Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Getting Rid Of Squirrels And Squirrely People"

          My neighbor is getting their pecan tree trimmed today. 3-18-2015. Perryton, Texas

I was surprised to see the neighbors trimming their pecan tree today. There won’t be any pecans this year for sure. I hope the squirrels will have to move on to another location to find something to eat this fall. They have been a terrible pest for us. I wouldn’t doubt that they have buried enough pecans in my flower beds, and garden place to live off of for another year. Many of them are even visible. Every morning the squirrels play on my windowsills. They won’t move even when I hit the window. I never knew this could ever happen to me. I have a son coming to live with me and I think he can get rid of them. I have tried everything, but nothing works.

I enjoyed a good lunch today at the Citizen’s Center. It is so nice to be with friends and share our recent interest. Yesterday I had lunch at the Happy Timer’s meeting. This is a place where the entire community gathers for lunch and entertainment. It attracts several people, and is always interesting. The church I attend provides this special event since we have such a large dinning area. There is no charge, but a donation plate is in place. The ladies preparing these meals are fantastic gourmet cooks, and we love going to a place once a month to be treated like celebrities. Sometimes I think I take all these blessings for granted. I know I live in a wonderful place where the abundance of friends and good food are available to anyone who will participate. I am thankful and express my thanks every night to my Lord before going to bed. I deal with my share of pain like most other retired persons, but I will not let it stop me from being active in my community. The best way to be happy is to help others to be happy. That’s what I live to do, more than anything else.

I must say that God answered another prayer for me today. Even though God had to knock down the United States President, Barrack Obana, He miraculously put Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, back in power. Obana  was supplying everything he possible could to have Netanyahu defeated, but he lost another big game. God always keeps His word. The announcement today of Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory should boost our faith to the highest mountain. I believe that we do have the enemy on the run, and we will be safe at home, and abroad if we will only keep believing in God. I am sorry for all of those who have lost their lives trying to do good, but we know for sure they will be rewarded greatly. I would like to ask one thing of everyone reading this. Don’t be one of the nine lepers who Jesus healed, but didn’t return to give Him thanks. Out of ten healed only one returned to thank Jesus. Jesus asked the one, “where are the other nine? Were they not healed also?” It is so important that we thank God for His blessings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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