark side of their life. Those are the times when the power of God will sustain us if we call upon Him.

How often we all are tempted to withdraw from the responsibility we have in praying for others. Even the highest leaders of our nation. Prayer is what has held this country together, and prayer will continue to hold it together. Every individual is included in this spiritual war. If any would renege then dishonor will be placed on them by the Great Commander-in-Chief. God, Himself. A soldier is forever, but an honorable soldier is priceless. The scripture tells us not to hide our lights under a bushel, but to let them shine always. Matthew 5:15. Someone we know needs some light to shine on them to get them out of darkness. Are we willing to lend them some of the light we have been given? I am often criticized for insulting someone whom I was trying to share some light with. That’s ok. God knows my heart, and I know my responsibility to Him. I will do what He wants me to do, and I will go where He wants me to go.

I am a true believer that time is an essence to complete the job we have been commissioned to do. Today is the day to begin reaching out farther to look for someone who is still groping around in darkness. We can offer some light, but we cannot force anyone to use it, however, we don’t always see the real impression we made while trying to share. By faith we have done our job, and the rest is up to the lost child. Try, try, like never before to touch someone in deep trouble with God. Your life will be rewarded for every sincere effort you make. Let us light up the world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Ireland's Most Hallowed Saint"

The theme for the Citizen's Center this month is St. Patrick's Day. The dinning hall was impressive. 3-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I enjoyed a good lunch of Mexican pile-on at the Center today. The dinning room was decorated with all kinds of green objects, that spoke to your heart. Saint Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration to commemorate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Somehow the color green was the official dominating color to characterize Saint Patrick. There are many festivities held around the world each year to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day. As a young girl in school I always wore something green to school to keep from being pinched by someone who didn’t like me. Those pinches were always the hardest. That tradition still holds true today. I definitely will be wearing something green to the Citizen’s Center lunch next Friday. We, the “young at heart,” members of the Center must keep on laughing. Fun times are always awaiting us there.

On a more serious note I have had several “good news “ reports I could make, but feel as though I should keep them mostly between myself and God. Jesus told the people He healed to go and tell no one. He had to have a good reason for that and I will honor that request. There are other miracles that Jesus did, and requested that it be made public. I believe our own instinct will guide us in times like these, but mostly we need to depend upon prayer. One reason I believe Jesus told his healed people to tell no one is because He knew their faith would weaken when others began to say to them, “prove it.”  Maybe not in that plain of words, but the meaning was just that. In cases like this, doubt and excuses will start to flood the mind. If the miracle was not shared with the general public, then those doubters would not be antagonizing you. I also believe in due time one can shout to the hill tops about their miraculous healings, salvation, or any other prayer God has answered for them. It usually requires a period of time for one to acquire a positive attitude. Our faith grows with our continued praise unto God. I am one to watch and wait for vibes from those whom I am especially praying for. Silent vibes are usually good vibes. There are reasons for one to feel silent vibes. Conviction is hard for anyone to admit, but they do send out silent vibes. These are the times when we go to our Lord in thanksgiving for we know He is working on our behalf. We should never try to force anyone to confess before man. That is not acceptable in any circumstance. Only God demands confession, although I know I have many disagreeable readers. I am speaking in spiritual terms not legal ones. If we confess our sins privately before God, He will hear and forgive us for all. God is loving, but He is also judgmental and will punish us for acting sinful again. Every humankind is sinful, therefore we must confess and ask for forgiveness daily. This is a pattern we all need to follow daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 8, 2015

"I Caught A Glimpse Of A Huge Orange Ball"

Looking out my kitchen window this evening I saw this large orange ball between two houses behind my alley. Some tree limbs causes the perfectly round ball to look imperfect, but it really was just like a huge basketball. So breathtaking. The white ball is a reflection from something. I didn't see it before I took the picture. 3-8-2015. Perryton, Texas.

At the end of the day I got a quick glimpse of a bright orange sun as it was sinking fast. I wasn’t able to get it in my view window without tree limbs obstructing it, but it was a beautiful sight.

Today is Sunday and I wasn’t planning on writing a blog, but that changed after I saw this lovely orange ball in the western edge of the earth. After hearing a wonderful sermon this morning, and after meeting in the church dinning room for a lovely meal, this beautiful sunset made my day complete. I look forward now on going to the Center tomorrow and having another good lunch and great fellowship with my friends. Since the snow finally melted off and we have had several nice days, I’ve been going full speed. That’s after I spent nine days without going out of the house. Our ground is full of moisture, and green stuff is sprouting up everywhere. I have been revived.

I am very anxious to finish a portrait I am working on, because I am pleased with the way it’s turning out. I will be sharing it on my blog as soon as I’m finished. I’m really fired up again with my painting. I’m working fast to have an exhibit ready for showing by mid-summer. I have many ideas if I can just apply them to reality. One of my sons is retiring and will be coming to live with me soon. He will be a lot of help to me which makes things more exciting. I will have a chauffeur, a yard keeper, a repairman, a chat companion, and a computer tech. I’m sure we both will have to do a little adjusting, but am not the least bit worried. I’m just thankful that my son wants to share the rest of his life with me. He is coming back to the house he left when he went away to college. He still has lots of good memories, and even still has his ham radio tower standing. He is moving back into the room he occupied while growing up.

I realize that each day is a challenge for all of us, but we must keep our faith high and never doubt God’s word. That’s all we need to be more than conquers over all obstacles that get in our way. Just one good sermon each Sunday will keep us up-beat, and jovial the entire week. We all need that just like we need our three meals a day at home. Never be satisfied to miss church and stay home for no good reason. Let us always remember to pray for the leaders of our nation, especially that God will make them wise on all things which they have to do. In other words let us pray for Godly leaders. I believe this is very important. Our leaders are just as strong as we make them. They have to have us just like we have to have them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 5, 2015

"One Decision Away From The Terrorist Touching The Button"

A masterpiece speech given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the House of Congress this week, Tuesday March, 3-2015.

For all who heard the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, deliver his speech before the House of Congress last Tuesday, March 3, 2015, you surly will agree that it was an alarming and warning message to all Americans as well as all other nations. As most of you know our president, Barack Obama, is negotiating a deal with Iran at this time that will allow them to have nuclear weapons. Iran is a terrorist country and has vowed to annihilate Israel. For those whom have read the bible even a little know that Israel will  be the last country to exist. God’s word teaches us that the world will be destroyed by fire. It is an known fact that a touch of one little button could destroy the entire world, that would be caused by fire. It is a religious belief by many of the Muslins that the more “infidels,” non-Muslins, they kill, even by suicide, the greater their reward will be in heaven. This belief is so certain to them that they are now teaching children as young as four years old to be suicide bombers. Human ammunition is the chief weapon in their army. In my opinion if they can destroy the entire world by destroying their own lives, they believe they have won “The Battle of Armageddon.” the earthly battle against all governments.

Israel’s Prime Minister is a great believer in the power of God. In his speech he said, “If it gets to the place where Israel  has to stand alone, then Israel WILL STAND ALONE. That is what our bible teaches us. I believe it 100 percent.  Israel will not be defeated, no matter what they have to do. But my fear is that America’s President is not for saving Israel, but handing over more power to the Muslins. America will go down with all the other nations against Israel. America is getting ready for one of the hardest test they have ever had. Will they stand for God, or will they stand for evil? We all have just recently witnessed the beheading of several Christians on television. Don’t be fooled into thinking we won’t be tested also, unless we are called away by our Heavenly Father before the test. I challenge every Christian in the world to mention Israel’s Prime Minister’s name, Benjamin Netanyahu, before God every night before they go to bed. We all just heard the speech of all speeches made this week. How could anyone refuse to honor this great man of God? I am with him because he and his country are the anointed of God. Not because he said so, but because the word of God says so.

Don’t forget, we cannot let the terrorist have access to the bomb that will destroy the entire world with just one little touch of the deadly button. Let us stop this president and his cronies some way. Prayer is the greatest weapon. Anyone can do that. Don’t put it off. Let us form a chain all around the world to protect our people.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp